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  • The Question Concerning Fasts

    Contributed by Paul George on Sep 14, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    In the fourth year of the reign of King Darius of Persia a delegation was sent from Bethel to Jerusalem to “seek the favor of the Lord.”

    In the fourth year of the reign of King Darius of Persia a delegation was sent from Bethel to Jerusalem to “seek the favor of the Lord.” The men who came from Bethel were not so bound to the priests they ignored or didn’t trust the prophets. They were not so impressed by the words of the prophets more

  • Running On Empty Series

    Contributed by Larry Thompson on Feb 16, 2003
    based on 58 ratings

    The danger to every leader is the adherance to the lie, "I must do everything..." Delegation is critical to a leader’s success.

    LESSONS IN LEADERSHIP – PART FIVE “RUNNING ON EMPTY” GENESIS 18:13-26 ©Larry L. Thompson (2003) “The next day Moses took his seat to serve as judge for the people, and they stood around him from morning till evening. [14] When his father-in-law saw all that Moses was doing for the people, he more

  • The Believer's Authority Series

    Contributed by Grant Van Boeschoten on Feb 17, 2008
    based on 51 ratings

    Empower your Church to use the Authority that Jesus delegated to Christians. (Identity, Faith, Keys, Hinderances, Great Commission).

    The Believer’s Authority Grant van Boeschoten February 17, 2008 1. Jesus Sends out the 70 When Jesus walked the earth he was followed around by many people. Some people stayed around just because it was exciting. Where you found Jesus you found miracles, and many people liked to get the goose more

  • Exodus 18 - Who Do I Allow To Speak Into My Life? Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Dec 28, 2009
    based on 24 ratings

    I need to be careful as to who I allow to speak into my life. You can’t just seek to please all the people all the time, but Moses didn’t shy away from Jethro’s counsel.

    Exodus 18 - Who do I allow to speak into my life? Every leader needs help. No leader is truly a leader without teammates. Moses was good but not that good. He had great insight because he had sense enough to seek God. Jethro was also a good leader. He saw straight away what the problem was. Moses more

  • Human Resource And Diversity Issues In The Early Church

    Contributed by Kenneth Anthony on May 6, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    Apostolic church faced human resource issues. Apostles needed to delegate authority so could concentrate on primary calling to pray and preach.

    Introduction Running a church sometimes just takes common sense. Real problems arise in the Church just like any other institution, however, through prayer, cooperation within the Body of Christ, and some thought even the most complex problems can be solved. Today’s reading from Acts 6:1-7 deals more

  • Elijah's Depression

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Aug 11, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Beginning with a monologue that takes some poetic license as Elijah passes the mantle to Elisha, this teaching gives tips from a Biblical model on dealing with depression.

    [This sermon began with a monologue. It presumed that Elijah needed to fill Elisha in on what had gone before. With dramatic license, it recounts what is in the Bible’s account, even though the Bible doesn’t specify that Elijah actually filled Elisha in or needed to fill Elisha in on Elijah’s more

  • Cure For Weariness Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Aug 17, 2012

    If you want relief from your weariness, don’t get busy; get help! Get help, first of all, from Jesus Himself, then from those He has placed in your life. Give God the praise, and give others the power.

    This last week, I came across some notes supposedly found on hospital charts, and I thought you might enjoy them as I did: • The patient refused autopsy. • Note: Patient recovering from forehead cut. Patient became very angry when given an enema by mistake. • Patient has chest more

  • Six Qualities Of A Great Leader (Exodus 18:13-27) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Mar 12, 2022

    Moses is a model of a great leader. His willingness to heed Jethro's advice, saves him from burnout, and the people from a DMV life.

    Let's start today by reading verses 13-14: (13) and then, on the next day, Moses sat to "judge"/exercise authority for the people, and the people stood before Moses from morning until evening, (14) and the father-in-law of Moses saw all that he [was] doing for the people, and he more

  • When The Load Becomes Heavy Series

    Contributed by Manny Salva Cruz on May 24, 2015

    We have the tendency to be overwhelmed by too much responsibilities in the ministry. We end up exhausted and burnout. In this message, we will learn how to train leaders and delegate responsibilities accordingly so that the load will be lighter.

    EXODUS 18 Scripture Text: Exodus 18:17-23 (NIV) "17 Moses’ father-in-law replied, “What you are doing is not good. 18 You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone. 19 Listen now to me and I will give you more

  • "the Power Of The Believer's Authority."

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Hulse on Jul 1, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The government of God's kingdom is trustworthy and has a judicial branch acknowledged in the Book of Daniel as the council of God. This message explores the power believers can access when they apply the word of God to their lives and ministries.

    SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES (Matthew 16:18) “And I say also unto thee, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 10:1) "And when he had called unto him his twelve more

  • The Twelve Apostles Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Mar 12, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus had personally demonstrated His authority previously in Matthew. He now delegates that same authority to His apostles so that they may carry out His ministry to the world.

    MATTHEW 10: 1-6 [THE MESSIAH REVEALED] THE TWELVE APOSTLES Chapter 10 is a transition in Jesus' training of the twelve. Until this time they had been observers with little involvement in the miracles or teachings, Here they are commissioned and sent out with authority to do what they had more

  • Learn From Jethro

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Aug 30, 2015

    To show that the LORD will teach us everything about Him, even using righteous people such as Jethro and the elders of Israel.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you learn from instruction? Yes. We learn by being instructed Proverbs 21:11 (Amplified Bible) When the scoffer is punished, the fool gets a lesson in being wise; but men of [godly] Wisdom and good sense learn by being instructed. Proverbs 1:5 (Amplified Bible) The wise also more

  • Spiritual Leadership: The Jethro Principle Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on May 12, 2022

    Jethro gave Moses such helpful advice that not only did Moses apply this, he wrote it in Scripture. He must have been aware that this was a leadership principle that would help spiritual leaders in every generation that follows him. There would come different circumstances but timeless principles.

    I had just finished the book summary, The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber. Right away I could see the application of this book. Not for me, I saw that my son-in-law was working long hours and here in this book were principles for the entrepreneur that could help him rise up new employees that he more

  • Which Authority, God Or Man?

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Nov 27, 2014

    To show that as CHRISTian believers we have delegated authority from the LORD JESUS Himself, that's why the LORD JESUS makes sure His WORDS are fulfilled in us.

    I. EXORDIUM: Which authority do you have? man or GOD? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that as CHRISTian believers we have delegated authority from the LORD JESUS Himself, that's why the LORD JESUS makes sure His WORDS are fulfilled in us. IV. TEXT: Mark 11:30-33 more

  • Sermon – Maintaining A Mission-Minded Focus Series

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on May 4, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Maintaining a mission-minded focus means resolving inner conflict quickly and openly by showing concern for all and valuing all, but also by delegating authority to others that leads to unity. A model for kingdom building!

    Sermon – Maintaining a Mission-Minded Focus Scripture Lesson: Acts 6:1-7 “But as the believers rapidly multiplied, there were rumblings of discontent. The Greek-speaking believers complained about the Hebrew-speaking believers, saying that their widows were being discriminated against in the daily more

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