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  • For Such A Time As This Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on May 24, 2021

    The book of Esther was hated and forbidden by the Nazis. Jewish inmates read in the days before their death at Auschwitz and Dachau among other death camps. Both the Nazis and the Jews understood its message – God would deliver His people.

    Good morning church family and a special good morning to my friends at our second campus. I don’t think we do the ladies of our lives justice, so I want you to stand up and let’s really appreciate our wives and mothers. Happy Mother’s Days, Ladies! We appreciate you greatly. We’re doing a short more

  • Grumbling In The Camp

    Contributed by Shawn Miller on Sep 7, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    As the Israelites left Egypt, we expect them to be overjoyed and happy because their prayers for deliverance were finally answered, but instead we find an ungrateful and irreverent nation. How often we grumble between Egypt and the promised land.

    Grumbling in the Camp Introduction: There is always something to complain about, even when there isn't. We can find a grievance if we want to. No matter how unreasonable it is. We grumble when its too hot, we grumble when it's too cold. We grumble when it rains. We grumble when it snows. We more

  • "Sin In The Camp"

    Contributed by Monte Mcelfresh on Mar 4, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Dealing with sin

    “Sin In The Camp” Joshua 7:1-26 Introduction Even though you’re saved (crossed Jordan) still prone to sin. I. SIN – SATAN v.1 A. Don’t underestimate power of Satan B. Defeat a. Comes after victory b. Comes when least expected c. Comes when we feel strong in ourselves d. Comes when we neglect more

  • Sin In The Camp

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on May 17, 2001
    based on 100 ratings

    This sermon displays the dangers of allowing things in our life that God is displeased with.

    Scripture: Joshua 7:1 – Title: “Sin In The Camp” Introduction: Joshua and the people of God were experiencing victory. They had come out of the wilderness, crossed the flooded Jordan River on dry ground. They had seen the walls of Jericho fall down after they had walked around them for seven days. more

  • Sin In The Camp

    Contributed by Christopher Lanham on Nov 30, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    Sin is the cosmic problem. It is the reason for the existence of the good news. And biblically speaking, without the emergence of sin in Genesis 3, we don’t have Genesis 4 through Revelation 22. The Scriptures tell the story of how God deals with the p

    Sin in the Camp Leviticus 4:13-21 Cascades Fellowship CRC, JX MI August 17, 2003 The story of Frankenstein has fascinated generations since its appearing in 1818. It is a many-splendored thing, speaking eloquently on such social ills as child neglect and scientific advancement in the absence of more

  • Is There Sin In The Camp?

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Aug 17, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Dealing with the issue of sin in our life. Talking about the affects of sin.

    Is there sin in the camp? Theme: To show the devastating affects of sin in life and in the church. Text: Joshua 6:27 - 7:1-26 Joshua 6:27 So the LORD was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout all the country. 7:1But the children of Israel committed a trespass regarding the accursed more

  • Training Camp Series

    Contributed by Larry Thompson on Jan 31, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    This is part four of the expository sermon series from Joshua and was preached the Sunday before the Super Bowl in South Florida. Message deals with God’s training in the lives of His people prior to going into battle.

    THE CANAAN CONQUEST – PART FOUR TRAINING CAMP: PREPARING FOR BATTLE Joshua 5:1-13 - ©Dr. Larry L. Thompson (2007) Introduction: Today is SUPER BOWL SUNDAY and it is the culmination of the NFL season when the WORLD CHAMPION COLTS will be crowned right here in South Florida! Sorry for the personal more

  • Sin In The Camp

    Contributed by George Stadler on Feb 5, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    The Church has become Anemic in these days of winking at sin. The story of Achan's sin calls us to respond to sin in our congregations and our personal lives to again have the blessing of God and his power to defeat the enemy.

    Sin in the Camp Joshua 7:1-26 I don’t know you, other than perhaps a casual meeting at one time or another. I am not your pastor so I do not have to worry about what you may think. I’m not a DS or GS so politics are the least of my worries. • I am a sinner saved by more

  • Three Camps

    Contributed by Steve Severance on Mar 20, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    The topic of the Second Coming of Jesus had become a point of much controversy. Many people have made millions of dollars off of speculating about it. Many have been brought to the foot of the cross because of this topic while others have been sadly lead

    NOTE: I had a display of three campsites, which I pointed to and referred to throughout the sermon. The it’s hogwash camp was represented by a video case opened like an A-frame pup-tent to represent that all they are interested in is self-pleasure. The freak-Out camp was represented by a newspaper more

  • Sin In The Camp Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Feb 21, 2016

    God's punishment upon Achan (and his family and possessions) seems severe...and it was, because sin is a serious matter. Sin is rebellion. Sin is covenant-breaking. Sin is choosing to go our way and reject God's way. And sin has consequences.

    Hamlet famously complained that “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” Joshua found that something was rotten in Canaan, within his own people. After devoting himself to God, and after a miraculous victory at Jericho, Joshua's army suffered a defeat in Ai. Israel was enjoying more

  • Without The Camp

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Oct 7, 2023

    Jesus invites all to go without the camp and meet Him there.

    Without the Camp Exodus 33:1-11 The Children of Israel had just committed a grievous sin by worshiping the golden calf, which was total apostacy. Instead of accepting Yahweh’s invitation to be a special people unto Himself, they had chosen to worship other gods, just like the other nations. Were more

  • There Is Sin In The Camp!

    Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Feb 14, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    The popular insurance commercial asks the question, "What's in your wallet?" Today, I am here to ask you, "What's in your camp?" What's in your household that is keeping the blessings of God from coming to fruition? Is there sin in your camp?

    The popular insurance commercial asks the question, "What's in your wallet?" Today, I am here to ask you, "What's in your camp?" What's in your household that is keeping the blessings of God from coming to fruition? Is there sin in your camp? Is there sin in your more

  • Camping... For Now!

    Contributed by Matt Hoffmann on Jun 10, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Life in tents. This is what life is like in this sinful and fallen world. But by God’s grace, we have good courage in the solid building of our heavenly home.

    Sermon 061409 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 How many of you love camping? How long is a good length of time to go camping? I did a lot of camping when I was growing up, and as I got a little older, I noticed we didn’t go any more. I asked my mom why we didn’t camp anymore, “you loved camping!” I said more

  • Sin In The Camp

    Contributed by Bo Dunford on Jan 15, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    It’s a dangerous thing to have hidden sin in the church.

    JOSHUA 7:10-13 “SIN IN THE CAMP” A) There is nothing so damaging, nothing so hurtful as when a person, especially a Christian, is living in sin! * This morning we’re going to see what happened to the nation of Israel as the result of one man’s disobedience to the Lord. * Moses has now more

  • Achan In The Camp

    Contributed by Leighton (Lee) Vary on Oct 28, 2016

    What is one reason the work of the Holy Spirit in our church is often hindered? Study the incident of Achan's disobedience concerning the lust of the eye.

    Introduction A. Last Sunday I was asked what kind of program we could institute to help the church. 1. I didn’t have an answer then, but it started me to thinking a. Then I remembered the words I had heard years ago from many pastors and teachers b. Even the very best of programs more

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