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  • The Resurrection And The Life Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Apr 2, 2021

    Knowing Jesus as the Resurrection and the Life means having the hope and security that Jesus has always been there for us to give us a comprehensive answer for our pain, confusion, grief and disappointment. Jesus is there even when it doesn’t feel like it.

    Message John 11:25 I Am The Resurrection and the Life In John 11 we read about a man called Lazarus who is dying – so Martha and Mary send a message to Jesus. By this time in His ministry Jesus has given sight to the blind, healed lepers, and removed demons from the possessed. He has even raised more

  • The Blessed Life Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 2, 2021

    In this third verse of the first chapter John spells out most fully the actions that lead to the blessed life. The three things you can do with this book that leads to blessings are: You can read it; you can hear it, and you can keep it.

    The famous medical missionary Dr. Grenfell of Labrador once came to John Hopkins Hospital in America looking for a head nurse to go back to Labrador with him. He made this appeal: "If you want to have the time of your life, come with me and run a hospital next summer for the orphans of the more

  • The Complexities Of Life Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 4, 2021

    The happy ending of the story of Ruth, and the happy ending for millions of stories, are due to the reality of the complexity of life.

    Not far from the scene where Ruth proposed to Boaz in the middle of the night, Musa Alami made a proposal of his own. This Arab boy was educated at Cambridge, and he went back to Palestine where he became very successful. But political turmoil came and he lost everything. He went out into the more

  • The Word Of Life Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Apr 30, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    First John 1:1-4 gives us five certainties about the person and work of Jesus Christ.

    Scripture I am starting a new sermon series on the Letters of John. Most scholars believe that the Apostle John wrote all three letters. They also believe that John wrote the Gospel and the Revelation. John wrote the three letters most likely around the start of the final decade of the first more

  • The Bread Of Life Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Mar 12, 2021

    Jesus the Bread of Life gives the spiritual food required so that we never need to hunger or thirst. As those who are filled with the bread-of-life character of Jesus our heart overflows into a heart for the spiritually hungering community.

    Message John 6:35 I Am The Bread Of Life When Jesus describes Himself with a phrase beginning with “I am” He is identifying an aspect of his character and ministry. Today we are looking at Jesus who is the Bread of life. In the context Jesus, the day before, had fed 5000 men – a crowd of at least more

  • The Luminous Life

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 13, 2021

    Jesus has a plan to penetrate this world's night of ignorance with the light of knowledge. The plan is very simple. It is to advertise. Every Christian is to be a living commercial for the Producer of the program of life.

    William Sangster, the great British preacher, tells of one of the strangest taxes ever imposed. He asked his father one day why so many of the homes in London had blocked up windows. His father explained that back in 1695 every house that had more the 6 windows was taxed for the extra ones. Many more

  • The Now Life

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 13, 2021

    The Lord's Prayer in chapter 6 is a now prayer. Give us this day our daily bread. All of its petitions are for now. Hallowed be your name-now. Thy kingdom come now. Thy will be done on earth-now.

    Marguerite Higgins, Pulitzer Prize winner for international reporting, stood by a marine during the Korean War. It was 42 below zero, and the soldier was weary and covered with frozen mud. She asked him, " If I were God and could grant you anything you wished, what would you most like?" more

  • Is This All There Is To Life?

    Contributed by Russell Metcalfe on Mar 18, 2021

    Abraham discovered that real LIFE is about walking with God! Getting to know God! And in the text Paul tells us that God still wants people to walk with Him by faith.

    March 7, 1993 Romans 4:1 "What shall we say that Abraham ... has found?" The question of our text, "What has Abraham discovered?" comes between two Bible stories in our lesson for today; one from the Old Testament, one from the New. Both of these stories touch on the profound more

  • The Purpose Of Life.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Mar 21, 2021

    The purpose of life; the work of God’s creative community, is posed by Jesus as a paradox. Of course a paradox is a statement or proposition that, despite sound, (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless...

    The Purpose of Life. 1 Corinthians 13:1-8NKJV The purpose of life; the work of God’s creative community, is posed by Jesus as a paradox. Of course a paradox is a statement or proposition that, despite sound, (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems more

  • Life Is Forever Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 25, 2021

    Life is, because God is. Life is eternal, because God is eternal. Life is the foundation of all that is, for life was before all things.

    From out of the files of the great Michelangelo comes the story of the young artist who labored long and tedious hours on the statue of an angel. When the time for its unvailing had finally come, the young artist hid himself in an inconspicuous spot and waited breathlessly for the response of the more

  • The Center Of Life Series

    Contributed by Tim Hinrichs on Mar 30, 2021

    Jesus is the center of the universe and is meant to be the center of the church and the center of our lives.

    As a child I was an avid reader and one of the first novels I ever read was by Jules Verne –“Journey to the Center of the Earth.” It was amazing as this crew boarded a rocket that drilled itself into the core of the earth and discovered it was hollow. There was a whole new world they didn’t know more

  • Sharing The Life Series

    Contributed by Tim Hinrichs on Mar 30, 2021

    We have the privilege of sharing this life of Jesus with others who don't know him yet. Although very difficult, our Lord will equip us for his mission.

    Today is Valentine’s Day! It’s the day centered on love and NOT just romantic love. This is a day to share with the precious people in your life that you love them. And the greatest love is the one God has toward YOU. He actually died out of his love for you! Isn’t that amazing? What a Valentine! more

  • Fighting For Life Series

    Contributed by Donald Mcculley on Jun 10, 2019

    This is not a playground but a battleground.

    Fighting For Life Ephesians 6:10-18 Introduction: This is not a playground but a battleground. We need to understand some things. I. We Have An Enemy (10-12) A. His Name “The devil”. His name means slanderer or accuser. His diabolical name reveals his character. B. His Nature He is shrewd, more

  • Life Lessons Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Jun 28, 2019

    Sermon on the Mount Message on the Be Attitudes. Sacrifice and Reward

    The Be Attitudes Theme: To show the true attitude of a Christian Text: Matthew 5:1-12 Introduction Mat 5:17-20 "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. (18) For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or more

  • The Christian Life

    Contributed by John White on Jul 6, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    As the years roll by we all tend to increasingly have questions about life. As Christians we know the general answers to the age-old questions, “Who am I?’ Where did I come from?” “Why am I here?” “Where am I going?”

    The Christian Life James 4:13-15 “Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what [shall be] on the morrow. For what [is] your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, more

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