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Sermons on domain of darkness:

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  • Jesus Is Just Another Man Series

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Feb 24, 2015

    Some say 'Jesus is just another man.' How would you respond?

    “Cross Currents: Jesus Is Just Another Man” Col. 1:1-14 Have you ever heard someone say, “Jesus is just another man - a great one, perhaps, but just another man.” Professor Virginia Ramey Mollenkott is a leading teacher of this view – she states “Jesus is simply more

  • Eminent Domain

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Oct 11, 2018

    A study in the book of 1 Kings 21: 1 – 29

    1 Kings 21: 1 – 29 Eminent Domain 21 And it came to pass after these things that Naboth the Jezreelite had a vineyard which was in Jezreel, next to the palace of Ahab king of Samaria. 2 So Ahab spoke to Naboth, saying, “Give me your vineyard, that I may have it for a vegetable garden, because it more

  • Spiritual Warfare

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jun 5, 2019

    Don’t expect cake-walk while you venture into the domain of darkness to serve the Lord, GET EQUIPPED TO FIGHT THE ENEMY WITH DIVINE WEAPONS. Anybody listening?

    SPIRITUAL WARFARE Deuteronomy 28:7"The LORD shall cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; they will come out against you one way and will flee before you seven ways.” This is against spiritual wickedness…. Very smartly dressed with my elegant file in hand, when more

  • Rescued From Darkness Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on May 24, 2019

    In Colossians 1:12–14. Paul sums up the doctrine of salvation in three great truths. He explains: 1) Inheritance (Colossians 1:12), 2) Deliverance (Colossians 1:13a), and 3) Transference (Colossians 1:13b-14) that are given to those Rescued from Darkness.

    Colossians 1:12–14 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. 13 He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. (ESV) Years more

  • The Kingdom Jesus Built Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Aug 2, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    Jesus was born to be a King... but what was the Kingdom He came to build?

    A man told about growing up on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. He often spent hours on the beach creating intricate sand castles and he said he could build whole cities with his hands every day. But one year (for several days in a row) there was a group of bullies that came down to beach and more

  • Rescued From Darkness Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jun 22, 2014

    Paul sums up the doctrine of salvation in three great truths: 1) Inheritance (Colossians 1:12), 2) Deliverance (Colossians 1:13a), and 3) Transference (Colossians 1:13b-14).

    Of all the recent stories of people held captive, the one of U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, has been the most controversial. He told military doctors that his Taliban captors tortured him and kept him locked in a metal cage in total darkness for weeks at a time after he tried to escape. Bergdahl, now 28, more

  • The Four Horsemen Of Know Domain Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jun 16, 2014

    A study of the 6th chapter of Revelation verses 1 - 8

    Revelation 6: 1 – 8 The Four Horsemen of Know Domain 1 Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.” 2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a more

  • Darkness Before Dawn Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Sep 6, 2012

    Nature gives us insights into who God is and what he does as well as how we are to live before him. In this lesson we recognize that the darkness of night, ths shining of the stars, and the dawn of the sun parallel the darkness of evil that encompasses th

    1. Aggie and Sun Story The rivalry between UT and Texas A&M is well known. While living in Texas, a UT fan told me an “Aggie” joke. “Did you hear about the Aggie” who stayed up all night wondering what happened to the sun? Then it dawned on him!” 2. Psalm 8.2-4 3 When I look at your heavens, the more

  • Jesus Is King Of A Different Kingdom

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Nov 21, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    In the midst of politics and impeachment we take comfort in Christ as our King.

    11.20.19 Colossians 1:13-20 13 The Father rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. 15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation, 16 for in him all things more

  • Light And Darkness

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Mar 25, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    As followers of Christ, we must love like Christ, so we light up the world.

    Light and Darkness Ephesians 5:1-14 Rev. Brian Bill March 23-24, 2024 According to a new book by Sarah McCammon called The Exvangelicals, younger generations of evangelicals are drifting away from the church and pushing it into a major identity crisis. She herself has turned her back on the more

  • When Light Is Conquered By Darkness - Part 2 Of 4 Series

    Contributed by Joel Santos on Oct 12, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    In the Book of Judges, there were two most prominent Judges, namely Gideon and Samson, 3 chapters were devoted to Gideon but 4 chapters to Samson. Samson was a very INTRIGUING CHARACTER to study, he was physically strong but he was morally weak.

    Now brethren, let’s continue our theme last meeting: "When Light is Conquerred by Darkness." Today, we will tackle our next topic: The reasons why light is overtaken by darkness. II. THE REASONS WHY LIGHT IS OVERTAKEN BY DARKNESS A. WE ARE MISFOCUSED (Judges 14:1-7; 16:1-4 “Then Samson went more

  • Walking In The Light Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Mar 12, 2020

    In order to "Walk in the Light”, there must first be: 1) Finding the Light (1 John 1:5), then 2) Following the Light (1 John 1:6), in order to enjoy: 3) Fellowship in the Light (1 John 1:7).

    As the World Health Organization has declared the COVID-19, or Coronavirus as global pandemic this week, those studying viruses, virologists, have speculated as to the local and global infection rate. As they have warned of the nature of the contagion, they have prescribed steps in order to reduce more

  • Imprisoned Angels Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Sep 4, 2023

    The angels were created by God as holy, honourable, and higher rank than human beings. They were created in perfect happiness and righteousness. The doubts and unbelief lead to a fall from the grace of God and eventually result in the destruction of the soul.

    Jude 1:6 - Imprisoned Angels Jude 1:6 “And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day.” Domain of Angles: The angels were created by God as holy, honourable, and higher rank more

  • In The Dark

    Contributed by Rick Pendleton on Oct 17, 2011

    The old joke is Where were you when the lights went out?" This sermon uses the lights going out when Jesus was on the cross and leads the listener to examine... Where are you... in your relationship with Jesus?

    In the Dark! Mark 15:12-37 It was a hot night in the middle of summer in 1977. The Big Apple was abuzz with excitement and life of a mega city. Bars were filled; movies and theaters were in the middle of the story. Life went on like usual. But then it happened... or should I say, then it more

  • Into The Darkness Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Oct 18, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    This message focuses on how walking in faith during difficult times is the same as walking in the darkness without knowing what is around you.

    Into The Darkness Scriptures: Hebrews 11:1; John 20:24-29 Introduction This morning I want to briefly talk with you about walking in faith. Do you know that in order to walk in faith you must become comfortable with being in the dark? I am not necessarily talking about the physical darkness, more