  • David Spiegel

    Contributing sermons since Feb 19, 2015
David's church

The Lakes Assembly
Rockwall, Texas 75087

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  • Aim Your Life On Purpose

    Contributed on Oct 24, 2018

    How can you hit the mark if you don’t even know the target? To Aim Your Life on Purpose; You Must Understand the Purpose for Your Aim!

    Arrows; Aim Your Life on Purpose One of the great questions in life is, “Why am I here?”. We all naturally want to know is there is any purpose to this thing we call life? This is because seeking fulfillment in life is almost a universal phenomenon. • And the primary problem stems from the more

  • Alignment, Anointing And Authority

    Contributed on Oct 24, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Many desire the anointing of God and long to operate in His authority but neglect the alignment with His will and the leadership God has placed them under.

    Alignment, Anointing and Authority: Congregational Poll: • Who wants the Anointing of God in your life? • Who wants to operate in the spiritual Authority of God? • Who wants to have your Alignment adjusted? What did you picture when I said the word alignment? • A vehicle that drifts off more

  • What Is Your Name?

    Contributed on Oct 24, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    More than being polite and calling a person by name, names are more important than we think. Scripture shows us multiple times that a name change was in order. A name that was less than desirable was changed by God himself to one of honor!

    What is Your Name? This morning we continue the series, “Questions?” We have looked at the famous questions in scripture, “Did God really say…?”, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” and “Why are you laughing?”. Today we are going to look at a question God asked that is truly about as personal as they more

  • Why Are You Laughing?

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    Sometimes we scoff at the idea of the miraculous things God desires to do in our lives! We shouldn't be shocked at God's favor and His doing the impossible! Doubting God is never a “laughing matter”! Doubt is a poison we should do our best to avoid!

    Why Are You Laughing? Continuing with the series, “Questions?” • First week, “Did God Really Say…?” • Second week, “Am I My Brother’s Keeper?” • Both of these were questions asked in opposition to God’s plan and purpose This week, we are going to look a little closer at a question that was asked more

  • Distracted! Who Are You Listening To?

    Contributed on Sep 18, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    We live in a world with thousands of voices of distraction. All trying to push their own agenda. Only one voice truly has our best interest at heart. How do we pull that voice out from the noise?

    Distracted! Are You Listening? We live in a time with more distractions then ever • And we love it that way… keep me entertained/ quietness = boredom in many people’s minds • Let there be a few moments of silence and out comes our little distraction boxes (phones) • Google/Alexa/Siri, Entertain more

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