Sermon Series
  • 1. Emotions Are A Gift From God

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2021

    We often think that our emotions are a burden, rather than a blessing, but nothing could be further from the truth. God created us with emotions so our lives might be enriched. But we do need to learn how to embrace and employ our emotions in a way that is helpful, not harmful.

    A. There was once a young man who, in his youth, professed his desire to become a great writer. 1. When asked to define what he meant by a “great writer,” he said, “I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level, stuff that will more

  • 2. Feelings Of Guilt And Shame

    Contributed on Feb 22, 2021

    God has given us the ability to feel guilt and shame when we have done what is wrong so that it might lead us to forgiveness and the freedom from guilt and shame. Satan wants to destroy us with the burden of guilt and shame, but in Christ our guilt and shame have been removed.

    A. In the Spring of 1959 an Air Force major entered a Texas mental institution for the second time. 1. He had tried to commit suicide twice and he had been arrested for forgery and robbery. 2. For years he had been drinking heavily and his marriage had disintegrated. 3. Yet, only 15 years more

  • 3. When Fear Envelops You

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2021

    God has made us with the ability to experience fear as a part of His loving provision for us. When properly embraced and employed, fear can protect us from harm, motivate us to action, and cause us to reach out to God for the help we need.

    A. Years ago, fear began to take hold of the people of Moline (Mo-lean), Illinois. 1. First came the stories of a wild cougar on the loose. a. The news sent women and children into hiding, and even made brave men tremble. 2. Next came a similar story about a huge beaver, estimated to be 80 more

  • 4. The Danger Of Anger

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    God has given us the ability to feel anger for good reasons. But these feelings of anger need to be controlled and channeled in the right direction.

    A. One day a woman was telling her friend that she had called her husband at work to tell him she had been in a fender bender with their new car. 1. Her friend asked her if her husband got mad. 2. The wife said, “Well, he didn’t say much, but his boss later told me that the smoke alarm went off in more

  • 5. Singin' The Blues

    Contributed on Mar 22, 2021

    Even the emotion of sadness is given to us by God for our good. But what should we do when sadness turns into despondency and depression? These three biblical examples show us what to do.

    A. I came across this humorous list of truths children learn – let me share a few with you. 1. Truth #1: No matter how hard you try, you can’t baptize cats. 2. Truth #2: You can’t trust dogs to watch your food. 3. Truth #3: You can’t hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk. 4. Truth #4: The more

  • 6. How To Go From Bitter To Better

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2021

    Bitterness is an emotion that can eat us from the inside out like poison or cancer. Like the biblical character Joseph, there are things we can do to keep bitterness from destroying us.

    A. Abe Lemons was head basketball coach at the University of Texas for six years starting in 1976. 1. Lemons turned the Texas Longhorn basketball program around, but when DeLoss Dodds took over as the athletic director they soon were butting heads, and at the end of the 1982 season, Dodds fired more

  • 7. Hope For The Hopeless

    Contributed on Apr 5, 2021

    God has given us the ability to feel the emotion of hopelessness, so that we will look for the ultimate source of hope. I believe that the resurrection of Jesus is the greatest source of hope in the universe.

    A. Happy Easter to everyone – I’m so thankful we get to worship the Lord on this Easter Sunday! B. As we get started, I want to share this cartoon – it really tickled me. 1. The cartoon shows Jesus telling the angel that resurrection morning: “I want you to fold up my burial clothes, wait for more

  • 8. Those Feelings Of Pride

    Contributed on Apr 12, 2021

    God has given us the ability to feel the emotion of pride so that we can benefit from good pride and avoid the destructive nature of bad pride. It is important to know the difference between the two kinds of pride.

    A. Once there was a guy named Zeke who had so much pride he could never admit he was wrong. 1. One day Zeke wandered into the blacksmith shop with sawdust all over the floor. 2. A few minutes before Zeke arrived, the blacksmith had been working on an uncooperative horseshoe, and had beat on it more

  • 9. Crazy Little Thing Called Love

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2021

    The emotion of love and living a life of love can be very complicated. How do we navigate through all the confusing and emotionally charged stuff involved in love? By knowing God and walking in God's ways.

    A. One day two men named Bill and Steve were discussing the possibility of love. “I thought I was in love three times,” said Bill. 1. Steve asked, “Thought you were in love, what do you mean?” 2. The man explained, “Three years ago, I cared very deeply for a woman who wanted nothing to do with me, more

  • 10. The Green-Eyed Monster

    Contributed on Apr 26, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    God has made us with the ability to feel the emotions of jealousy and envy to enrich our lives, but those emotions can easily lead us into sin. We can counteract jealousy and envy by cultivating gratitude.

    A. My friend Dan Williams tells the story about a mission trip to Central American that he was on several years ago. 1. He found himself on a bus with other Americans who were also visiting that part of the world. a. On these kinds of trips, you are often thrown together with fellow travelers, and more

  • 11. Oh Heart Bowed Down With Sorrow

    Contributed on May 3, 2021

    The emotions that we will undergo during grieving our losses will possibly be the most painful and confusing experiences we will ever have. God has given us the ability to grieve and has given us spiritual principles and resources to help us through the process.

    A. There is an old Chinese parable about a woman whose only son died. 1. As you can imagine, she was grief-stricken beyond consolation. 2. She made her way to an old, wise man seeking his assistance. 3. She was surprised and hopeful when he promised to give her back her son if she would bring him more

  • 12. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry

    Contributed on May 10, 2021

    Loneliness is a universal experience. It is another emotion that God has given us for our wellbeing. Loneliness can alert us to our need to draw closer to God and to others. God's provision for the lonely is a spiritual family.

    A. Once upon a time there were three friends who were stranded on a desert island. 1. They found a magic lantern containing a genie who granted them each one wish. 2. The first guy wished he was off the island and back home – Poof it was granted. 3. The second guy wished for the same – Poof it more

  • 13. Regret, The Gift Nobody Wants

    Contributed on May 17, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    God has given us the ability to feel regret so it will lead us to repent and trust God to make something beautiful and useful out of our lives.

    A. One day, Lou Gehrig, the famous New York Yankee first basemen came to the plate with two outs in the 9th inning and the potentially winning runs on 2nd and 3rd bases. 1. The count against Gehrig went to full count – 3 balls and 2 strikes. 2. The pitcher wound up and let the ball go with all he more