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  • Fables

    Contributed by James May on Mar 26, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    Satan has deceived many with "cunningly devised fables". This sermon only covers a few of those fables, but it reminds us that the gospel, contained in the Holy Bible is no fabel; its the only source of unchangeable Truth.

    FABLES By Pastor Jim May 2 Peter 1:13-21, "Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance; Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me. Moreover I will endeavour that ye may be able more

  • Who Is The Holy Spirit Pt 2 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Aug 8, 2012

    The Holy Spirit is the most neglected part of the Trinity today and we need to allow the Holy Spirit to arise within us, to empower us to be God’s dynamic witnesses to this dying and deceived world.

    Summary of the first 12 spiritual mile markers for this year: January 2012 – 12 minutes of prayer: 12 meals, 12 minutes of prayer for our 21 day time of prayer and fasting. February 2012 – 12 minutes of Bible reading a day and you can read the Bible through in a year. March 2012 more

  • Truth About Honesty Part Ii

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Nov 21, 2017

    Honesty is defined as refusal to deceive. It is a three legged stool, and unless all the three legs are equal in strength, length and character, the stool will fall down. Let us find out the three legs of Honesty

    Truth About Honesty – Part II Honesty - The Three legged stool Main Passage Psalm 26:1-8 One couple decided to be completely honest with each other. While discussing things in a very honest way, they decided to arrive at an honest definition of the word wife. I know many of you have many things more

  • Did God Really Say...? Series

    Contributed by David Spiegel on Sep 28, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    In this message we explore how that Satan is still using the question he asked Eve in the garden, to cast doubt on God's word and once we doubt, we are more easily deceived into sinful mistakes!

    Did God Really Say…? From the time we are old enough to communicate, we have questions. • I think every little kid goes through the, “but why?” phase. • Questions are a very important way of learning. • A good teacher will even ask questions to get students more

  • Marriage–avoiding Fornication

    Contributed by Phillip Smith on Jun 26, 2024

    Practical instructions for righteous behavior. The assembly at Corinth was having problems with division, worldly sinful behaviors within and how to cope with non-believers. Satan was still deceiving them as he continues deception today.

    We have studied, in past weeks, practical instructions for righteous behavior in the assemblies of God. Apostle Paul wrote letters to a mixed assembly of Jews and Gentiles at Corinth; new converts, being young in the faith, and older, more seasoned members in the faith of Jesus Christ. The assembly more

  • Sermon # 10 - The Things God Detests Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Apr 2, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    There are certain pagan practices that God detests, and we are cautioned to not dabble with them. Our protection comes from God alone, and we must be watchful so that we are not deceived by Satan’s cunning ploys.

    The incident that we are studying in detail is from Numbers Chapter 23. As the people of Israel progressed towards the Promised Land, the King of Moab out of fear and envy wanted to curse the Israelites, and thereby hoped that he could hinder their advancements. He bribed the Prophet Balaam, and more

  • Our Fight With Satan's Minion, Beast #1 (Revelation 13:1-10) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Jul 17, 2023

    Satan responds to his losses, by summoning Beast #1 from the sea. Beast #1 =Human power structures, used to attack Christians and deceive people into giving allegiance to the Beast, rather than Jesus.

    Today, we begin working our way through Revelation 13. We will cover roughly half today, and the other half next week. Many Christians today find chapter 13 to be one of the most interesting, and thought-provoking, parts of the entire book of Revelation. We will hear about two beasts, summoned more

  • The Problems Of Counterfeit Goodness

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 54 ratings

    Many people practice counterfeiting without actually realizing what they are doing. A counterfeiter tries to make an imitation of something genuine to deceive, defraud or pretend something to be what it is not in reality. Ananias’s lie to the Holy Spirit

    1. Many people practice counterfeiting without actually realizing what they are doing. A counterfeiter tries to make an imitation of something genuine to deceive, defraud or pretend something to be what it is not in reality. Ananias’s lie to the Holy Spirit was probably the crowning act of a more

  • Crumbs From The Table Of Grace

    Contributed by Randall Bates on Feb 18, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    A brief look at the gentile woman who tried to deceive Christ by dressing as a Jew in order to see her daughter healed. A lesson to all of us about grace. More preaching notes than full-text

    CRUMBS FROM THE TABLE OF GRACE MATTHEW 15. 21 - 28 This passage of scripture is one of the most profound, yet the most simplistic of all passages in scripture. It is the story of the life of a Christian saved by grace. It is an appropriate passage for us to understand our position in this world, more

  • The Lost Church.

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on Nov 7, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    In todays world we see many, Members, Clergy and Ministers, who have lost their first love and have gone after strange spirits. Many have lied, manipulated and deceived their congregations and each other.

    The Lost Church. In the Times of the End. In todays world we see many, Members, Clergy and Ministers, who have lost their first love and have gone after strange spirits. Many have lied, manipulated and deceived their congregations more

  • What The Thief Comes To Steal From Your Life. Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Mar 19, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    Paul is concerned that the Corinthians will stray and not be the proper kind of bride by the time they come face to face with the Bridegroom. Satan has been constantly at work in Paul’s absence to deceive the church in Corinth and lead them in the direct

    The picture presented in these verses is that of a father giving away his bride. Paul has already called himself their father (1Cor.4:15), he has arranged the marriage with the groom. Paul is concerned that the Corinthians will stray and not be the proper kind of bride by the time they come face more

  • Test The Spirits Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jan 28, 2013
    based on 13 ratings

    You test the spirit behind religious teachers by knowing the truth & walking in the Spirit of Truth. You need to know how to walk in the Spirit of God & test the spirits because there are many deceiving spirits in the world today.

    1 JOHN 4: 1-6 TEST THE SPIRITS [1 Peter 2:1-10] Close to the BATTLE LINES during the Korean War a sentry was walking his post one night. He heard a sound in the darkness, and he challenged, "Halt! Who goes there? Friend or foe?" A voice replied, "Friend!" The sentry said, "Repeat the more

  • Don't Go With Them

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jul 5, 2015

    To show that we have to choose people that we go with. 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be so deceived and misled! Evil companionships (communion, associations) corrupt and deprave good manners and morals and character.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you go with good companies? Yes. Even it makes me a loner. 1 Corinthians 15:33 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be so deceived and misled! Evil companionships (communion, associations) corrupt and deprave good manners and morals and character. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. more

  • The Barren Fig Tree Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on May 2, 2018

    Jesus approached a fig tree expecting to find fruit, but it only had leaves. While it looked promising from a distance, looks were deceiving. Are we bearing fruit or just showing pretty leaves and blooms?

    The Barren Fig Tree Mark 11: 12-14; 20-21 Our text today follows Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. He had begun what most consider the Passion Week, the final days leading up to His crucifixion on Calvary’s hill. Most agree these events would have taken place on Monday morning of that more

  • Quit Kidding Yourself Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Apr 5, 2001
    based on 127 ratings

    Today as we look at James we will uncover 5 things that if we are not careful we can deceive ourselves about - and if we do , the end results can be deadly (Real faith For The Real World - part three)

    "Quit Kidding Yourself" James 1:16-27 She woke up early and decided to take a walk. The air was clear and brisk, the birds were singing to one another in the trees. She stopped for a moment to say hello, and pat a mother deer and her 2 babies. The morning sun was just beginning to sneak over more

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