
That Day

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
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Emphasize the certainty of Jesus Christ's return and the urgency of preparing for it, as guided by the scripture from 2 Peter 3:10.


Good morning, beloved brothers and sisters. We are gathered here today to delve into the heart of a powerful promise from the scriptures. It's a promise that has been passed down through generations, one that stirs our hearts with both anticipation and a sense of urgency. It's the promise of our Lord Jesus Christ's return.

Consider these words from Billy Graham: "The end will come with the return of Jesus Christ…That is why a Christian can be an optimist. That is why a Christian can smile in the midst of all that is happening…We know what the end will be: the triumph of the Lord Jesus Christ" Amidst all the darkness of the world it’s such a blessing to have Jesus to look forward to.

The scripture that guides us today comes from 2 Peter 3:10,

"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up."

Now, let's open our hearts and minds for the Word of God with a prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for gathering us here today. Open our hearts and minds to the truth of your Word. Give us the wisdom to understand and the courage to prepare for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. In His precious name we pray, Amen.

Let's delve into this scripture and see what it holds for us today.

The Certainty of Jesus' Return

The certainty of Jesus' return is a promise that has been handed down through generations, and one that continues to inspire and challenge believers today. It is a promise that is both comforting and unsettling, a promise that stirs our hearts with anticipation and urgency.

2 Peter 3:10 is a reminder of this certainty: The metaphor of a thief in the night underscores the suddenness and unpredictability of Jesus' return. It is a reminder that we must always be prepared, for we do not know the day or the hour when He will come again.

A sense of urgency: The imagery of the heavens passing away and the elements melting with fervent heat is a vivid depiction of the finality and irrevocability of that day. It is a call to action, a call to live our lives in a manner worthy of the Lord, knowing that our actions have eternal consequences.

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A sense of hope: Despite the challenges and trials we face in this world, we have the assurance that Jesus will return to establish His kingdom of righteousness and peace. This hope is not a vague or tenuous one, but a sure and steadfast anchor for our souls. It is a hope that sustains us in times of difficulty, and encourages us to persevere in our faith.

A present reality that shapes our lives and attitudes: It influences how we live our lives, how we treat others, and how we view the world. It challenges us to live with an eternal perspective, to prioritize the things that truly matter, and to strive for holiness and righteousness.

The importance of sharing the gospel with others: Knowing that Jesus will return, we are compelled to share the good news of His salvation with those who do not yet know Him. We are called to be His witnesses, to share His love and grace with a world in desperate need of His saving power.

The importance of vigilance and preparedness: Just as a homeowner would be vigilant against a thief, we too must be vigilant in our spiritual lives, guarding against complacency and spiritual lethargy. We must be diligent in our pursuit of holiness, and vigilant in our watchfulness for the Lord's return.

The Urgency of Preparing for His Return

The urgency of preparing for Christ's return is a call to action, a call to live our lives in a manner that reflects our faith and our anticipation of His return ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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