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  • The Importance Of Fruitfulness Series

    Contributed by Mike Hullah on Jan 10, 2003
    based on 208 ratings

    God desire for man was that we would be fruitful. This sermon outlines the basic concept of fruit bearing.

    THE IMPORTANCE OF A FRUITFUL LIFE The Leader needs to be an example in everything they say and do. We all reproduce after our own kind; we must desire to reproduce healthy solid Christians. This lesson is about the fruitful life. Galatians 5:22-23 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, more

  • Am I Prepared For The Lord's Supper

    Contributed by Michael Otterstatter on Jul 20, 2001
    based on 144 ratings

    The Apostle Paul encourages proper preparation for those who desire to receive the Lord’s Supper

    The man flew airplanes in the war against Viet Nam. He was a pilot for Delta for almost 30 years. A year and a half ago he flew a small plane into Tulsa to pick me up so that we could fly together to a District Mission Board meeting in Milwaukee. When his plane was refueled and we stowed my more

  • The Worth Of Jesus Christ

    Contributed by Danny Moss on Oct 8, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    This message strives to create an overwhelming desire in the hearts of people to know Jesus Christ personally, by faith.

    "The Worth of Jesus Christ" Text-Hebrews 11:23-29 "By faith Moses, when he was born, waw hid three months of his parents, because they saw that he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king’s commandment. By faith Moses, when he was come to years, more

  • Passion Lives Here

    Contributed by Kemuel Travis on Feb 24, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    To show that as believer’s our passions must be directed toward Christ and not to our fleshly desires.

    I love to watch the Olympics, I always have 1980 Men’s Hockey team Eric Heiden’s 5 gold speed skating medals Sarah’s Hughes’ upset ice skating gold 4 years ago Luge, alpine skiing, bobsled, ski jumping All of these bring me excitement to watch Even curling (an ice version of shuffleboard) This time more

  • How To Keep From Sinning

    Contributed by Mike Turner on Sep 14, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    John shares with us the promise of forgiveness....but also shares the desire that "we sin not".

    How To Keep From Sinning 1 John 2:1-2 “If” does not give us literally means “provided” or on the condition that we sin.....we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous ! John rebuked those who claimed they had no sin.....and offered the promise of more

  • The Greatest Need Of The Church, Is Revival

    Contributed by Charles Howington on Oct 16, 2003
    based on 23 ratings

    Revival,is God’s desire for His People, for His church,and for our country.

    We all have heard it, "Lord send revival to our church." Lord send revival to our land,"" Lord we need a revival." Revival is the cry of the church, or is it? Do we truly understand what revival is? Is our heart’s desire really for revival to fall on us? Pastor’s across this great country have been more

  • Anchor Points For Church Growth

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Jul 10, 2002
    based on 158 ratings

    In light of a desire for church growth many abandon the anchoring points that bring God’s blessing.

    ANCHOR POINTS FOR CHURCH GROWTH ACTS 2:41-47 Introduction: If we desire church growth, it would be good for us to look at the pattern set by the early church in Jerusalem following the Day of Pentecost. The church experienced phenomenal growth and had the power of God flowing through virtually more

  • Seeing The Glory Of God

    Contributed by Bob Briggs on Dec 15, 2000
    based on 181 ratings

    People desire to see God’s glory, but what does it take for His glory to be seen?

    Moses asked God in Exodus 33:18, "Now, show me your glory." God responded to the bold request of Moses in the next verses saying, "I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I more

  • Who Will Roll The Stone

    Contributed by Danny Pruett on Jun 4, 2001
    based on 264 ratings

    God will move the stones in our lives that prevent us from performing all that He desires.

    Who Will Roll The Stone Away? Text: Mark 16: 1-6 Mark 16:1-8 16:1 When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. 2 Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the more

  • Come And Behold Him

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Aug 2, 2004
    based on 7 ratings

    Take a clear look at some symbols of Christmas to discover the nature of God and His desires for us.

    This morning I want to invite you to join me in reflecting upon the timeless invitation that lies beneath all the activity of this season;…the invitation to COME AND BEHOLD HIM. As one of the great Christmas anthems declares so beautifully… “O come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant O come ye, more

  • Seeking The Right Position

    Contributed by Jeremy Poling on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    His press his desire his motivation had to be greater than that which demotivated him

    Luk 19:1 And Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. Luk 19:2 And, behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus, which was the chief among the publicans, and he was rich. zaw-kak’ to be pure transparent or clean Luk 19:3 And he sought to see Jesus who he was; and could not for the press, because more

  • Living A Spirit-Filled Life - Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Shell Osbon on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    God’s desire is that every Christ-follower live a life that is filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit.

    10.09.05 AM Smyrna Assembly of God Pastor Shell Osbon “Living A Spirit-Filled Life - Part 1” Acts 19:1-6 1. The Promise Of The Spirit Throughout the Bible, God provides His people with a portrait of things to come. The exact thing same is true when you consider the promise of the Holy more

  • Living A Spirit-Filled Life - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Shell Osbon on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    God’s desire is that every Christ-follower live a life that is filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit.

    10.16.05 AM Smyrna Assembly of God Pastor Shell Osbon “Living A Spirit-Filled Life - Part 2” Acts 19:1-6 Intro Acts 19:1-6 Paul has met a group of people in Ephesus who are followers of Christ but they are completely unfamiliar with the Holy Ghost. No doubt Paul explains the Spirit of God to more

  • Living A Spirit-Filled Life - Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Shell Osbon on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    God’s desire is that every Christ-follower live a life that is filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit.

    10.23.05 AM Smyrna Assembly of God Pastor Shell Osbon “Living A Spirit-Filled Life - Part 3” Acts 19:1-6 Intro Acts 19:1-6 Paul has met a group of people in Ephesus who are followers of Christ but they are completely unfamiliar with the Holy Ghost. No doubt Paul explains the Spirit of God to more

  • Your Married Name Series

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Jan 2, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    Considering the names Beulah and Hephzibah to understand what it means and how desireable it is to be in a righ relationship with God.

    Happy Watangi Day! For those of you who don’t know, that was this past week. Watangi Day is a New Zealand holiday. If you would like to learn more about it, ask the Hintens, they used to live there. I think I know why they left there now… There’s a hill in New Zealand called: more

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