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  • Leading Indicators Of Spiritual Decline (Part 1)

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Oct 18, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    Signs your spiritual life is headed in the wrong direction

    4, August 2002 Dakota Community Church Leading Indicators of Spiritual Decline Part I Introduction: When there is economic decline, governments pretend all is well. When there is spiritual decline, Christians pretend all is well. Sometimes you know but other don’t and sometimes others know and more

  • Where Are You Going?

    Contributed by Jeremy James on Nov 21, 2004
    based on 7 ratings

    How do we and the church find our direction?

    Hebrews 11:8-10, 13-16 Last week we came to understand that we must understand our purpose if we are to ever be what God wants us to be. We have come to understand that in our lives we must strive to answer the question, Why? No more are we going to walk through life without a clear sense of more

  • "Unfolding Deck Chairs" Series

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on Mar 24, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Discerning what God’s will and direction is for our lives.

    Iliff and Saltillo United Methodist June 30, 2002 “Unfolding Deck Chairs” Acts 17:22-34 INTRODUCTION: In a “Peanuts” strip, Charlie Brown and Lucy were discussing theology. Lucy said, “On the great cruise ship of life, some people take their deck chairs to the bow. And some people take their more

  • Two Simple Stratagies For The New Year

    Contributed by Raymond Perkins on Jan 24, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    As the title reflects, a lesson encouraging direction for the New Year.

    TWO SIMPLE STRATAGIES FOR LIVING IN THE NEW YEAR Isaiah 63:7-9 INTRODUCTION: A woman walked into her bathroom at home. As she did, she saw her husband weighing himself on the bathroom scales, sucking in his stomach. The woman thought to herself, "He thinks that he will weigh less by sucking in his more

  • Stephen The Witness And Martyr Series

    Contributed by Tom Mccrossan on Feb 21, 2005
    based on 37 ratings

    Stephen is a model for us of a Holy Spirit directed witness.

    Stephen the Witness and Martyr Acts 6:8—8:1 Intro: There is a Conspiracy of Silence in so many churches… Thinking that we can merely live good Christian lives as our witness, without telling people the why: telling about Jesus Christ. God’s acts have always needed explanation to be clear. more

  • Walking The Right Path

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Mar 12, 2006
    based on 77 ratings

    The story of Lydia gives us direction for the new believer.

    She was a successful business woman, actually she was a successful business owner and that was virtually unheard of in the time and society she lived in. Remember this was 2000 years ago in a culture that was slightly male centered; actually it was very male centered. Females weren’t exactly more

  • Where Is The Goal Post

    Contributed by Danny Nance on Mar 21, 2008

    Sermon is focused on finding the direction of a church and individual lives.

    WHERE IS THE GOALPOST? PHILIPPIANS 3:12-14 Have you ever been lost? Now, I’m not talking religion here. I mean honest to goodness, didn’t know where you were right now, kind of lost. Men, women accuse us of not admitting it when we’re lost. They say more

  • Finding Our Way When We Are Lost

    Contributed by Gerald Van Horn on Sep 19, 2006

    It’s easy to find directions with the technology of the Computor

    Finding Directions For Life Text: Proverbs 15:24 “The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath.” It’s easy to find directions with the technology of the computer. Some Atlas’ are very little help for they need up-dating ever so often. more

  • Beyond Our Dreams

    Contributed by Rudolph Taylor on Mar 30, 2013

    Sermon was designed to allow God to direct our life.

    Beyond Our dreams (Eccl 11:9-10) Introduction: (S1) Antonio de Pereda was a Spanish artist (born 1611, Valladolid; died 1678, Madrid). He began as a history painter and was mainly active in Madrid. He is now best known for his still-lifes. The most famous painting associated with him is The more

  • For Such A Time As This - Your Defining Moment

    Contributed by Randy Trotter on Jun 21, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    Everybody faces Defining Moments in life that will determine their direction!

    FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS “YOUR DEFINING MOMENT” INTRODUCTION: Every single one of you sitting here have or will face a “DEFINING MOMENTS” in your life. There are many “DEFINING MOMENTS” along the way for the moment, but for the most part there will be more

  • Jonah And The Storm

    Contributed by Dr. Travis Shipley on Apr 6, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    God has a purpose for the directions he gives us.

    Jonah Introduction: I am not going to wow you with deep theological statements or thoughts. I want to start with something that maybe everyone is familiar and can possible relate to this morning. If you have your Bible, you can turn to the Book of Jonah: Before I get into the book more

  • Tracking With Jesus Series

    Contributed by Monty Newton on May 14, 2011

    The Christian life is a long walk with Jesus in the right direction.

    Title: Tracking with Jesus Text: John 21:1-19 Thesis: The Christian life is a long walk with Jesus in the right direction, i.e., staying on track. The Season of Easter Series: When Jesus Shows Up During the Season of Easter we celebrate the resurrection of Christ as he shows up in unusual and more

  • How To Share Or Divide Limited Resources Among An Unlimited Number Of People

    Contributed by George Warner on Mar 23, 2023

    Courage is a virtue only so far as it is directed by prudence

    SOME GUIDING PRINCIPLES. 1 Bear in mind that it is not possible for you to please everyone. If you try to please everybody you will end up pleasing nobody, so it is important that you boldly prioritize people. Imagine that you are a mother of two twin boys who are 2 years old. Both are about to more

  • Go Fourth

    Contributed by Dr. Jwt Spies on May 2, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    If you Follow God's Directions it will be alright

    When looking at this text we see that the people of God felt hopeless and helpless. Here they were a defenseless, and exposed people, including women and children, about to be attacked by the mightiest army on earth. They saw no way of deliverance; they couldn’t see a way out of their current more

  • The Power And The Plumb Line

    Contributed by Rich O' Toole on Nov 5, 2024

    God's directions to complete his vision

    The Power and the Plumb Line Zechariah 4:1-10 Good morning, Lincoln Log Masters is a reality show about building log cabins. The show details the process of building log homes and shares some terms about the tools used to build those homes. The show also addresses the risks associated with more

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