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Sermons on depart from evil:

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  • A Biblical Warning For Evil And Wicked Priests. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Apr 8, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Throughout history, the church has faced numerous challenges, including the threat of evil and wicked priests who have infiltrated the ranks of religious leadership.

    The Bible warns us about these individuals, who masquerade as servants of God while perpetuating evil and leading the faithful astray. This will explore the biblical concept of evil and wicked priests, their characteristics, and the consequences of their actions. Unfortunately, many churches are more

  • Warnings And Promises For Evil Days. Revised.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Apr 13, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    The end is not yet.

    WARNINGS AND PROMISES FOR EVIL DAYS. Revised. Luke 21:5-19. Every so often we are confronted with all the uncertainty that arises from the dawn of what seem to be evil days. Over one hundred years ago people wondered if the fierce battles of World War One represented the Apocalyptic more

  • 12. Evil, A Necessary Path To Glory Series

    Contributed by Gary Regazzoli on Nov 2, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    God will not allow this earthly experience to be wasted

    [IN GOD’S IMAGE – 12 – EVIL, A NECESSARY PATH TO GLORY] This message is part of a series of 90 sermons based on the title, “In God’s Image – God’s Purpose for humanity.” This series of free sermons or the equivalent free book format is designed to take the reader through an amazing process more

  • 304 – Good Versus Evil Desires

    Contributed by Joel Vicente on Feb 17, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    Elementary Teaching on SIN: Why do we sin?

    Illustrate: Sin: In the time it takes me to share this sermon 57 kids will run away from home. - 29 children will attempt suicide. - 22 girls under 19 years of age will receive an abortion. - 14 teenage girls will give birth to an illegitimate baby - 685 teens will use some form of illegal drug. - more

  • Good Defeats Evil Through Might!

    Contributed by Matthew Oliver on Jan 7, 2002
    based on 4 ratings

    How do we answer evil as humans compared to how God answers evil? We are called to meet evil with love and compassion, as God met evil with Jesus.

    A Christmas Eve Service of Carols and Lessons Preached at Saint John the Evangelist, Cold Lake 24 December 2001 May the words of my lips and the meditations of all our hearts be ever pleasing to thee, O Lord most high. Amen. Tonight we join together to anticipate the imminent birth of Jesus. more

  • Evil Brings Out The Best In Christians

    Contributed by Eric Amundson on Mar 29, 2001
    based on 38 ratings

    Loving our enemies

    We are infected by the world. We live in and are bombarded, moment by moment, with the message that our injuries own us. They must be avenged. W.H. Auden wrote: I and the public know, What school children learn, Those to whom evil is done, Do evil in return. That is the way of this world. more

  • Why Did God Create Evil? Series

    Contributed by Brad Stone on Jul 7, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    We believe and trust that God created all things, so why would He create evil? This sermon digs into this question and answers what evil really is.

    Biblical Answers to Life’s Tough Questions: Why Did God Create Evil? Isaiah 45:7 How many of you believe that God created all things? Without Him, does anything exist? We all agree that God created everything. That leads us to the question, why did God create evil? Afterall, we know the more

  • Why Does God Allow Evil?

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Dec 19, 2001
    based on 238 ratings

    An explanation of the existence of evil.

    Why Does God Allow Evil? Various Scriptures I. Introduction Why does God allow evil? If God is good, why is there so much evil in the world? Why do we have war and murder, atrocity after atrocity, famine after famine? Why do innocent children die at the hands of cruel men? Why do the ravages more

  • Resist Not Evil. The Call To Perfect Love.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on May 3, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Jesus redirects some misconstrued Scriptures.

    I. RESIST NOT EVIL. Matthew 5:38-42. MATTHEW 5:38. Oh - it is hard - but “eye for eye, tooth for tooth” belongs to the law courts (cf. Leviticus 24:20), not to personal vendettas. MATTHEW 5:39a. Jesus rather enjoins, “Resist not evil.” MATTHEW 5:39b. Traditionally, the slap across the cheek more

  • Good Always Wins Over Evil

    Contributed by Greg Johnson on Apr 22, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    Evil and good are at work in this world. Good always wins over evil. Jesus talked about it when He said (John 10:10 NIV) "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

    Good Always Wins Over Evil By Greg Johnson April 22, 2007 I was sitting in Atlanta’s airport yesterday waiting for a connecting flight to take me home to Oregon when God began speaking to my heart about events that took place during the week. I began to see more

  • How To Avoid The Evil 3 C’s?

    Contributed by Major Gerardo Balmori on Apr 2, 2011
    based on 15 ratings

    We cannot be comfortable, complacent or cowardly. James, in his most practical style, calls us to be completely sold out to God. A life that is God-filled will look considerably different from a worldly lifestyle. The first thing James confronts in this

    Mayor Gerardo Balmori The Salvation Army A lot is covered in this passage, but it points to some very important conclusions. We cannot be comfortable, complacent or cowardly. James, in his most practical style, calls us to be completely sold out to God. A life that is God-filled will look more

  • Will You Put Away Evil Speech Series

    Contributed by Bruce Landry on May 23, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    Will you put away evil speech? God calls us to do just that. Let’s examine our study today for HIS guidance.

    Some choice thoughts about the Tongue: About Abrasive Speech Many a blunt word has a sharp edge. Keep your words soft and sweet; you never know when you may have to eat them. About Gossip Gossip is like soap -- mostly lye! A gossip is just a fool with a keen sense of rumor. About more

  • Understanding Why God Allows Evil

    Contributed by Antonio Manaytay on Aug 13, 2024

    This sermon digs deeper into the question why God allows evil and how it fits into His grand plan.

    Before we dive into today's sermon, let me share a little story with you. A man was having a conversation with God and asked, “God, why did You make the world so full of trouble?” God replied, “So you could have something to pray about!” The man thought for a moment and said, “Well, I more

  • Serving God By Overcoming Evil By Good

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 40 ratings


    WE ARE TO SERVE GOD BY NOT BEING OVERCOME BY EVIL, BUT BY OVERCOMING EVIL WITH GOOD -- 7 WAYS TO FIGHT YOUR ENEMIES 1. (:14) Determine to bring your enemy good not harm 2. (:15) Show concern for your enemy's gains and losses 3. (:16) Do not allow yourself to think you are better 4. (:17) Do not more

  • The Lord's Response To Satan's Evil Emissaries

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jun 26, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    God displays His people who will direct His work on earth during the Day of the Lord

    Revelation 14 Title: The Lord’s Response to Satan’s Evil Emissaries Theme: His Righteousness Rules Text: Revelation 14:1 I. The Lamb/Great High Priest and His Victorious Kingdom of Priests (v.1-5) A. The Worship of God the Father before the Throne B. The Witness of the Heavenly Chorus C. The more

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