Sermon Series
  • 1. The Sermon On The Mount / The First Three Beatitudes

    Contributed on Mar 3, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    In the Beatitudes, Jesus states eight or nine things which result in us being 'blessed' - meaning, happy or fortunate. They are right at the heart of being right with God and they are very different to the things which most people think will make them happy or fortunate.

    INTRODUCTION Last week we finished our series of six talks on the theme ‘Great Messages of Encouragement’. We’re now starting a new series of talks on the Sermon on the Mount. I don’t know how many talks we’ll have on it, but it will be more than six! What is ‘the Sermon on the Mount’? Well, more

  • 2. The Sermon On The Mount / The Second Three Beatitudes

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    In the fourth, fifth and sixth Beatitudes, Jesus continues to describe the child of God. He or she hungers and thirsts for righteousness, shows mercy and offers God a pure heart. We consider what Jesus is asking for.

    INTRODUCTION Last week we started a new series on the Sermon on the Mount. The Sermon on the Mount starts with nine statements that Jesus made which begin, ‘Blessed are.’ ‘Blessed’ means ‘happy’ or ‘fortunate’. We often call these statements ‘the Beatitudes.’ If we asked people in the world more

  • 3. The Sermon On The Mount / The Seventh Beatitude

    Contributed on Mar 12, 2022

    'Blessed are the peacemakers.' We all too easily think in terms of fight or not fight. But Jesus gives us a clear goal when we are in or see situations of conflict.

    Note: this was a talk for a family service which children come to. So we’re only covering one Beatitude and it’s fairly simple. Over the past two weeks we’ve started to look at the Sermon on the Mount. This is a sermon preached on … you guessed it! … a mountainside. It’s the longest of Jesus’ more

  • 4. The Eighth And Ninth Beatitudes

    Contributed on Mar 26, 2022

    Like it or not, being persecuted is in Jesus' list of the characteristics of the Christian. If we follow Jesus, it's inevitable that we'll be persecuted. But the persecution proves the genuiness of our faith. And it leads to great reward.

    Jesus starts the Sermon on the Mount with nine Beatitudes – sayings that start ‘Blessed are’. Jesus wants us to be blessed – meaning, happy or fortunate. In the Beatitudes, Jesus presents us with the key characteristics of the Christian. Some people have said they’re the blueprint of the more

  • 5. You Are The Salt Of The Earth

    Contributed on May 23, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus calls us to be the salt - the preservative - of the earth. He warns us against losing our sense of mission. Or, considering the Greek, perhaps he is warning us against being pushed off course. But either way, his message is: stick with it.

    Today, after a bit of a break, we’re returning to Jesus’ longest recorded sermon, the Sermon on the Mount. Can you remember how Jesus starts his sermon? What was his first WORD? Jesus’ first word is ‘blessed’. ‘Blessed’ means happy or fortunate. Jesus wants us to be blessed. He is going to more

  • 6. Do Not Resist

    Contributed on Jun 25, 2022

    Many Christians believe that in Matthew 5:39 Jesus is calling us to pacifism. If that was the case, he would be negating the Old Testament! Jesus does call us to nonresistance, but in certain situations only - as his examples show. He isn't pacifist and he doesn't call us to to pacifism.

    INTRODUCTION I trained to become a Baptist minister at Bristol Baptist College. While I was there, a Canadian couple called Tom and Rebecca Yoder Neufeld gave a talk. The Yoder Neufelds are Mennonites. Mennonites trace their origins to the Anabaptists, and the Yoder Neufelds were at Bristol more

  • 7. "Be Perfect”

    Contributed on Jul 9, 2022

    Jesus said, 'You therefore must be perfect'. What an unreasonable demand! And yet, there are so many reasons to strive for it.

    INTRODUCTION We’re continuing in our series in the Sermon on the Mount. In our passage for today, Jesus starts by saying, ‘Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.’ What do you think of that!? Back in March I told you about an interview I heard on Radio 4. The reporter was more

  • 8. Using Money To Direct Our Hearts

    Contributed on Jul 25, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus tells us not to store up treasure on earth but to store up treasure in heaven. Doing that is certainly a much better investment! But an even bigger reason to do that is that where we put out treasure directs our hearts.

    We’re continuing in our series in the Sermon on the Mount and today we’re having the last talk in the series for the time being. Today, I’m going to focus on the first three verses of today’s passage, verses 19-21, and one phrase in particular. In v.19, Jesus says, ‘DON’T store up treasure on more