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  • Money Causes A Riot Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Oct 18, 2024

    People will be offended by the Gospel because it calls them to change, but, like Paul, we need to be agents of change.

    Money Causes a Riot 1 Text: Acts 19:23-27 Introduction 1. Illustration: It might be just as offensive to be around a man who never changed his mind as one who never changed his clothes. 2. Our society is obsessed with being offended. They will go out of their way to not offend someone. So much so, more

  • Money Causes A Riot Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Oct 18, 2024

    No matter what you are going through, or who is against you, God is your great deliverer!

    Money Causes a Riot 2 Text: Acts 19:28-41 Introduction 1. Have you ever seen a mob on TV or movies? They are dangerous and can become murderous in an instant. a. People in mobs are like cattle before a stampede. Ever see that? In the movie Red River, John Wayne and his men are moving cattle along more

  • We Need To Serve God Not Money Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on Oct 16, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Today we look at the fourth area that God has to win. God raises the bar on this area because instead of having to win; it is a must win

    Introduction Today, we come to our fourth “God has to Win” sermon. We have seen over the past several weeks that God has to win the battle of our choices; then secondly, God has to win control over those areas of our life that we have trouble giving over to Him; and last week, we saw that as we more

  • What God Thinks About Money Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 12, 2021

    If you go to God and say, “I deserve acceptance,” you will be rejected, because that shows you do not know what’s in your own heart. But if you go to God and say, “I deserve rejection; please forgive me,” you will get acceptance. That’s the gospel.

    Just in time for Thanksgiving meal, Jesus tells us who to invite. Today, we encounter a dramatic story where Jesus has been invited into the home of a very prominent man. We discover at the very beginning of this chapter that Jesus was invited to a big supper with lots of guests at a prominent more

  • Money Is A Terrible Master, But A Great Servant Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Money can either serve us or control us. We should strive to achieve financial freedom and use money to make a lasting impact.

    Ever heard of Centralia, Pennsylvania? Back in 1962, a coal mine fire started there and it's still burning today, right under the ground. Crazy, right? Money is kinda like that fire. It can be used for good stuff or it can cause a lot of damage. When money takes over our hearts, it can burn us up more

  • Using Money To Direct Our Hearts Series

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Jul 25, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus tells us not to store up treasure on earth but to store up treasure in heaven. Doing that is certainly a much better investment! But an even bigger reason to do that is that where we put out treasure directs our hearts.

    We’re continuing in our series in the Sermon on the Mount and today we’re having the last talk in the series for the time being. Today, I’m going to focus on the first three verses of today’s passage, verses 19-21, and one phrase in particular. In v.19, Jesus says, ‘DON’T store up treasure on more

  • Money Is A Terrible Master, But A Great Servant Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the concept of money as a tool to serve God's purposes, rather than a master to be served, drawing on biblical scripture and a real-life example of a coal mine fire in Centralia, Pennsylvania.

    In May 1962, a coal mine fire started in a small town called Centralia, Pennsylvania. It spread to mine tunnels, and because of the high carbon monoxide levels, all the local mines closed. Numerous attempts were made to put the fire out, but the narrow tunnels in multiple directions made it more

  • Money & Prayer (Luke 19)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jan 27, 2025

    What do money and prayer have to do with God's kingdom? Let's review Luke 19.

    What can a tax collector, ten coins and a parade teach us? Is our church a house of prayer? Let’s review Luke 19. Collectors of Rome’s taxes were deemed Jewish traitors. They became rich. Why did Jesus visit such a scoundrel? He entered Jericho and was passing through. There was a man named more

  • Practices The Necessary Choices - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Jun 18, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    Final Message in our Money Matters Series - in this message we talk about the practice of giving.

    Practices, The Necessary Actions Giving, Do I Have To? #MoneyMatters5 When they grew up, Abel became a shepherd, while Cain cultivated the ground.3 When it was time for the harvest, Cain presented some of his crops as a gift to the LORD. Abel also brought a gift—the best portions of the firstborn more

  • Paul's Preaching On The Power Of The Purse Series

    Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on Sep 14, 2013

    This is the first of two messages from 1 Tim. 6 on Money and our walk with Christ. It deals with: I. Godless teachings on money. II Regardless of the amount of money we have we are to live in Godliness with contentment. III. Greed can become god.

    PAUL’S PREACHING ON THE POWER OF THE PURSE (Part One) 1 Timothy 6:3-10 INTRODUCTION: 1.) Over the past several weeks, we have seen many powerful teachings on many subjects in this letter of 1 Timothy. 2.) Today, and next week I want us to see some more very valuable teachings in regards to more

  • How To Stop Your Walk With God In Two Easy Steps

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Sep 27, 2004
    based on 21 ratings

    We can avoid our own Ichabod moments by knowing what to look for.

    How To Stop Your Walk With God In Two Easy Steps 1 Samuel 4. 21-22 September 26, 2004 Chester FBC, Chester, Illinois Mike Fogerson, Speaker 1 Introduction A When Ridge was born I remember looking at all the different names of babies on the walls. a Cletus, Octavious, Xavior, Mercedes, . more

  • Dough And Bucks

    Contributed by Terry Melton on Aug 4, 2019

    Looking at “dough” and “bucks.” I am not referring to the kind of “deer” that God created, but rather the "dough" and "bucks" that man created, and hold too "dear" to our hearts, for the love of money is the root to all kinds of evil.

    When my daughter was little, we were driving along a country road, and she spotted a deer. She asked, “Does the deer have any doe?” I said, “Ya. Two bucks.” Today, we will have a look at “dough” and “bucks.” I am not referring to the kind of “deer” that God created, but rather when we hold the more

  • "Is Christianity Hard To Swallow?"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jul 31, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    Will we take the easy way or the hard way?

    John 6:35-37, 53-71 “Is Christianity Hard to Swallow?” By: Rev. Ken Sauer, Pastor East Ridge UMC, Chattanooga, TN In our Scripture lesson for this morning we see the first instance—as it pertains to Jesus Christ and the Christian faith—of the revolving door!!! By this time lots of people were more

  • The Big Bounce - Pt. 1 - Unequal Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Feb 16, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    We prefer the easy road. We try to avoid any obstacles. We must learn to handle “The Big Bounce!”

    “The Big Bounce” Pt. 1 - Unequal Text: 1 Samuel 4:11 The ark of God was captured; and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, died. 1 Chronicles 13:1-14 David consulted with all of his leaders, the commanders of thousands and of hundreds. Then David addressed the entire assembly of more

  • Conversion – What It Is And What It Looks Like

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Oct 10, 2017

    Are people who profess to having “prayed to receive Christ,” or who claim to be born again, but whose lives are no different than they were before, truly converted? What Christ said in Matthew 7:21 holds the answer. First John tells us what conversion is.

    Conversion – What It is and What It Looks Like Are people who profess to having “prayed to receive Christ,” or who claim to be born again, but whose lives are no different than they were before, truly converted? I believe that when we look at what Christ had to say in Matthew 7:21we find the more

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