Sermon Series
  • 1. Green Pastures And Still Waters Lesson 3

    Contributed on Oct 22, 2018

    Water keeps us alive, refreshes and cleanses

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. What are our two greatest needs? a. Food, i.e., green pastures. b. Drink, i.e., still waters. 2. How can the Shepherd meet our needs? Relationship. B. LIE DOWN IN GREEN PASTURES 1. Why do sheep lie down? a. Natural. Standing people naturally want to lie down. b. Tired. The more

  • 2. I Shall Not Want Lesson 2

    Contributed on Nov 26, 2018

    When shall I not want?

    A. ABOUT RELATIONSHIP 1. Why can I say, “The Shepherd is mine?” a. Because He gave His life for me. “The good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep” (John 10:11). “I give unto them (the sheep) eternal life” (John 10:28). b. Because He called me. “He calleth his own sheep by name” (John 10:3). more

  • 3. Paths Of Righteousness Lesson 4

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2018

    Finding God's choice of right paths

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. The shepherd’s main task is leadership. 2. What type of leader was Jesus? a. Not dictatorial. He let Judas betray, and Peter deny. b. Not democratic. He never took a vote. c. Not Laissez Faire. He doesn’t let sheep do what they want to do. B. WHY MUST THE SHEPHERD LEAD more

  • 4. Walking Through Death's Valley Lesson 5

    Contributed on Sep 21, 2017

    What do we know about valleys?

    A. INTRODUCTION: WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT VALLEYS? 1. Surrounded by high mountains. There are cliffs or obstacles that will keep you in shadows or the dark. 2. There are mountain barriers to keep you from reaching your goal, but a valley goes through them. 3. There are wrong paths through the more

  • 5. The Lord Is My Shepherd Lesson 1

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2019

    Israel knew God primarily by His power and holiness, but in Psalm 23, they learn of His personal love and compassion.

    A. WHY IS THIS THE FAVORITE PSALM? 1. Easy to memorize. These six verses are a short “self-contained” picture of our relationship with God. 2. Intimate fellowship. Promises God’s comfort and protection when we remain close to the Shepherd. 3. Personalized identification. Demonstrates how our more

  • 6. I Will Fear No Evil Lesson 6

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2019

    Take “D” out of Devil and make it evil.

    A. WHAT DOES PSALM 23 TEACH US ABOUT OPPOSITION? 1. The existence of evil. 2. Evil is in conflict with you. 3. You should not let evil scare you. 4. You can overcome evil. 5. The shepherd is your deliverer. 6. Deliverance comes by relationship to the shepherd. B. WHAT ARE WE NOT TO FEAR? 1. Not more

  • 7. Thy Rod And Staff Lesson 7

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2019

    Two powerful helpers: the rod and staff.

    A. INTRODUCTION: TWO POWERFUL HELPERS 1. This world is not our home, there is little comfort, but the Lord has, “a rod and staff to comfort you.” 2. Usually, people think “rod and staff” are the same thing. But each is a different instrument. 3. The word “rod” is more than a stick; it is a club more

  • 8. Thou Prepares A Table Lesson 8

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2019

    Why a table?

    A. INTRODUCTION: WHEN THE TABLE IS SPREAD 1. You have just come back from straying. 2. You have just come from a dark valley. 3. You have just escaped death shadows. 4. You get the opposite of punishment grace factor. B. WHY A TABLE? 1. Not a picnic, it is just temporary. 2. Not a T.V. table, more

  • 9. My Cup Runs Over Lesson 9

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2019

    The Shepherd’s relationship to me begins with His commitment.

    A. RELATIONSHIP IS THE KEY TO UNDERSTANDING PSALM 23 1. The Shepherd’s relationship to me begins with His commitment. a. Possession. “His own sheep” (John 10:4). b. Sacrifice. “The good shepherd giveth His life” (John 10:11). c. Transforms. “He restoreth my soul” (Ps. 23:3). d. Care. “Calleth more

  • 10. Goodness And Mercy Lesson 10

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2019

    Two "hound dogs" from Heaven: Goodness and Mercy.

    A. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? 1. Stopped following. “He leadeth me.” 2. Straying. “Yea though I walk through the valley.” 3. Death shadows. “The valley of the shadow of death.” 4. Protected. “I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me.” 5. Deliverance. “He leadeth me beside still more