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  • Jesús El Médico Divino

    Contributed by Cesar Delvillar on Jun 6, 2003
    based on 17 ratings

    La iglesia es a los miembros lo que una sala de emergencias de un hospital es a los pacientes. La ciencia médica es capaz de tratar exitosamente muchas enfermedades que al analizarlas a la luz de las sagradas escrituras muestran un paralelismo muy estrech

    Jesús, el Médico Divino  Mateo 9:12  Escenario: • Consultorio Celestial - Iglesia • Pacientes – Miembros y Visitas • Horario consultas – Todo el día, durante 365 días • Recepcionista – El Espíritu Santo • Recetas – Ingredientes espirituales • Farmacia – Medicina more

  • Creation Under God's Authority Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Jul 11, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    The God whom we worship is the God of all creation, the King of kings and Lord of Lords. In this we can take hope that God answer our prayers, move in our lives and establish God’s will.

    Matthew 8:5-13 “Creation Under God’s Authority” INTRODUCTION Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all of our prayers were answered immediately, specifically, and completely? No more aspirin. If we got sick, all we’d need to do was to pray for healing. When money got tight, all we’d need to do would more

  • Funeral Message #2 (Psalm 23)

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Jan 11, 2001
    based on 325 ratings

    This is a funeral message based on Psalm 23

    The Funeral Service Opening I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, because we look more

  • Thanks Be To God

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Nov 21, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    The human mind cannot conceive the depth of the love of God for us that He would sacrifice His Son to save us from our sins.

    THANKS BE TO GOD Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15 THANKS BE TO GOD THE FATHER FOR SENDING HIS SON “And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world.” (I John 4:14) The human mind cannot conceive the depth of the love of God more

  • El Cristiano Y El Castigo Series

    Contributed by Stephen Boldin on Jan 17, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    5to en la serie de mensajes acerca de la vida cristiana.

    EL CRISTIANO Y EL CASTIGO Hebreos 12:1-17 1. LA CAUSA DEL CASTIGO El proposito de la consagracion Cristiana es siempre producir crecimiento en la gracia de Dios. No es para dañar - sino ayudar. A. Estos versiculos desafian al Cristiano (v.1) 1. Le exhortan acordarse de algunos testigos. Esta more

  • Los Clamores De Jesús Desde La Cruz

    Contributed by Lauro C Hernandez on Jan 17, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    Entendiendo lo que Jesus hizo por nosotros en la Cruz del Calvario

    LOS CLAMORES DE JESÚS DESDE LA CRUZ Mat 26:38 “Entonces Jesús les dijo: Mi alma está muy triste, hasta la muerte; quedaos aquí, y velad conmigo.” INTRO: ¿Cuántos de nosotros hemos dado un grito de clamor? ¿Cuántos hemos gemido, sea por tristeza, por dolor o un sufrimiento: sea físico, more

  • Reconciliación En El Sentido Bíblico

    Contributed by Lauro C Hernandez on Jan 17, 2007
    based on 20 ratings

    Lo que la Biblia dice de la reconciliacion.

    RECONCILIACIÓN EN EL SENTIDO BÍBLICO Rom 5:10 “Porque si siendo enemigos, fuimos reconciliados con Dios por la muerte de su Hijo, mucho más, estando reconciliados, seremos salvos por su vida” INTRO: Restaurar a la amistad o armonía. Acomodarse, afinarse, conformarse. La reconciliación more

  • Matthew 13:36-43 - Will I See My Mum In Heaven? - Part 12 Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Mar 7, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    And all of us are left with unvoiced questions about eternity, questions we don't really want to think about but which linger in the shadows of the mind. WHAT HAPPENS TO PEOPLE WHEN THEY DIE?

    Darkness, Death, Aftershocks, Stroke, Jesus, Heaven, Saved, Hell, Christchurch, Funeral, Mum, Eternity, Light, Earthquake, Trusting in Christ, Matthew 13, New Zealand | report Matthew 13:36-43 - WILL I SEE MY MUM IN HEAVEN? - Part 12 I watched the news in the last few weeks as a nation reels in more

  • Get Out Of Your Lifeboat And Calm The Storm. Series

    Contributed by Preacher Fo Real on Oct 5, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Short story sermon

    From the celestial kingdom of God into the vivid history of a biblical time often not spoken of came a heavenly message for the lost upon the unwilling ears of a man chosen by God. The spiritual ruling said, “Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has more

  • God Is In Control

    Contributed by Danny Nance on Mar 21, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    A correction of a much misquoted verse: our hope is built on God, not fatalism.

    GOD IS IN CONTROL ROMANS 8:28 A man’s wife dies, leaving him with three little children to care for. Although he is nor bitter, he is lonely and confused. Perhaps some of his friends try to comfort him by saying, "You know, it all works out for the best." Try as he might, he cannot bring more

  • "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death"

    Contributed by Ronnie Knight on May 1, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    This sermon is designed to challenge Christians to use their freedom to advance the Kingdom of God. With our freedom we are given greater responsibility to share God’s message.

    Subject: Freedom Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7.21 Sermon: “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death” Scope: This sermon is designed to challenge Christians to use their freedom to advance the Kingdom of God. Summary: With our freedom we are given greater responsibility to share God’s message. Segue: I more

  • Yes, A Church Leader Must Have A Sense Of Humor Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Feb 23, 2019

    We are told to have salt in us. Salt was used in the ancient world, and occasionally today, to preserve meat from corruption. So if we have spiritual salt, we will be preserved against that kind of corrupt thought and behavior.

    Thursday of the 7th Week in Course 2019 St. Hilarius Today we have a rare treat because of the late date of Ash Wednesday and Easter. We get the rare festival of St. Hilarius, about whom I will speak in a moment. By now, most years, we are deep into Lent, and so the saints’ days are suppressed in more

  • Took It Out Of The Way

    Contributed by Jeff Pearce on Nov 28, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Breaking through, really!!!!!

    Colossians 2:14 Took it out of the way Intro: what stands between us and God? 1: Sin a) to know to do right and not do it ( James 4:17 ) b) it separates us from God the father c) it hinders the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives d) it brings pain and sorrow to us and too those around more

  • Cuarto Domingo De Cuaresma

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Feb 7, 2018

    Hoy es Domingo de Laetare— de la palabra Latina que es un imperativo: “Alégrense”

    Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma Hoy es Domingo de Laetare— de la palabra Latina que es un imperativo: “Alégrense” Para ilustrar este tema, quisiera comenzar con un cuento de buen humor. Resulta que había un predicador famoso que estaba tratando de enseñar a su clase hacer sus more

  • Light/Christ Series

    Contributed by Russ Barksdale on Dec 6, 2018

    Jesus entered our world of darkness to become the light of the world

    Light/Christ Isaiah 9:2 During this season of Advent, we’ve spent our time focusing on the prophets of the Old Testament as they foretold of the coming of the Messiah. Interestingly, there are 2 Hebrew words for prophet: one is nabi: to bubble over. They would get a word from God and it would more

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