Go! And Obey God’s Command Series
Contributed by Dean Courtier on Feb 19, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: Today we are going to explore a powerful truth about our calling as followers of Christ - our lives should be marked by obedience to God’s commands rather than pursuing our own desires or worldly aspirations.
Go! And Obey God’s Command
Today we are going to explore a powerful truth about our calling as followers of Christ. Dean Inserra once said, "Christian, God doesn’t have a ‘dream’ for you. God has a command for you. To be part of His mission." This statement aligns perfectly with Scripture, which teaches that our lives should be marked by obedience to God’s commands rather than pursuing our own desires or worldly aspirations.
The Bible is clear that God’s will is not a vague dream for us to figure out—it is a clear directive to live in obedience and participate in His mission. Today, we will examine this truth through Scripture, exegesis, and application so that we may faithfully respond to God’s command for our lives.
1. God’s Command is Clear: Make Disciples
Matthew 28:19-20 (NLT) – "Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
These verses, known as the Great Commission, are not a suggestion; they are a command from our Lord. The Greek word for "go" (p??e????te?, poreuthentes) is an imperative—meaning we are instructed to take action. Jesus calls us to actively share the gospel, teach obedience, and baptize believers.
Sharing the gospel is not reserved for pastors or missionaries—it is the duty of every Christian.
Making disciples means building relationships and walking alongside others in their faith journey.
Obedience to this command requires intentionality. Are we living as disciple-makers?
David Platt said, "Radical obedience to Christ is not easy… It’s not comfort, not health, not wealth, and not prosperity in this world. Radical obedience to Christ risks losing all these things. But in the end, such risk finds its reward in Christ."
2. God Calls Us to Holiness and Obedience
1 Peter 1:15-16 (NLT) – "But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. For the Scriptures say, ‘You must be holy because I am holy.’"
The Greek word for "holy" (hagios) means "set apart" or "different." As Christians, we are not called to follow our dreams but to live in holiness according to God's Word. Holiness is not an abstract concept; it is reflected in our daily choices and attitudes.
Are our thoughts, actions, and desires aligned with God’s holiness?
Do we prioritise God’s Word over worldly culture and personal ambition?
Holiness is the mark of true obedience. We cannot be part of God’s mission while living in disobedience.
A.W. Tozer said, "Holiness, as taught in the Scriptures, is not based upon knowledge on our part. Rather, it is based upon the resurrected Christ indwelling us and changing us into His likeness."
3. God’s Mission is to Seek and Save the Lost
Luke 19:10 (NLT) – "For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost."
The Greek word for "seek" (zeteo) conveys an active pursuit. Jesus did not wait for the lost to come to Him; He sought them out. Our mission mirrors His—we are to actively share the gospel, pray for the lost, and invite them to Christ.
Are we actively seeking opportunities to share Christ with others?
Are we praying for the lost and engaging in conversations that point people to Jesus?
Charles Spurgeon said, "Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you are not saved yourself, be sure of that!"
4. God’s Command is Not About Our Dreams, but His Glory
Colossians 3:23-24 (NLT) – "Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ."
The Greek word for "work" (ergazomai) refers to diligent effort. We are not called to chase self-centred dreams but to work for the Lord’s glory in all things.
Are our priorities shaped by God’s mission or our personal ambitions?
Do we serve in our workplaces, families, and communities with a heart devoted to God’s glory?
John Piper said, "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him."
Conclusion: Go and Obey
God has not given us a vague "dream" to pursue. He has given us a clear command—to be holy, to make disciples, and to seek the lost for His glory. We must step forward in obedience and align our lives with His mission.
Call to Action:
Evaluate your priorities—are you obeying God’s command or pursuing your own ambitions?
Commit to holiness in every area of life.
Be intentional about sharing the gospel and making disciples.