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  • My Deliverer Against Any Enemy Or Disease

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Mar 16, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    If you are feeling like the wall of life has taken away your hope and joy, then keep reading for the key to scaling life’s most difficult walls is to be found and secured in faith in our Lord Jesus Christ

    My Deliverer Psalms 18:29, 2 Chronicles 32 Online Sermon: “With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall” What our minds know as sweet doctrine our hearts have yet to be fully experienced. Even though we more

  • Amazing Grace

    Contributed by Bob Joyce on Jul 17, 2009

    G-R-A-C-E God’s riches at Christ’s expense. You cannot earn your way to Salvation, only by receiving Christ as Savior.

    I recently read about a pastor in Arkansas who lost his wife. She died as a result of a terminal disease. She had been struggling with that disease for the two years prior to her death. They finally came to a place about three months before she died where conventional medicine told them that there more

  • Remember Series

    Contributed by Robert Fa’atoia-Collins on Feb 10, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    We often complain because we forget God's leading in our lives

    REMEMBER We Complain Because we Forget I am stunned every time I read the story of the Exodus. How can the people of Israel complain like they do? How could they be so ignorant, so stupid, so forgetful? The God of the universe had just tossed around the most powerful man on the face of the more

  • Lust Series

    Contributed by Aneel Aranha on Dec 10, 2014

    One of the deadliest of the seven sins, lust can destroy the soul. Here is how it works and how we can deal with it.

    Before we begin talking about lust, we need to talk a little about sex. Hugh Hefner didn’t invent it. Neither did Hollywood. Nor the authors of the Kama Sutra. God created sex, and like everything he made it was beautiful. He didn’t waste any time getting to it either. Merely two more

  • Avarice Series

    Contributed by Aneel Aranha on Jan 20, 2021

    Avarice is the self-serving and inordinate love of and desire for money, wealth, power, food, or other possessions. Are we an avaricious people?

    Leo Tolstoy once wrote a story about a successful peasant farmer who was not satisfied with his lot. He wanted more of everything. One day he received a novel offer. For 1000 rubles, he could buy all the land he could walk around in a day. The only catch in the deal was that he had to be back at more

  • Sloth Series

    Contributed by Aneel Aranha on Jan 20, 2021

    Sloth is a sluggishness of soul or boredom because of the exertion necessary for the performance of a good work. Are we guilty of it?

    In the rain forests of Central and South America dwells a small ugly looking mammal called a sloth. This little creature is so sedentary that algae grows on its furry coat. When it moves—which is rarely, since it spends 20 hours a day sleeping—it travels at a top speed of 0.15 mph. When we think more

  • Envy Series

    Contributed by Aneel Aranha on Jan 20, 2021

    Proverbs 4:30 says "A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones”. What's the condition of our bones?

    History tells of a statue that was erected to Theogenes, a celebrated victor in the Greek public games. The erection of this statue so excited the envious hatred of one of his rivals that he went every night and strove to throw the statue over by repeated blows. Ultimately he succeeded, but alas, more

  • Pride Series

    Contributed by Aneel Aranha on Dec 1, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. What is pride and how do we deal with it? A few answers here.

    He was the most beautiful of all angels. He was referred to as the Day Star, and the son of Dawn. His name, itself, spoke of his brightness—Lucifer, angel of light. He dreamt of ascending the heavens and raising his throne above that of God’s. But he was sent crashing down to the dark more

  • A Deadly Character Flow - Pride - Genesis 11 Series

    Contributed by Scott Turansky on Jul 24, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    I’m surprised that my wife married me. Because if you hear our story of how we met, the very first time that we met Carrie was impressed with my arrogance.

    Today I’d like to talk to you about pride. How many of you would say you have a problem with the sin of pride? I find it hard. It's kind of frustrating. Can I just say it’s a frustrating topic to preach about? I think it’s frustrating to preach about it because the people who need to hear about more

  • Divinely Shelter Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jun 29, 2020

    Today the world is worried about only one thing known as CORONA VIRUS or COVID-19. Whether Coronavirus is a biblical plague? Is it the punishment of God? Is it the sign of the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ? Does it point to the fulfilment of the book of Revelation? Read on...

    Psalm 57:1-11 Divinely Shelter during Disaster This Psalm 57 offered to the Pure and Shining One, i.e., Yahweh. David sang this Psalm in the tune of -Do not Destroy. It is one of the golden (Michtam) songs of David. There are four psalms in this pattern, namely Psalms 57, 58, 59 and 75. This more

  • The Seven Deadly Sins And The Nine Noble Virtues

    Contributed by Neil Richardson on Mar 12, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    We see how no virtue is ultimately pleasing to God outside of the Spirit of Christ working in us.

    Ecclesiastes 4:1-5:7 Beulah 5 August 2001 Also read: Galatians 5:16-26 A. Intro Topsy turvy, confusing: Should we pursue pleasure? Work? Wisdom? Madness? The Mesopotamian story End of chapter 3, Qoheleth is despairing, putting man on level with beasts, forcing us to accept that, with the more

  • 3 Deadly Options, 1 Gracious God

    Contributed by Cameron Bottema on Nov 24, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    God gives David three consequences to his sins, but upon his repentance God chooses to be gracious and withholds His judgement.

    1 Chronicles 21:1-15 Introduction: How does this passage start off? Who are the first two people mentioned? Verse one says, “Now Satan…” Stop right there! These words ought to tell you something serious! Last time I checked, whenever the Bible says Satan is doing something, more

  • Satan’s Deadly Political Leader: The Antichrist Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Oct 2, 2023

    This message explores the Antichrist's rise to power, and the vicious and merciless war he will inflict on humanity. However, God is so good that in the midst of hell on earth He still gives us hope we can trust!

    Alpha and Omega, Part 38, Revelation Part 15 Satan’s Deadly Political Leader: The Antichrist Revelation 13:1-10 Introduction - Been studying Revelation together, to understand God’s plan for creation -- REM: Redemption of sin has been provided through Jesus; we have a choice - Last week, we more

  • "The Shedding Of Innocent Blood" Series

    Contributed by Robert Walderman on Jan 18, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The first in a series of an expanded look at the 7 Deadly Sins, a current societal manifestation and our call to the opposite virtue.

    Of Vice and Virtue - “The Shedding of Innocent Blood” - Abortion: Prov.6:16-19 Today I am starting a once-a-month series of sermons entitled, “Of Vice and Virtue”. It is an expanded look at the traditional “seven deadly sins”. The series will include a look at more

  • I Don't Feel A Thing! (Hix)

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Mar 20, 2014

    Jesus spoke in parables, He used physical things (Seeds, Water, Light, Soil, Birth, Wedding, Wine, Bread) to explain spiritual things (Witnessing, Testimony, Spiritual Birth, Christian Life, Christian Walk). So God is going to use leprosy as a teaching tool!

    People are always concerned with physical body and not really concerned with spiritual body, but physical is connected to the spiritual! Sickness, disease, famine, pestilence, wars, death are all a direct or indirect result of sin!! The only way to bring any kind of healing to the physical, is to more

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