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  • Peace In The Church Series

    Contributed by Eric Snyder on Apr 29, 2002
    based on 56 ratings

    adapted from Steve Higgs at Merridian Christian

    Peace in the church, Live @ peace series Eric A. Snyder, Farwell Church of Christ April 28 2002 It is not our first instinct to accept those that are different than us. This is illustrated the best in Junior High School. Have you ever noticed that junior highers have a label or description for more

  • The Peaceful Church Series

    Contributed by Rodney Coe on Feb 11, 2015

    The church can and should experience God's peace.

    The Peaceful Church Philippians 4:1-7 How do Christians and churches have peace? We do not live in a peaceful world. The Society of International law in London states this incredible statistic: since the beginning of recorded history, the entire world has been at peace less than 8% of the time. more

  • Peace On Earth, And In The Church

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Dec 13, 2000
    based on 80 ratings

    The Angels Proclaimed that there would be peace on earth, Jesus prayed for peace in the church!

    Morning Message Central Church of Christ December 10, 2000 John Dobbs PEACE ON EARTH, AND IN THE CHURCH, PART ONE Introduction: Luke 2:1-15. It was the mission of Jesus to save lost humanity, build a family of believers, and and those believers into the world to spread the greatest message ever more

  • Peace, The Church And Society

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Apr 3, 2015

    God will deal with the evil people of this world who do not repent and turn from their evil ways. We as members of the church are not to judge but are to be shepherds of the sheep, seekers of the lost, friends of sinners, the poor and broken-hearted.

    “You have heard it said of old, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but I say unto you; do not resist the evil person. If he strikes you on the left, turn to him on the right”. Jesus tells us in Matthew 5 verses 38-39 not to contribute to further violence by retribution, but more

  • Grace And Peace In The Church Series

    Contributed by Jimmy Austin on Dec 2, 2021

    What is the church suppose to be like today? The church is more than a building or denomination. This sermon and series looks at Jesus' message in Revelation to help us understand what church should be today.

    WHAT THE CHURCH IS INTENDED TO BE Study of the Seven Churches of Asia Sermon 1 – Grace and Peace Introduction to the Study Taking a Journey ? What does church mean? ? Why is church important? ? Why do we do Church? ? We are going to take a journey through letters sent to 7 churches in Asia. These more

  • The Victorious Church!

    Contributed by Mark Kang on Jan 17, 2006
    based on 34 ratings

    Being a Christian is no guarantee for victory, we must follow God’s recipe for success.

    "But thanks be to God who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ..." 2Cor2:12 You ever feel like your Christian life is full of defeat and setback? When things are going wrong it’s easy to point things out. But to have victory in your marriage, your church, at work or school takes two more

  • A Relevant Church

    Contributed by Chuck Morley on Sep 2, 2003
    based on 20 ratings

    What does it really mean when we hear that today’s church must be relevant?

    A Relevant Church The other day I came home from work at the church a little earlier than usual. I went directly into the bedroom, sat down on the side of the bed, kicked off my shoes and out of habit, grabbed the remote control for the television. Automatically I punched in 2 numbers that more

  • Lasting Peace Series

    Contributed by Emile Wolfaardt on May 8, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    (PowerPoint Sldies freely available by emailing Looking at the only place in the world to find genuine, lasting peace.

    The Church Has Got Talent (CHGT 01) The Church Has the Only Message of Lasting Peace John 14: 25-31 This morning I want to invite you to join me as we start a brand new mini series I have entitled "The Church has Got Talent." The Church is, by biblical account, by divine definition and by Holy more

  • Our Peace Series

    Contributed by Joseph Rodgers on May 1, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    In salvation there is neither Greek or Jew, but we are one in Christ - His church. And our call is to be Jesus to the world.

    Live Out Loud – Our PEACE April 29, 2007 Ephesians 2:11-22 Sunday AM Recap: We’re in a series entitled – Live Out Loud. Our goal in this series is to learn how to live in the grace and power of Christ in us so we might experience the abundant life Jesus promised. To help us, we’ve been more

  • How To Be More Encouraging To Our Brothers And Sisters In Christ Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Oct 24, 2023

    Romans 14 is a key passage on potential disagreements with fellow believers. What does this passage teach us about being more encouraging in our church families?

    DANGER SIGNS: 1. AM I TRIPPING UP MY BROTHER OR SISTER IN CHRIST? - Romans 14:13b, 15b. - In church arguments and fights, so often our focus is on showing everyone how right we are. - Here, though, in v. 13b, we are instructed not to put a stumbling block in front of a brother or sister. - Let more

  • A Good Little Church

    Contributed by Thomas Bowen on May 6, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    We choose what is good enough for us, cars, entertainment and homes. God expects offerings to him to be more thatn good. HE demands excellence.

    A Good Little Church There are a lot of good things in life. We all make choices in what is good enough. Like how many premium channels on our TV. Perhaps extra things that we deserve after all our hard work. The harder we work the more careful we are with our spare time. (I’m not sure more

  • Our Peace Series

    Contributed by Jim Black on Jan 30, 2003
    based on 339 ratings

    Jesus has brought peace; destroying the walls between us and making his people ONE in him.

    Our Peace Ephesians 2:11-22 Focus: Jesus has brought peace; destroying the walls between us and making his people ONE in him. Function: To encourage a church with the message of reconciliation in Jesus, vertically (with God) and horizontally (with fellow mankind. “Something there is more

  • Peace On Earth And In The Church, Two

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Dec 13, 2000
    based on 64 ratings

    How can we have the peace for which Jesus prayed?

    Evening Message December 10, 2000 Central Church of Christ John Dobbs PEACE ON EARTH, AND IN THE CHURCH, PART TWO Introduction: This morning we talked about some of the negative hurtful effects that occur when peace is absent from the local church. We also discussed some items that rob the more

  • Church Unity & Peace

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Oct 25, 2023

    Even the best of churches has challenges to protect unity and peace. Let's find out how in Philippians 4.

    Does Paul love the church of God in Philippi? Dear friends, I love you and long to see you. Please keep on being faithful to the Lord. You are my pride and joy [joy and crown]. (Philippians 4:1 CEV) Can even a wonderful church have some squabbles? What was Paul’s plea to two women? I urge Euodia more

  • The Source Of Peace Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Jul 20, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus had broken down the barriers between the diverse elements of the church. We have one faith, one Lord, and one baptism. From the cross flows the river of peace.

    Ephesians 2:11-22 “The Source of Peace” INTRODUCTION When we think of heaven, we conjure up many images. The Jews imagine a place of feasting and celebrating. Our Teutonic and Scandinavian ancestors couldn’t quite conceive of heaven being a party place, so they pictured a place of peace that more