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Sermons on devices of the devil:

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  • How To Fight The Devil And Win

    Contributed by Donnie De Loney on Nov 18, 2012

    Spiritual warfare and how to win over the enemy and his demons.

    How to Fight the Devil and Win 2 Chronicles 20:1-20:28 INTRODUCTION: the story of one of the most one-sided battles in the annals of human history. The children of Moab, Ammon and mount Sier had risen in rebellion against King Jehoshaphat of Israel. v-4-confessed his helpliness in v-12-obeyed more

  • The Devil's Got Your Number

    Contributed by James May on Aug 4, 2013
    based on 7 ratings

    The True Prophet of God in I Kings 13, was led astray by an old prophet of God that had dwelt among the idolatry of Israel for too long. Let us be careful of the Word which we hear and prove it by the Truth of God's Word.

    The Devil’s Got Your Number Sunday, August 04, 2013 By Rev. James May The Apostle Paul had helped to establish a great Christian church of the Galatians. He had preached and taught the Word of the Lord and many souls had been won to the Lord. But even though a great work had begun in more

  • Your Adversary The Devil? Again?

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Feb 13, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon is for the text Luke 4, the Temptation of Jesus, Lent I Jesus is tempted constantly to deny his mission. ((Matt. 1:21) The key is Luke's phrase: "until an opportune time" the same remains for us. some illustrations are from Leonard Sweet and

    In Jesus Holy Name February 17, 2013 Luke 4:1-13 Lent I “Your Adversary the Devil, Again?” When I was a boy, I was told, "Baptists don't do Lent." No one knew why. I suspect that it was an anti-Catholic thing which I pray we are over. It was the old argument, more

  • Devil Takes Away Truths Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Jan 15, 2012

    The devil can take away truths from our hearts if we let him.

    Last week we noted that Jesus emphasized the importance of faith in Luke 7. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Saving faith is believing the Word of God and taking action with that belief. In the beginning of Luke 8, we noted some results of saving faith. Open your Bibles and read along more

  • The Devil Is In The Market For Another Soul

    Contributed by Eric Smith on Jan 28, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A short sermon that parallels a high school pottery class with our potential in life and how the devil tries to make us waste our time on this earth.

    Matt 4:1-9 Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. 2 And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred. 3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. 4 But he more

  • When The Devil Came To Church Series

    Contributed by Rodney Kelley on Sep 19, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    When the demon was cast out of the man in the Synagogue, the man couldn't wait to tell someone. Are we as anxious to give someone the Gospel?

    Intro: We will go to the fourth miracle of the Galilee region today. Jesus is now in Capernaum, the center of his ministry. This is the first miracle recorded in the City. Capernaum is located on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. A city of fishermen, and also known for the production more

  • Manifested To Destroy The Works Of The Devil!

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Feb 26, 2010
    based on 35 ratings

    Jesus did not come to break the stronghold that the devil had on the human race, but to destroy the works of the devil. Something broken can be put back together, however, when something is destroyed it can never be put back together. Jesus came to set us

    Manifested to Destroy the Works of the Devil! 1 John 3:8 (KJV) He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Jesus did not come to break the stronghold that the devil more

  • The Devil Comes To Church Too

    Contributed by Thomas Bell on Feb 3, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A message on the authority of Jesus cleansing unclean spirit in the synagogue which fits a pattern on ministry given by Dr. James MacDonald at a conference I attended in 2008, 5 points of pattern: communication, opposistion, perserverance, friut, glory.

    Mark 1: 21-28 The Devil Comes to Church Too We have a whole lot of things going on in these verses. We have the deep desire to keep the Sabbath, the desire to be in synagogue, the desire to teach and preach, we have the desire of those who want to be taught and learn the truth as it is in Jesus more

  • Did God Create The Devil Series

    Contributed by Pastor Cosmos on Jan 6, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    This Bible study answers questions about where the devil came from, who is he, and many other facts about the devil that many do not know

    Most people in the world are being deceived by an evil genius bent on destroying their lives - a brilliant mastermind called the devil, or Satan. But this dark prince is much more than what you might think... many say he’s just a devious mythical figure, but the Bible says he’s very real, and he’s more

  • Sin-Sin-Sin-Devil!!! Series

    Contributed by Dr. David Hallum on Sep 11, 2019

    The Christian vs sin and the devil!

    Introduction: Dual Citizenship In The Kingdom Of God And The Kingdom Of Darkness? Try to imagine this. It is the year 1944 and Germany is at war with England. Now suppose you have dual citizenship in both Germany and England and you are living in Germany. How will you be treated? Conversely, more

  • The 4 Ds' Of The Devil!

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Feb 18, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The devil who hates God wants to destroy God's creation and that is you and me. However, Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. 1 John 3:8 (. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

    The 4 Ds' of the Devil! John 10:10 (KJV) The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to DESTROY: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. The devil who hates God wants to destroy God's creation and that is you and me. However, Jesus more

  • Does The Devil Fear You

    Contributed by Walter Troup on May 22, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    So many people fear the devil. We hear stories all the time about people being afraid of ghosts, and demons. But does the devil fear you?

    So many people fear the devil. We hear stories all the time about people being afraid of ghosts, and demons, and even some Devil in the water. People here are afraid that someone will put Ju Ju on them, or even a curse. They are fearful of the Devil. But does the devil fear anyone? Does the more

  • Price Of Haircut @ Devil's Barbershop

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jul 11, 2016
    based on 5 ratings

    Satan wants to "cut" the devotion of every spiritual Nazarite. He does it by severing your prayer life, devotional time, by some sin, etc. There's hope though. Samson's hair grew again and he was restored to his mission You can too!

    THE PRICE OF A HAIRCUT IN THE DEVIL’S BARBERSHOP Judges 16:15,17,19 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: MISSING HIS LOVED ONE (ONLY IN TEXAS) 1. Husband: “My wife is missing. She went shopping yesterday and hasn’t come home. 2. Sergeant: What’s her height? H: “Gee, I’m not more

  • God Good Devil Bad

    Contributed by Troy Campbell on Mar 23, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Once we figure out this one truth it will transform our faith lives. We must understand what comes from God and what comes from the devil. Stop blaming God for things that aren't God's fault.

    God Good, Devil Bad John 10:10-11 John 10:9-11, "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more more

  • A Devil Of A Storm Or A Hell Of A Storm Series

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Aug 1, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Second Part of Mark 5:35-39 where we deal with what happens after we follow Jesus. The Devil brings storms in our lives and we must understand that only Jesus can bring peace and calm.

    Scripture: Mark 4:35-41 Sermon Series - Drawing Close to Jesus Sermon #2 - A Devil of A Storm -See part one - "Steps to drawing close to Jesus - obedience, separation and invitation" Proposition: The Devil will do all He can to stop, stagnate and to have us abandon our walk with Jesus - more

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