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  • Forgiven But Unforgiving Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 8, 2001
    based on 26 ratings

    exposition on Matt ch 18

    FORGIVEN BUT UNFORGIVING Matthew 18 v. 21 - 35 Psalm 130 v. 3 & 4 "if thou Lord shouldest mark iniquity, O Lord who shall stand?" v. 4 "but there is forgiveness with thee,that thou mayest be feared" 1. The question of forgiveness v. 21 "how oft shall my brother sin, and I forgive him", in context more

  • The Real Deal

    Contributed by Timothy Finch on Mar 14, 2006

    The life of the believer through the eyes of God.

    The Real Deal Matthew 6:1-15 1 "Be careful not to do your ’acts of righteousness’ before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. 2 "So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues more

  • The Content Of Worship Series

    Contributed by Steve Mcfarland on Jan 16, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Part 3 in this 4-part sermon series on worship seeks to define The Content of Worship.

    I.The Content Of Worship A.Adoration 1.A Bowed Heart a.Psalm 95:6-7 – “Come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand.” To be sure, the physical bowing more

  • Don’t Forget To Remember (Sermon On Missions)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Sep 27, 2023

    One of the simple rules in life seems to be that people receive in life what they are looking for.

    Let me illustrate: • We know some Christians who are always winning people to the Lord. Why? Because they are always looking for an opportunity to win someone to Christ. • We know some people every time there is a church dispute; you can rest assured they are in the middle of it every time. Why? more

  • An Obedient Spirit Series

    Contributed by Bart Leger on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The apostle Paul did not preach or teach the Gospel because of personal reasons or because the calling seemed attractive. I have talked to some who went into full-time Christian service because their father was a pastor, or because they grew up being told

    An Obedient Spirit Paul continues to talk about his attitudes and motives about doing ministry. In his introduction to the letter to the Roman believers, Paul gives us some marks of true spiritual service we would do well to study and use as a standard to measure our own service to God. The more

  • Remember The Duck!

    Contributed by Johnny Creasong on Sep 15, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    No grudges! Only grace!

    Remember the Duck! Matthew 6:9-15 9 "This, then, is how you should pray: "’Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us today our daily bread. 12 Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And more

  • Forgiving

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Sep 6, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    How often should we forgive? Let’s explore the difficulty and necessity of forgiving from the heart. Let’s look at what Jesus taught about forgiving in Matthew 18:21-35 and Hosea 1-3.

    How often should we forgive? Let’s explore the difficulty and necessity of compassion and mercy, forgiveness from the heart. Let’s look at what Jesus taught about forgiveness in Matthew 18:21-35. How Often Forgive Matthew 18:21 Then Peter came to Him and said, “Lord, how often shall my brother more

  • Our Abounding God

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Jul 25, 2003
    based on 20 ratings

    ABOUNDING: "marked by great quantity; copiously supplied." …Webster. It takes a work like this to describe the attributes of God that He declared concerning Himself when He spoke to Moses.

    OUR ABOUNDING GOD "Now the Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord. And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, ’The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth." Exodus 34:5-6. ABOUNDING: more

  • Love Your Neighbour

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on May 18, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Agape love as the fulfillment of the law.

    LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR. Romans 13:8-10. The imperative, “To no one nothing owe you (all), but to love one another” (Romans 13:8a) follows on from the discussion of being subject to ‘the powers that be’ who - whether we voted for them or not - are ‘ordained of God’ (cf. Romans 13:1). This more

  • Luke 16:1-13 Can God Trust Us As His Stewards?

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Apr 8, 2011
    based on 9 ratings

    Jesus has been in the home of one of the chief Pharisees since chapter 14:1, He has given several parables, many of the Pharisees were guilty of many of theses truths that are revealed, this paralbe is about a rich mans manager,"steward" he

    LUKE 16:1-13 CAN GOD TRUST US AS HIS STEWARDS? 4-9-11 Let me say 1st of all what a Stewart is, a steward is a person who has charge of another man’s goods. Abraham had a steward who had charge of all his possessions. It was Abraham’s steward, possible more

  • Our Awesome Responsibility (Sermon On Missions)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Feb 25, 2022

    One of the simple rules in life seems to be that people receive in life what they are looking for.

    For example: • We know some people who are always getting into a fight or a dispute with someone, no matter where they go. Why? Because they go around looking for trouble and they find it! • We know some people who go to church, and every time there is a church dispute, you can rest assured they more

  • Prayer 102 Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Apr 9, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    This prayer is an expression of dependence upon God and confidence in His character. Jesus teaching concerning prayer is discussed.

    Prayer 102 Matthew 6:5-15 3-6-05 Intro Everything you and I need for a happy, fulfilling life is found in the Lord’s Prayer. We need relationship with God which is inherent in the beginning of the prayer, “Our Father”. We need God’s will to be done in our lives. And we are taught to pray, more

  • Defining The Relationship (Romans 8:12-17) Series

    Contributed by James Jackson on Aug 13, 2022

    When we trust Jesus as our Savior, everything changes in our relationship with God. Our motivation, our status, and our expectations. In Romans 8:12-17, God defines our relationship status.

    Defining the Relationship Romans 8:12-18 This week, I asked several people around me if they knew t what a DTR was. My suspicion was that if you were a college student or young adult, you knew exactly what a DTR was, but that if you were older, you didn’t. And as it turned out, I was right. When I more

  • God And Money

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Oct 26, 2001
    based on 60 ratings

    God gives us money, and we use it to glorify him.

    God and Money 1) Giving to gain eternal friends 2) A world in debt 3) The greatest donation of all time It’s interesting to me to see just how many stories the media can squeeze out of the terrible events that took place a few weeks ago. And I’m sure you’re finding out, as you watch the news, more

  • Our Provider And The One Who Forgives PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 12, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores God's role as our provider, the grace in His forgiveness, and our duty to forgive others as a reflection of His teachings.

    Welcome, dear friends, to this blessed gathering where we bask in the warmth of God's love, where we find solace in His comforting embrace, and where we seek wisdom from His sacred word. Today, we turn our hearts and minds to a passage of scripture that, like a beacon in the storm, guides our way more

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