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  • This Is The Day

    Contributed by Tom Tarpley on Mar 8, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    An Attitude of Gratitude

    Good Morning, it is so good to be home again. I enjoy my time spent at seminars and spiritual retreats because I always get ideas and pointers on how to be more effective at my vocation. Last week was simply awesome. I heard some real down home, handclapping, foot stomping, get out in the isle and more

  • Your Days Are Numbered Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Sep 26, 2013

    In these last days we need to respect the enemy, respect the holy, respect godly counsel, and respect the Lord Himself.

    Your Days Are Numbered (Daniel 5) Last year (2012), a South Carolina funeral home opened a “Coffee Corner right there in the home.” It had a fireplace, a TV, a free WI-FI connection, and it was stocked with Starbucks coffee. The funeral home director said that he hoped it would help more

  • From This Day Forward

    Contributed by Ely Lambert on Nov 21, 2002
    based on 10 ratings

    On this day the church in Laurel has made a significant stride in the right direction. The Lord has blessed us with elders.

    Preached at Laurel Church of Christ On Sunday, November 10, 2002 Introduction: I. The Laurel church is in the midst of a change of seasons. A. Just as the four seasons pass from year to year. It is easy to miss the forest for the trees. 1. Today is a very significant day for the Lord’s more

  • Results Of Obedience To God

    Contributed by Clarence Clough on Jan 28, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Obedience is pleasing to the Lord and will bring powerful results in our lives individually and corporately.

    Results Of Obedience To God Text: John 14:21 Introduction: Early on in life, we become aware that we are to obey. We soon learn that obedience brings smiles of approval and that disobedience is met with frowns and often harshness. Parents tell their children, "You had better mind us!" Teachers: more

  • The Day Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lawrence on Feb 25, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    Christians can live with confidence in the reality of the Day of reckoning we will have and the salvation into the Kingdom that will follow!

    The Day February 24, 2001 Introduction: Skit about Parable of the Talents Need 15 coins & 4 ‘volunteers’. Skit is about 5 minutes in length. The three volunteers walk up to the Master. Master: I want to give each of you something, according to your ability. Handing 5 coins to servant #1 Here, more

  • That Day! Series

    Contributed by Winson Butler on May 25, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    What a day it will be! The day that Jesus comes. The Word of God presents three intresting things concerning this event. Let’s examine them together.

    "That Day..." Dr. E. Winson Butler Matthew 24:36-42 kjv (pg 858 NT white pew Bible) Introduction I. illus. When Jeb Bush (now Governor of Florida) came to Jacksonville, FL during his campaign, he made a stop at the Jacksonville Landing. Unfortunately I was downtown during that time and traffic more

  • There Was A Day

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Dec 11, 2018

    Discussion and connection of Job's situation to 9/11

    I would like to submit the outline below for possible use in the publication Pulpit Helps under Sermon Starter and Outlines. Sorry, I know it is long. I tried to shorten it as much as I could. Please feel free to alter it as appropriate. Thank you. THERE WAS A DAY I. THERE WAS A DAY Of more

  • Memorial Day

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on May 31, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    Memorial Day is often celebrated to recognized the sacrifices made by our military servicemen. Jesus made a similar sacrifice.

    It’s 3am on a cold winter day. Patchy snow covers the landscape as Loudspeakers overhead blare telling everyone to get to their places. Surrounded by sandbags, concrete barriers and roughly 10,000 soldier, sailors, airman and marines, Bagram Air Base has flipped a switch and turned from a more

  • The Lord's Memorial Service

    Contributed by Tim Patrick on May 25, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon discusses the Lord’s Supper in conjunction with the Memorial Day holiday.

    This is Memorial Day weekend. There will be many memorial services and events held around our country to commemorate the men and women who gave their lives to gain and protect our freedom. We should never forget the price they paid. I want to build off of this idea to speak of another sacrifice. In more

  • Thank You Lord

    Contributed by Jose R. Hernandez on Jul 10, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    As we all know in just a few days this country will be celebrating Thanksgiving.

    As we all know in just a few days this country will be celebrating Thanksgiving. Americans as well as Hispanics will celebrate this day in the same fashion. This is a day when everyone will clear their agenda, and everyone will find the time to come together and enjoy an opulent dinner. This is more

  • Our Passion Drives Our Change Readiness Series

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Jul 10, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Encounters with God can fail, if we are not prepared for the change that follows any encounter. In this concluding part of the series Dr. Madana Kumar explores the dynamics all of us face when we are faced with change.

    Encounters With God Series Part 7 Our Change Readiness decides the outcome of the encounter on our lives For a video/ audio version of the message, please visit Good morning. This is the seventh and concluding part of this series of messages on Encounters with God. more

  • Mothers Day: Not Gospel Sermon, But A Tribute With Humour.

    Contributed by Gordon Mcculloch on Mar 26, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    A mothers day sermon. Full of laughs, full of sentiment, and no gospel message. A tribute to mothers everywhere.

    This sermon was delivered to the congregation in Holy Trinity, in Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland on the 26th March 2017: by Gordon McCulloch (A Scottish Episcopal Church in the Dioceses of Glasgow and Dumfries). The readings today are, Ex 2.1-10 Psalm 127 Col 3.12-17 John 19.25b-27 Please join me in my more

  • Forty Days Later Was A Big Day!

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on May 18, 2012

    The Ascension was a BIG DAY in the church and Jesus is there with the Father in heaven on our team, looking out for us still. So are we living like he is?

    Thursday was a big day in the life of the Church. I was in Wellington on Thursday learning more about Natural Church development which is a Church Health Survey that’s been put together by a bloke by the name of Christian A Swartz who will incidentally be in Christchurch in a couple of weeks more

  • The Holy Lord Honor Mothers

    Contributed by Apostle Tonya on May 14, 2023

    The honor Christ Jesus demonstrated at the Cross for His mother, Mary

    Surely, I might say the most profound passages in the Scriptures wherefore fundamentally revealeth our Holy Lord’s blessed endearment for mothers are in the blessed pages of Christ Jesus with His mother, Mary and in the wisdom of King Solomon. In 1 Kings 3:16-28, the passage describes a most more

  • One Nation Under...?

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Jul 19, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Our nation should have a fear of the Lord.

    “One Nation Under ...?” July 3, 2011 FBC Chester, IL Dr. Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A Ask not what your country can do for you, but you can do for your country; We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and are endowed by the their Creator with more

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