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  • Swimming In A Sea Of Emotion Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on May 5, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    I want to take this passage and preach on the subject Swimming in a Sea of Emotions. Emotions are something we deal with every day of our lives. They are powerful and they can control our lives if we allow them to. Now, emotions, or feelings, are not bad

    SWIMMING IN A SEA OF EMOTION Genesis 43:15-34 Introduction This passage opens with ten of Joseph’s brothers leaving Canaan make a second trip down into Egypt to buy grain. The first time they went, they came face to face with the Prime Minister of the country, but they did not know that he more

  • "When Emotion Is Not Enough”

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Mar 10, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Using the event of the Triumphal Entry of Christ in Jerusalem, provides helps in decision making.

    “When Emotion is Not Enough” March 16, 2008 A little boy was sick on Palm Sunday and stayed home from church with his mother. His father returned from church holding a palm branch. The little boy was curious and asked, "Why do you have that palm branch, dad?" "You see, when Jesus came into town, more

  • Blinded By Emotion #4 Series

    Contributed by J. Brad Campbell on Nov 6, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Fourth sermon in the series "The Spirit of IShmael" dealing with people who are rulled by thier emotions.

    Spirit of Ishmael Blinded by Emotion #4 Text: Gen 21:9-19 And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, which she had born unto Abraham, mocking. 10 Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with more

  • Handling Emotional Burnout Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Nov 9, 2012

    The answer for the anguish of emotional burnout is through 1) The Merciful Rescue by God (Psalm 40:1–3), 2) The Multiple Resources in God (Psalm 40:4, 5), 3) The Motivational Responses to God(Psalm 40:6–10)

    Today as we remember our brave men and women who fought in defence of the freedoms we enjoy we often think of those who lost their lives in combat. We tend to overlook however those who were injured in battle. The one injury that is hardest to detect is the one that can't be seen in a physical more

  • Paul, The Emotional Case Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Sep 10, 2012

    Neither Paul nor we are meant to be Mr. Spock from Star Trek; Paul was comfortable with emotion, but -- even when he was emotionally intense -- he kept his eyes on Jesus and sought to follow God’s will, not his own.

    Paul, the Emotional Case (2 Corinthians 7:2-16) 1. I love this old Jewish joke: During a service at an old synagogue in Eastern Europe, when the Shema prayer was said, half the congregants stood up and half remained sitting. The half that was seated started yelling at those standing to sit down, more

  • Developing Emotional Intimacy Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Feb 7, 2016

    There are 3 types of intimacy in marriage, kind of like a three legged stool. Sometimes we try to make it by on one or two of these but you can’t stay balanced in life and marriage without all three.This sermon is about emotional Intimacy

    Developing Intimacy in a Sex Crazed Culture 1 Corinthians 7:1-7:7 In today’s message, we’re going to look at Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth. It’s in this letter that Paul speaks more about sexuality than any other letter in the New Testament. Paul came to Corinth more

  • Emotions And Sensory Spirituality

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Jan 24, 2017
    based on 5 ratings

    God never intended emotions or feelings to guide or reveal what is right or wrong. They are constantly changing, and they need to be controlled because they can take control of a person and lead them into serious error and deception.

    Human emotions are deeply intertwined with the five basic senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing, which human beings use to investigate and perceive the world around them. They are essential for processing, learning, perception, reasoning, problem-solving and adapting to the events of more

  • Destroying Faulty Emotion Series

    Contributed by Cletus Blamo on Sep 27, 2016

    The right and God glorifying procedure in perfecting our emotion

    Doing a series "Working on Emotion" Proverb 23:7 Emotion is so vital to the wellbeing as well as it connect man to His ally. Like a wise man once said it isn't cowardice to surrender to a power greater than you "Emotion" Theme: Destroying wrong and faulty emotion permanently Text: Psalms more

  • Emotions Under Control Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 24, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    I know it is a popular myth that the Christian is supposed to experience only the good ones of love, joy, and peace, but unfortunately the Word of God will not support this myth. God's people in the Bible felt every feeling there is to be felt.

    Three Frenchmen have come to the rescue of fathers who have no pleasure in trying to discover if their baby needs a diaper change. They have invented a little electronic device that fits right into the infant's diaper. As soon as there is any contact with moisture it breaks out with a bubbly more

  • Your Emotional Health Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Apr 18, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    This series identifies areas in your life that need to be balanced. This is the 5th sermon in the series, Balanced Living.

    Series: Balanced Living [#5] YOUR EMOTIONAL HEALTH 1 Kings 19:1-15 Introduction: As we continue in our study “Balanced Living”, we will look at being emotionally balanced. With today's high-pressure lifestyle, it's easy to run out of emotional energy. You can call it depression, more

  • Emotional Growth In Marriage Series

    Contributed by Vince Miller on Oct 3, 2019

    Marriage can be a great blessing and a great challenge all at the same time. Problems often arise because we men do not invest the time we should in an emotional connection with our wives.

    Marriage Is Emotionally Challenging Marriage can be a great blessing and a great challenge all at the same time. Problems often arise because we men do not invest the time we should in an emotional connection with our wives. But for most women, and I would suggest men too, the emotional connection more

  • The Most Dangerous Emotion

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Aug 12, 2018

    A study in the book of 1 Samuel 19: 1 – 24

    1 Samuel 19: 1 – 24 The Most Dangerous Emotion 19 Now Saul spoke to Jonathan his son and to all his servants, that they should kill David; but Jonathan, Saul’s son, delighted greatly in David. 2 So Jonathan told David, saying, “My father Saul seeks to kill you. Therefore please be on your guard more

  • Transformed - Emotional Health Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jun 26, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    TRANSFORMED – How God Changes Us Emotional Health – Mark chapter 12 verses 29-30 - sermon by Gordon Curley PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). Positive things you should know about emotions. (a). Emotions are characteristics of God. (b). Emotions are a gift from God. (c). Emotions can lead us to extremes. (d). Emotions are on display throughout the book of Psalms. (2). Negative things you should know about more

  • Facing Our Emotions Series

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Mar 17, 2016

    A Palm Sunday message about the importance of dealing with our sorrows in order to more fully experience the peace and joy of Christ.

    Jesus has set his face toward Jerusalem. For three years he has been calling disciples, teaching crowds, healing the lame, welcoming outcasts, and dining with sinners. He has been teaching about God’s new covenant and the reality of God’s kingdom, even as he embodied it. Now, it is time more

  • Choice Vs. Emotions

    Contributed by Paul Robinson on Sep 16, 2022

    It is interesting to note that in John 21 two different kinds of love are being presented. The first two times Jesus says “Lovest thou me more than these,” He is using the Greek word agape for love; the third time He uses the Greek word phileo. But does it matter?

    It is interesting to note that in John 21 two different kinds of love are being presented. The first two times Jesus says “Lovest thou me more than these,” He is using the Greek word agape for love; the third time He uses the Greek word phileo. All three times Peter uses the word phileo. Does it more

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