Sermon Series
  • 1. Three Marks Of An Effective Christian

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    What are some of the marks of an effective Christian. A look at the introduction to the letter to the Romans gives us a glimpse into the life and motives of the apostle Paul

    Three Marks of an Effective Christian A quick look at any newspaper or a few moments listening to any news broadcast reminds us that in our world most news is bad and seems to be getting worse. Especially in light of the recent school shooting at Virginia Tech. Human beings are in the hold of more

  • 2. The Good News Of God

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    After introducing himself and providing us with the three marks of an effective Christian, his being a submissive servant, his being sent as God’s ambassador, and his being set-apart unto the gospel, Paul tells us in verses 2-4 of the Promise and the Pers

    The Good News of God After introducing himself and providing us with the three marks of an effective Christian, his being a submissive servant, his being sent as God’s ambassador, and his being set-apart unto the gospel, Paul tells us in verses 2-4 of the Promise and the Person of the Good more

  • 3. The Provision Of The Good News

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    This morning we are continuing on with Paul’s introduction to the Romans. We’ve covered Paul as the Preacher of the Good News of God (1), the Promise of the Good News (2), and the Person of the Good News (3-4). This morning we will consider the Provi

    The Provision of the Good News This morning we are continuing on with Paul’s introduction to the Romans. We’ve covered Paul as the Preacher of the Good News of God (1), the Promise of the Good News (2), and the Person of the Good News (3-4). This morning we will consider the Provision of more

  • 4. The Privileges Of The Good News

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    So far in our study of the first seven verses of Romans chapter one we have looked at the Preacher of the Good News, Paul (1), the Promise (2), the Person (3-4), the Provision (5a), and the Proclamation (5b-6). This morning we will be exploring the Privil

    The Privileges of the Good News So far in our study of the first seven verses of Romans chapter one we have looked at the Preacher of the Good News, Paul (1), the Promise (2), the Person (3-4), the Provision (5a), and the Proclamation (5b-6). This morning we will be exploring the Privileges (7) more

  • 5. The Thankful Spirit

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Why do people serve God? People serve the Lord from many motives. We will start by learning the thankful spirit.

    The Marks of True Spiritual Service 1 A Thankful Spirit Why do people serve God? People serve the Lord from many motives. Some serve out of legalistic effort, as a means of earning salvation and God’s favor. Some serve the Lord for fear that, if they do not, they will incur His disfavor and more

  • 6. A Concerned Spirit

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Paul’s words to the Roman Christians in his introduction suggest ten marks of true spiritual service. Verse eight showed Paul’s thankful spirit. Verses 9-10a reveal a second mark of true spiritual service and that is a Concerned Spirit. Although he was gr

    A Concerned Spirit Self-righteous service comes through human effort. True service comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ deep inside. Self-righteous service is impressed with the “big deal.” True service finds it almost impossible to distinguish the small from the large more

  • 7. A Willing And Submissive Spirit

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Paul not only prayed for the spiritual well-being of the Roman church but was eager to be used by God as an instrument to help answer that prayer according to His divine will. The church has always been full of people who are quick to criticize, but seems

    A Willing and Submissive Spirit Paul not only prayed for the spiritual well-being of the Roman church but was eager to be used by God as an instrument to help answer that prayer according to His divine will. The church has always been full of people who are quick to criticize, but seems short more

  • 8. A Loving Spirit

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Another mark of spiritual service is a loving spirit. Paul wanted to visit the Roman believers in order to serve them lovingly in God’s name. He did not want to go as a tourist to see the famous Appian Way or the Forum or the Coliseum or the chariot races

    A Loving Spirit Another mark of spiritual service is a loving spirit. Paul wanted to visit the Roman believers in order to serve them lovingly in God’s name. He did not want to go as a tourist to see the famous Appian Way or the Forum or the Coliseum or the chariot races. He wanted to go to more

  • 9. A Humble Spirit

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    There seems to be a test for everything. Disease, knowledge, IQ. What’s your HQ (humility quotient)? In Paul’s introduction to the Roman believers he shows humility in his spiritual service. (Read verse) Paul did not have solely a one-way blessing in mind

    A Humble Spirit There seems to be a test for everything. Disease, knowledge, IQ. What’s your HQ (humility quotient)? In Paul’s introduction to the Roman believers he shows humility in his spiritual service. (Read verse) Paul did not have solely a one-way blessing in mind. Although highly gifted more

  • 10. A Fruitful Spirit

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    When you see a Christian you expect them to be bearing fruit don’t you? You expect each believer to be winning souls for Christ and training others to serve Him right? Not so sure about that one, huh? The apostle Paul, as he is writing to the Roman Chr

    A Fruitful Spirit “Where’s the beef?” Those of you old enough, do you remember that Wendy’s commercial with the little old lady asking “Where’s the beef?” barely tall enough to see over the counter? That commercial is a commentary on expectations. You go to a fast-food restaurant and they serve more

  • 11. An Obedient Spirit

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The apostle Paul did not preach or teach the Gospel because of personal reasons or because the calling seemed attractive. I have talked to some who went into full-time Christian service because their father was a pastor, or because they grew up being told

    An Obedient Spirit Paul continues to talk about his attitudes and motives about doing ministry. In his introduction to the letter to the Roman believers, Paul gives us some marks of true spiritual service we would do well to study and use as a standard to measure our own service to God. more

  • 12. An Eager Spirit

    Contributed on Aug 19, 2007

    If you were to characterize your approach toward your Christian service would you identify yourself with a racehorse eager to bolt out of the gate or the broken down nag lazily munching grass in the back forty? What will make the difference?

    An Eager Spirit If you were to characterize your approach toward your Christian service would you identify yourself with a racehorse eager to bolt out of the gate or the broken down nag lazily munching grass in the back forty? Or how about a sprinter at the starting blocks ready for the more

  • 13. A Bold Spirit

    Contributed on Aug 24, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    We have no reason to be ashamed of the Gospel

    A Bold Spirit Have you ever been in a situation where you found yourself embarrassed by something you did or something you had? Like coming to a stop in your car at a crowded intersection and your brakes were squealing very loudly? Or a squealing fan belt? It sort of makes you feel like you more