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  • David: The King Who Bared His Soul Series

    Contributed by Eloy Gonzalez on Feb 25, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Ash Wednesday: Are we open with others and God about our sinfulness? We learn from king David’s life that God honors openness and "bared-soul" confession. (Note: While sermon is original, the theme is based in part on sermon helps from Concordia Publishin

    A man after God’s own heart… a woman after God’s own heart? – Beloved, let us take an honest inventory – see how we stack up: My overdependence on food for comfort instead of God has created its own public witness. We know that Jesus’ divinity peeked through at his transfiguration - - but for me, more

  • It's Lonely At The Bottom

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Jun 28, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    David, Pt. 12

    IT’S LONELY AT THE BOTTOM (2 SAMUEL 15) Several years ago, a Los Angeles Times (5/23/01) article with the curious headlines of “Pests Pester Even the Poshest of Posh Spots” caught my eye. The poshest of posh spots was the famed and luxurious, 285-room, 16-floor Four Seasons Hotel nearby the upscale more

  • The Mission Of Satan

    Contributed by Michael Stover on Jan 11, 2002
    based on 91 ratings

    Satan is on a mission of his on making. His main strategies have not changed. What are they?

    I. Distraction (verse 1) A. Used something out of the ordinary 1. ‘Look! A talking serpent!’ 2. Events 3. Pursuits 4. Gossip 5. Troubles 6. Samson & Delilah 7. David & Bathsheba 8. Solomon & wives 9. Achan & treasure B. Questioned God’s Word 1. ‘Is that really what God said?’ 2. ‘Is that what God more

  • Guilty As Charged

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Jun 28, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    David, Pt. 11

    GUILTY AS CHARGED (2 SAMUEL 12:1-25) A convicted felon, sentenced to death merely for stealing a horse, protested at the bar to the judge against the injustice of being condemned. He cried, “For it is very hard, my lord, to hang a poor man for stealing a horse.” The judge answered, “Sir, you are more

  • David’s Despicable Deeds Disclosed

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jul 2, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Your sins will find you out.

    David’s Despicable Deeds Disclosed July 1, 2012 Evening Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: Your sins will find you out. Focus Passage: 2 Samuel 12:1-14 Supplemental Passage: "But if you will not do so, behold, you have sinned against the LORD, and be more

  • Giant Challenges

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Dec 2, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This is the eleventh of 31 lessons on The Story. David becomes the replacement for Saul as king. In so doing he must overcome "Giant Challenges" of Saul, Goliath, and an Impossible Friendship with Jonathan.

    1. Ideal Football Player The coach at Auburn University - Shug Jordan - had asked his former Linebacker Mike Kollin if he would help his alma Mater do some recruiting. Mike said, "Sure, coach. What kind of player are you looking for?" The coach said, "Well Mike, you know there's that fellow, you more

  • The Mathematics Of Sin

    Contributed by Don Campbell on Jun 7, 2024

    Understanding the mathematics of sin is as simple as adding 2 +2.

    THE MATHEMATICS OF SIN James 1:13-15 INTRODUCTION A. Understanding the mathematics of sin is as simple as adding 2 + 2. B. Charles Stanley reminds us: “If we make rash or sinful choices, we can anticipate negative consequences (Gal. 6:7-8). In other words, you reap what you sow, more than you more

  • "Called & Committed"

    Contributed by David Washburn on Jan 9, 2003
    based on 47 ratings

    There will be those who question your motives and there will be naysayers, but David shows us what it means to be called and committed in the name of the Living God.

    As I get older, celebrating the arrival of a new year takes on less and less importance. I’m just as content spending a quiet evening at home. Staying up until midnight is no longer a priority, though my children think it’s awesome. While the celebratory nature of the New Year’s arrival may have more

  • How To Be A Giant Killer

    Contributed by Paul Tuck on Aug 12, 2003
    based on 90 ratings

    This is a narrative of David’s victory over Goliath over Gath, with some timely applications.

    HOW TO BE A GIANT-KILLER I Samuel 17: 1-10, 32-36, 45-51 Israel is in a show-down with their old arch enemy, the Philistines. The Philistines are on one mountain and the Israelites on another, with a valley between them. Both armies seem to be at a standstill, with neither one wanting to be more

  • Facing Our Giants Series

    Contributed by Lynwood Morriss on Sep 23, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Our biggest giants are often those that come from inside of us.David’s example helps us to identify them and defeat them with God’s help.

    I. The Anatomy of a Giant 1. Giants highlight our inadequacy 17:1-7 A. Physical description of Goliath 4-7 B. Average hgt. of Isralelite in ancient times 5’6” C. Everything covered, with a dedicated front guard D. Israel had few swords 1 Sam. 13:16-22 Although there were some battles more

  • Run To The Battle Line!

    Contributed by Brian B on Nov 4, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    Preach this one with GUSTO! What is the proper response when faced with a battle? Run To The Battle line with Faith & Run to the Battle line with Action..

    Run To The Battle line 1 Samuel 17:1-51 Please take a moment to place your vote. If you have an idea for an improvement, I am very teachable. My e-Mail is Introduction … we are all in a battle! All throughout God’s word we see evidence that God knows we more

  • Pick Up Some Extra Stones

    Contributed by James May on Nov 14, 2004
    based on 70 ratings

    David’s 5 stones represented the future victories over the enemies of Israel by the power of the "Rock" in his life. Let us carry some extra stones for our future battles as well.

    Pick Up Some Extra Stones by Pastor Jim May One of the most familiar stories found in the Bible is the story of David and Goliath. It’s a story that all of us learned in our earliest days of Sunday School, and it is still a favorite story told to those in our Nursery and Children’s Church. It more

  • "David - The Price Of Success" Part 2 Of 12 Series

    Contributed by Dave Martin on May 23, 2003
    based on 25 ratings

    As we continue our series on the life of David, how does God spell Success? What’s His formula? God(Preparation + Opportunity) = Success Success is “Doing God’s will, accomplished God’s way, for God’s glory!”

    Pastor Dave Martin, Cross Creek Community Church, May 25, 2003 “David – The Price of Success” Part 2 1Sam 16 (Be reading & studying 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 Chronicles, 1Kings 1-2) Review from last week: · Prerequisite for God’s blessing is being a person after God’s own heart! · Proof of having a Godly more

  • "David - Be A Giant Killer" Part 3 Of 12 Series

    Contributed by Dave Martin on May 28, 2003
    based on 25 ratings

    Everyone faces “Giants” in their lives: Impossible situations, people, relationships or differences, Irresistible temptations or sins, Possible haunting memories of the past - Giants.

    Pastor Dave Martin, Cross Creek Community Church, June 1, 2003 “David – Be a Giant Killer” Part 3 1Sam 17 (Be reading & studying 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 Chronicles, 1Kings 1-2) Review from Previous weeks: ** Prerequisite for God’s blessing is being a person after God’s own heart! ** Proof of having a more

  • Dadme Un Hombre Que Pelee Conmigo

    Contributed by J. Martin on Jan 2, 2004
    based on 129 ratings

    Hoy en día, existe un Guerrero sumamente poderoso e imponente que busca también hombres que peleen con Él. La Biblia dice: “Jehová saldrá como gigante, y como hombre de guerra despertará celo; gritará, voceará, se esforzará sobre sus enemigos.” (Isaías

    Cuando el ejército israelita fue a pelear contra los filisteos, se encontraron con una situación sumamente difícil. Los filisteos tenían una arma secreta: ¡Un hombre de guerra gigantesco!. Él era impresionante por su estatura y por su capacidad para pelear. Era tan imponente que dentro del more

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