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  • Elisha’s Ministry: "Christian – How Is Your Little Upper Chamber Furnished?” Part 2 Of 2 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jul 17, 2022

    This lovely section of God’s word shouts of the provision of the Lord. The bed, table and chair and lampstand are all really significant. This message examines them in more detail.

    ELISHA’S MINISTRY: “CHRISTIAN – HOW IS YOUR LITTLE UPPER CHAMBER FURNISHED?” Part 2 of 2 SERIES – MESSAGES ON ELISHA – HIS LIFE AND MINISTRY Number 9 This next message which is Part 2 continues the account of Elisha in his circuit and focuses on Shunem. There he used to stay with a childless more

  • Beholding And Reflecting Our God Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Dec 13, 2021

    After Moses had beheld God's glory on Mt. Sinai, he could not help but reflect God's glory. That is God's will and plan for us. We are supposed to behold God, become like God, then reflect God to others.

    A. Our mission as children of God and disciples of Jesus Christ is to behold and to reflect our God. 1. Let’s begin with two illustrations – one about beholding and the other about reflecting. B. We are all familiar with the saying: “You Are What You Eat.” 1. I like this meme: “They say you are more

  • The Original Christmas Emotion

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Dec 27, 2002
    based on 38 ratings

    Four times in the Christmas Story we encounter fearful people of God: Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. In all cases, they are comforted by God’s angels. And they are told, “fear not”.

    Christmas Eve message—the Original Christmas Emotion Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts If we were contestants on the game show Family Feud and were asked to list words associated with Christmas, we might include some of the following—joy, peace, goodwill, more

  • How Jesus Successfully Used Metaphors

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 11 ratings

    Metaphor - A figure of speech used to describe, illustrate or apply something to a lesson that it does not usually denote.

    Metaphor - A figure of speech used to describe, illustrate or apply something to a lesson that it does not usually denote. Jesus masterfully communicated truth in a creative way so that His listens would understand and remember His teaching. For example, Jesus used many objects as analogies to more

  • The Key To A Joyful Productive Life

    Contributed by Gregory Kirk on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 139 ratings


    INTRODUCTION 1. I suppose that we all have known Christian who go through life... a. Looking like they were "weaned on a pickle" b. Useless for any good work when things were going rough for them 2. But we have also known Christians who are the opposite... a. more

  • An Awesome Responsibility

    Contributed by David Salyer on Dec 21, 2000
    based on 74 ratings

    The treasure of raising God’s gift of children

    An Awesome Responsibility Proverbs 22:6 Matt. 19:14 Psalm 127:3 Intro- I don’t know about you, but what I gather from the Word of God is that children are important in his eyes. We have to understand that our children are an incredible gift from God, which are really only on loan to us. God more

  • Keys To Steadfastness

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 11, 2001
    based on 88 ratings

    Many people proclaim their loyalty but steadfast people are hard to find.

    Keys to Steadfastness (Acts 21:1-14) 1. Paul’s steadfastness serves as an inspiration and a challenge for any person who contemplates just settling for second best. ILlustration:Consider the postage stamp: Its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there. Josh more

  • Meditation Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on May 31, 2001
    based on 114 ratings

    A series of sermons using "Celebration of Discipline" by Richard Foster. A top 10 for any Christian’s book shelf.

    CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE: MEDITATION PSALM 1:1-3 INTRODUCTION We are faced with enemies in our lives that we often to not recognize. I remember one day, in college, walking into one of my friend’s rooms to find the television on, the radio on, his computer was on, his roommate and another were more

  • Send Me A Sign

    Contributed by David Brinkman on Aug 6, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    When you are in despair, you are desperate for a sign, a glimpse of hope. God’s answer when we are in despair is to give us what we need - Himself.

    A businessman was in a great deal of trouble. His business was failing, he had put everything he had into the business, he owed everybody—it was so bad he was even contemplating suicide. As a last resort he went to a pastor and poured out his story of tears and woe. When he had finished, the more

  • Remember Our Heroes

    Contributed by Bernard Dawson on Nov 10, 2002
    based on 50 ratings

    A challenge to remember Godly heroes and what made them great and then adopt some of those traits into our own lives.

    REMEMBER OUR HEROES Acts 26:12-23 People are not born as heroes. They emerge from the mass of humanity and do something above the norm. They act because they see a need and have a vision for solving the problem. The vision may come in the form of a long contemplated dream or maybe it’s a split more

  • Showing Favortism

    Contributed by Paul Redwine on Jan 5, 2004
    based on 8 ratings

    We judge books by the cover, even though we are told not to. As Christians, we are commanded to avoid showing favoritism.

    Showing Favoritism, James 2:1-13 Paul Redwine, Northside Christian Church, Sunday, July 20, 2003. Introduction [ILLUSTRATION] a plainly dressed man who entered a church in the Netherlands took a seat near the front. A few minutes later a woman walked down the aisle, saw the stranger in the place more

  • How To Have Inexpressible Joy In Trials! Series

    Contributed by Joseph Mcculley on Nov 24, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    This passage helps one have the right perspective about trials when they come so that they may have joy.

    1 Peter 1:6-12 How to have Inexpressible Joy in Trials Introduction: Last Week we saw that Christians should bless (Eulogetos, “to speak well of”, “to praise” God because: He has saved us (v.3). He gives us a living Hope (v.3b). He give us an inheritance (v.4). He guards us more

  • Bulding Dynamic Faith: Lesson 1: Developing A Dream

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on May 3, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    “I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places plain, and the cracked places made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together” (Excerpt

    A. WHAT I WANT YOU TO LEARN! 1. Understand the difference between a biblical dream and a passing fancy or fleshly desire. 2. Examine your past dreams to find the dream God has for you. 3. Write down a concise dream statement for your life. B. INTRODUCTION 1. Dictionary definition: “To conceive more

  • The Complete Christian

    Contributed by Colin Coombs on May 11, 2006
    based on 27 ratings

    Helping us seek and realise the wonder of the true presence of God

    THE COMPLETE CHRISTIAN Psalm 27:4 [NIV] One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple. [BBE] One prayer have I made to the Lord, and this is my heart’s more

  • The Pathway To Spiritual Maturity

    Contributed by Larry Jacobs on May 21, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    This passage of Scripture give a person the pathway to spiritual maturity.

    THE PATHWAY TO SPIRITUAL MATURITY Acts 2:1 - 42 1. Have you ever wondered about the purpose of something? ILL Notebook: Purpose (wooden spoons) One day during cooking class, the teacher, Mrs. Pritchard, was extolling her secrets for preparing perfect sauces. When she ordered the class to the more

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