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  • Evangelization And Grace Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on May 23, 2015

    The purpose of prayer is NOT to let God know something He does not know. It is to open us to His free gift.

    Thursday of Pentecost Week 2015 Joy of the Gospel In my opinion, one of the mistakes made in the seventies was the elimination of the Octave of Pentecost, and the changing of the season “after Pentecost” to what is now called “Ordinary Time.” That’s a perfectly awful more

  • Knowledge Is Power

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Nov 15, 2020

    scientia potentia est is a Latin saying meaning knowledge is power. While this can be true in an academic sense, the idea that knowledge is power is also true in a spiritual sense. Let's get into 2nd Peter and see what having spiritual knowledge enables us to do.

    KNOWLEDGE IS POWER 2nd Peter 1:1-3 When I was preparing the Sunday School lesson for last week, I had 2 Peter 1:3-4 as part of an answer to one of the questions. But as I looked over the whole passage I saw there was a lot there to tap into so I decided to develop it into a sermon series. more

  • Fearfully And Wonderfully Made Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    God knows and loves us completely, but we often forget this truth amidst the busyness of life. We need to reconnect with our Heavenly Father and rediscover His life-giving words over us.

    Do you ever feel like you're just a face in the crowd? Like you could disappear and no one would notice? I get it. But here's the thing - you're not invisible to God. He knows you better than anyone else, and He thinks you're pretty amazing. Let's start with a little experiment. I have here a $20 more

  • See For Yourself PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores Jesus's divine knowledge, His call for us to follow Him, and His promise of greater revelations of His divine nature.

    Good morning, dear church family. It's a beautiful day to gather in God's presence and I am thrilled to be here with all of you. We're going to spend some time today contemplating a powerful passage from the Gospel of John. It's a passage that has the potential to reshape our understanding of who more

  • Stairway To Divine Fulness Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Feb 14, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    17th in the series dealing with Paul's prayer for the Ephesians to be fill with the very fulness of God. I follow the obvious sequence of events revealed in the passage by the "so thats" leading up to that fulness.

    Ephesians Series #17 “Stairway to God’s Fullness” Part 1 Ephesians 3:14-19 I. Our Wealth and Worth In Christ 1-4 A. Paul blessed God for blessing us with every spiritual blessing 1:3-14 B. Paul prayed for their enlightenment 1:15-23 C. Paul detailed our resurrected life in Christ 2:1-10 D. Paul more

  • Wise Men Still Seek Him

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Dec 13, 2016

    1. The Wisemen had divine knowledge; 2.Seeking takes sacrifice; 3. Seeking Takes Faith; 4. The Result will be worth it

    “Wise Men Still Seek Him” December 18, 2016 Matthew 2:1-12 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship more

  • Knowledge

    Contributed by David Leach on May 20, 2015

    There are two kinds of knowledge

    There are two kinds of knowledge There is sense knowledge This is knowledge we acquire through our five physical senses – sight, sound, smell, taste and touch – to which we then apply the reasoning ability of our brains. The world relentlessly pursues this kind of knowledge believing more

  • That Sinking Feeling

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Mar 27, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Followers of Jesus can have hope though His divine 1) Authority (Matthew 14:22–23), 2) Knowledge (Matthew 14:24–25), 3) Protection (Matthew 14:26–27), 4) Love (Matthew 14:28-31), and divine 5) Power (Matthew 14:32-33).

    Matthew 14:22-33 [22] Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. [23] And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, [24] but the boat by this more

  • Knowledge

    Contributed by Lou Nicholes on Jan 18, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    The true condition of the Corinthian believers was that they were still engrossed with human, earthly wisdom. We can spend a lifetime accumulating human knowledge and still not learn how to have a personal relationship with God.

    THOUGHTS ABOUT THE PASSAGE: Knowledge is exploding at such a rate—more than 2000 pages a minute—that even Einstein couldn’t keep up. In fact, if you read 24 hours a day, from age 21 to 70, and retained all you read, you would be one and a half million years behind when you finished. How can it be, more

  • The Manifestation Gifts - Word Of Knowledge

    Contributed by Jeff Van Wyk on Mar 22, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Spiritual gifts are manifestations of the Holy Spirit. These gifts belong to the church and are supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit and are manifest through Spirit-filled believers. These manifestations are visible expressions of the Holy Sp

    The Manifestation Gifts - Word of Knowledge 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 - But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same more

  • In The Knowledge Of God

    Contributed by Mark Baker on Sep 19, 2005
    based on 25 ratings

    Grace is given to us to fulfill Gods will when we receive revelation knowledge of Him.

    2 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, 3. as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, 4. by which have been given to us exceedingly more

  • "Knowledge Of God" Series

    Contributed by Lonnie Erwin on May 30, 2015

    The Book of 2 Peter opens up with a statement to indentify to the reader who is the author of the book. Peter uses the term "bond servant" thus implying that he, Peter is a slave to no man but by his own choice he has chosen to serve and summit to Jesus.

    "Knowledge of God" Introduction : The Book of 2 Peter opens up with a statement to indentify to the reader who is the author of the book. Peter uses the term "bond-servant" thus implying that he, Peter is a slave to no man but by his own choice he has chosen to serve and summit to Jesus Christ. more

  • Supply Knowledge Series

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Sep 7, 2010

    Hebrews 10:36 teaches that obedience is a key to obtaining God’s promise: “You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.”

    Supply Knowledge Be Certain of God’s Promises, Part 4 080909 PM Text--2 Peter 1:1-11 Introduction This lesson continues a series focused on the promises of God and our part in receiving what has been promised. Definition: A promise is a transaction between two or more persons whereby the more

  • Prayer For Knowledge Series

    Contributed by Richard Vartenisian on Mar 5, 2015

    What Paul found important to pray about

    Prayer for Knowledge Ephesians 1: 15 – 23 The Christians that first received this letter had a great reputation. Eph 1:15, 16 For this reason I too, having heard of the faith in the Lord Jesus which exists among you and your love for all the saints, 16 do not cease giving thanks more

  • Knowledge Of His Will

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jun 21, 2013

    To prove that we can be filled daily with the knowledge of His will.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you filled with knowledge of His will? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To prove that we can be filled daily with the knowledge of His will. IV. TEXT: Colossians 1:9 (Amplified Bible) For this reason we also, from the day we heard of it, have not ceased to more

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