  • Michael Quicke

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Michael's church

Russellville Baptist
Russellville, Georgia 31029

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  • Is Your Wife Married To A Man Or A Manikin

    Contributed on Mar 27, 2002
    based on 75 ratings

    A real man HANGS OUT with SAVED friends. A man HUGS his wife lots. A man is HAPPY with his STUFF. He HOLDS his wife till "death-do-us-part."

    The title today is a question every husband must answer: "IS YOUR WIFE MARRIED TO A MAN OR A MANIKIN? This “Dear Ann Landers” letter appeared in the newspaper from a wife: “My husband doesn’t talk to me. He just sits there night after night, reading the newspaper or looking at T.V. When I ask more

  • Pour Out, Step Out And Break Out…have You Got The "Out's”?

    Contributed on Mar 26, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    God POURS OUT out His Spirit into our hearts. As ambassadors we STEP OUT out into ministry and witness. Then we see the sovereignty of God BREAK OUT among us.

    INTRO Let me take you back to when George Bush, Sr, was president. When he and his military advisors decided to engage Saddam Hussein and his military forces, what was the first thing they did? They poured all the military strength of the United States onto the Saudi Arabian peninsula. The more

  • Are You A Frustrated Fisherman?

    Contributed on Mar 20, 2002
    based on 178 ratings

    Exposition of John 21:1-19

    INTRO: How many of you have ever feel frustrated and a failure? I grew up in a broken home. I know the results of a failed marriage. As a teenager, my school report card told me I was a failure. All those “D;s” made me feel like I was "Dumb and Dumber." My unsaved father had a bad name that more

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