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Sermons on commanded to go:

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  • Go Series

    Contributed by Brian Matherlee on Nov 29, 2007

    In this command to "go" we find provisions and protections for the church and the world we are called to go to

    THE GREAT COMMANDS OF JESUS Part Three—Go Matthew 28:18 Sunday, November 25, 2007 Pastor Brian Matherlee Introduction Where is the strength of the church? It is in being united to Christ, is it not? I want to give you a visual of what I think that looks like. • Have a group of people standing more

  • Let's Go Fishing

    Contributed by Dr. Ronnie Grizzle on Jun 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Do what Jesus commanded and go be fishers of men. Get out of the boat (the church) and reach the lost for Christ.

    Let’s Go Fishing Luke 5:1-10 Parkersburg Baptist Church October 17, 2004 --Retell the story in own words I. How did Peter Catch the fish? A. Vv 4-5 Peter went where he was told 1. Lord we’ve toiled all night and caught nothing. But he went out anyway. 2. Why don’t we as Christians even though we more

  • The Greatest Connection Series

    Contributed by Gary Cox on Oct 6, 2010

    Look at Jesus command to Go and Baptize.

    Everyone who has ever been baptized (which I would guess is a percentage of this room) has a baptism story. You can remember the place, the time, if not the year. My dad was a church planter and we were meeting in a school, so we borrowed other churches baptistries until we had our own building. I more

  • Go Fish!

    Contributed by Ron Crow on Mar 7, 2003
    based on 138 ratings

    “Why is our Christianity not more contagious? Why are we not winning more of our friends, relatives, and associates to Christ? Why are we not better witnesses?” Because we are not obedient to the command to "Go Fish!"

    Go Fish Matthew 4:18-22 Introduction Illustration: describe fishing & my experiences…then…relate it to Christianity. A question to ask Jesus: “Why is our Christianity not more contagious? Why are we not winning more of our friends, relatives, and associates to Christ? Why are we not better more

  • Go Tell Someone

    Contributed by Otis Nixdorf on Oct 23, 2007
    based on 19 ratings

    Jesus completely changed the Maniac of Gadera. He then gave him a simple command to go tell someone what great things God did fo him

    Go Tell Someone Mark 5:1-20 Jesus had just calmed a raging storm on the Sea of Galilee. When the boat reached their destination on the other side, a crazy, demon possessed man met Him. Christ’s response to this man has some good lessons for us today. I. The Demon Possessed Man (Mark 5:2-5 KJV) more

  • Going For The Gold

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Jan 18, 2002
    based on 106 ratings

    This sermon give 4 reasons why God forbids coveting and then gives examples of people who allowed coveting to control and destroy them.

    Sept 24, 2000 Exodus 20:17 “Going for the Gold!” INTRODUCTION This week, I’ve had a little bit of time to watch some of the Olympics in Sydney, Australia. The series of events that I got to watch the most was the swimmers and their races. In each of the water events, there were more

  • Go!

    Contributed by Johnny Small on Jul 19, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    Christ commands us to go and witness to others. This isn’t optional. Witnessing and serving is commanded of all of us.

    Go! A couple of weeks ago I preached a sermon about the three most important words in the Bible. These words are “God so Loved”. Because of these three words, all people, of all colors, of all cultures has the hope of eternal life in Heaven with God our Father, if people will except Christ as more

  • Go, Go, Go Series

    Contributed by Shawn Ragan on Nov 30, 2000
    based on 54 ratings

    This sermon, the fourth and conluding sermon in this series, is a short review of what we have covered, and a look at the problems the early church faced in following this command.

    Go, Go, Go Church of God Seventh Day Meridian, ID November 25, 2000 INTRODUCTION Good Morning Good Thanksgiving Today, we will be concluding what we have been talking about throughout this last month: The Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. With it being Thanksgiving weekend, I also have a message more

  • Go! And Obey Jesus’ Commands Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Feb 7, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    The commands of Jesus are not burdensome but life-giving, guiding us to live in alignment with God’s will. Let us explore ten key commands of Jesus and how they shape our daily walk of faith.

    Go! And Obey Jesus’ Commands Introduction: Jesus said in John 14:15 (NLT), "If you love me, obey my commandments." His commands are not burdensome but life-giving, guiding us to live in alignment with God’s will. Today, we will explore ten key commands of Jesus and how they shape our more

  • Go! Go! Go!

    Contributed by Richard Stevens on Jun 4, 2024

    I used this as an urging to GO INTO ALL THE WORLD and be the witnesses that God has commanded us to be (with the power of the Holy Ghost).

    SLIDE – Introduction Read and comment Acts 1:1-8 V1 – “The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach,” This is Dr. Luke writing to a good friend – Theophilus Luke had written earlier about all that he had researched from the Apostles and other more

  • Beat The Bushes

    Contributed by Tim Patrick on Nov 30, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This study considers the command to go into the highways and hedges and compel people to God.

    Have you ever heard or used the phrase “beat the bushes?” Beat the bushes refers to searching diligently for someone or something. The word etymology is based on the hunting practice of having someone hit bushes with a stick in order to force birds to fly up into the air to be shot. We have more

  • Go Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Sep 13, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus tells His followers then to go and tell and His command for His followers has not changed.

    JUST JESUS: CHAPTER BY CHAPTER THRU LUKE Go Luke 10:1-24 #JustJesus INTRODUCTION… 300 Scene Imagine this fictional scene from a movie. The King of Sparta named Leonidas joins up with some allies on his march towards a fierce and expected battle. He meets the commander of some allies and says, more

  • Hope In The Mission Of The Church Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jun 21, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    God has given His church a mission, God has given each of us a command to go and share the Gospel.

    Hope in the Mission of the Church Throughout the history of the church there have been many who have laid down their lives for Jesus and the message of the gospel. Even today, there will be people who will suffer persecution for their faith in Christ. There will be those who are mistreated, more

  • Going For The Gold (Pt. 2)

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Jan 22, 2002
    based on 74 ratings

    This sermon examines the lives of several prominent O.T. people (Lot, David, Achan, etc.) to see how coveting almost destroyed them.

    October 1, 2000 Exodus 20:17 “Going for the gold!” (part 2) INTRODUCTION Last week, we began our look at the last of the 10 Commandments – “Thou shalt not covet”. We said that coveting is that overwhelming desire that we have to possess what belongs to someone else. It may be that more

  • Go! And Obey God’s Command Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Feb 19, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    Today we are going to explore a powerful truth about our calling as followers of Christ - our lives should be marked by obedience to God’s commands rather than pursuing our own desires or worldly aspirations.

    Go! And Obey God’s Command Introduction Today we are going to explore a powerful truth about our calling as followers of Christ. Dean Inserra once said, "Christian, God doesn’t have a ‘dream’ for you. God has a command for you. To be part of His mission." This statement aligns perfectly more