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  • The Flame Went Out

    Contributed by John Daniel Johnson on Feb 6, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    In this sermon, the LORD tells us what the flame is, why it goes out, and how to re-ignite it again.

    The Flame Went Out Scripture Reference: Exodus 27:20-21 & 1 Samuel 3:1-4 Preached at Mount Zion Baptist Church on February 6, 2022 Delivered by John Daniel Johnson “And you shall command the children of Israel that they bring you pure oil of pressed olives for the light, to cause the lamp to more

  • Everywhere That Jesus Went

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Nov 6, 2002
    based on 36 ratings

    A Sermon to encourage believers to deeper daily discipleship committments.

    Everywhere That Jesus Went Mt. 9 One of the benchmarks of a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ is whether or not he or she takes on His character. The Son of God was perfect in every way, and in this chapter I want us to consider the manner in which he conducted Himself as He performed His more

  • Gone Fishing

    Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on Apr 30, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Following the resurrectio, Peter and some of the other disciples went out for an unsuccessful night of fishing. The next morning, they had a miraculous encounter with Jesus, and after breakfast, Peter was three times restored by Jesus

    GONE FISHING John 21:1-14 INTRODUCTION: 1.) This morning, I want us to examine another of the post- resurrection appearances of Jesus to the Apostles. A.) This account would have been quite soon after the resurrection, and is listed as the third time Jesus more

  • A Sower Went Out To Sow

    Contributed by John Campbell on Apr 2, 2001
    based on 81 ratings

    A comparison of two farmers - why one is sad, and one is carefree.

    A Sower Went Out To Sow His Seed I would like to compare two farmers, or sowers of seed, this morning. They are very different in their outlook. First let’s look at the one in our gospel lesson, Luke 8:4-15. This man goes out to sow his seed, but he is not a very careful sower, is he? Some of more

  • Before The Lights Went Out

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on May 30, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    God acts in mercy once more before His people end up in the dark. A Sermon for the Second Sunday after Epiphany, Year B

    Before the Lights Went Out 1 Samuel 3:1-20 Verse 3 says that this event happened before the light went out in the Tabernacle. This is more than just the physical light. The lamp in the Tabernacle was never supposed to go out because it represented the continuous presence of God with the people of more

  • They Went Up

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Aug 17, 2002
    based on 69 ratings

    Not everybody that comes in goes up, Find out who they are and whether or not you want to be in that crowd

    Acts 1:12-13 Lu 24:49 Jesus tells his disciples to tarry in Jerusalem until they be endued with power from on high. Acts 1:8 Jesus tells his disciples, Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you,....... Acts 1:9-11 As Jesus ascends into heaven his disciples stand watching his more

  • Sermon # 8 - Time To Wake Up Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Sep 13, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In the midst of a serious storm, Jonah was blissfully asleep unaware of the predicament of his fellow passengers caused by his disobedience. Is it possible that the church too is asleep at a time when we have to wake up to fulfill the Great Commission that Jesus gave us?

    We read in Jonah 1:5, “And the mariners were afraid, and cried every one unto his god; and they cast forth the wares that were in the ship into the sea, to be lightened of them. But Jonah had gone down into the lower part of the ship; and he lay, and was fast asleep.” (Darby) This is the more

  • Delivered Disciples Deliver Disciples

    Contributed by Bruce Lee on Oct 26, 2015
    based on 9 ratings

    What does your church do? Has God ever "cast out demons in your life?" Do you speak with new tongues? Have you ever shared your faith and led someone else to become a Christian?

    Delivered Disciples Deliver Disciples “And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will more

  • What Went Ye Out To See?

    Contributed by Steven Cook on Feb 12, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    This sermon deals with the 3 questions that Jesus asked the religious pharisees and scribes that looked for fault in him. They provide us an interesting study of today’s world as well.

    “What Went Ye Out for to See?” Luke 7:24-28 Dr. Steven G. Cook I. Introduction A. Read Text – Luke 7:24-28 B. Background of John the Baptist – (John 1:6-8; 15-18) (John 1:19-34) C. Concerned about the ministry of John the Baptist, the Jewish leaders sent men to investigate. D. Many today are more

  • When Israel Went Out Of Egypt.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Feb 15, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    A defiant celebration of God's sovereign power.

    WHEN ISRAEL WENT OUT OF EGYPT. Psalm 114:1-8. The exuberance of this Psalm is immediately evident. It is a recollection of Israel’s redemption story, beginning from when the descendants of Jacob made their exodus from Egypt. It is the prelude to the founding of what Stephen, the first Christian more

  • The Resurrection Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Oct 19, 2014

    After Jesus was resurrected and ascended to Heaven, the Bible tells us that the Disciples went out and preached the Gospel. Our challenge today as we conclude our Mark series is simple: "What will we do with the truth now that we have heard it?"

    The Resurrection of Jesus Mark 16:1-20 - Reminder, final msg in Mark, Wed Oct 22, will be “open forum” style - Jesus is demonstrated in this book as a “servant” -- Today we conclude our Mark series (approximately 17 weeks) - On Sunday we saw the final day of more

  • Sold Out Or A Sell Out - Judas

    Contributed by Glenn Newton on Mar 30, 2004
    based on 66 ratings

    The first of 3 messages that will deal with the Passion of Christ. Judas looked like the rest of the disciples, what went wrong... and how can we avoid the same trap?

    Sold Out or a Sell Out? Pastor Glenn Newton March 28, 2004 A Little Quiz for you this morning… Listen to these Characteristics, and then you will be able to answer my question. 1. This person believed in Jesus 2. This person worshiped with Jesus 3. This person followed Jesus 4. This person more

  • Disciples Reach Out Together Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on May 6, 2021

    Disciples are never content to RECEIVE the Gospel, because a key element of the Gospel is that it is to be shared! The Spirit prompts us to share the Gospel - are we listening?

    -ACTS OF DISCIPLESHIP- DISCIPLES REACH OUT TOGETHER Acts 8:26-39 Introduction Disciples are never content to RECEIVE the Gospel, because a key element of the Gospel is that it is to be shared! The Spirit prompts us to share the Gospel - are we listening? Acts is Dr. Luke’s account of the more

  • Pour Out, Step Out And Break Out…have You Got The "Out's”?

    Contributed by Michael Quicke on Mar 26, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    God POURS OUT out His Spirit into our hearts. As ambassadors we STEP OUT out into ministry and witness. Then we see the sovereignty of God BREAK OUT among us.

    INTRO Let me take you back to when George Bush, Sr, was president. When he and his military advisors decided to engage Saddam Hussein and his military forces, what was the first thing they did? They poured all the military strength of the United States onto the Saudi Arabian peninsula. The more

  • Played Out Or Prayed Out Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Mar 27, 2001
    based on 41 ratings

    We are given to frenetic activity, most of it characterized by wrong priorities, a lack of partnerships, and the failure of power. We get played out unless we are prayed out.

    Is there a lawyer in the house? Somebody who can give me a little legal advice? I need to know what the statute of limitations is on destruction of church property. Can somebody tell me, is it possible to prosecute fifteen years after the crime? And especially, is it possible to prosecute a pastor more