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  • The Panting Deer

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on May 6, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Why art thou cast down, O my soul?

    THE PANTING DEER. Psalm 42:1-11; Psalm 43:1-5. There is such a thing as speaking truth into raw emotion. Imagine a situation where you are one of the worship team in the Temple at Jerusalem, and you are taken hostage to Samaria (cf. 2 Kings 14:14). On the way your heart identifies with a deer more

  • An Influential Life Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Sep 10, 2018

    Peter's influence on the early church cast a long shadow for good.

    Introduction: A. There is a Peanuts cartoon that shows Peppermint Patty talking to Charlie Brown and she says, “Guess what, Chuck? It was just the first day of school, and I got sent to the principal’s office. It was your fault, Chuck.” 1. Charlie Brown responds, “My fault? How could it be my more

  • Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off To Work We Go

    Contributed by Johann Neethling on Aug 29, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    A Biblical Perspective on Work and Rest

    HI HO, HI HO, IT’S OFF TO WORK WE GO A Biblical Perspective on Work and Rest Scripture: Genesis 1:1-2:3 Intro: • Labor Day is officially a day to celebrate and pay tribute to the American worker, but it is commonly seen as the last blast of summer vacation time before we get back to the regular more

  • I Owe, I Owe, It's Off To Work I Go

    Contributed by Andy Barnard on Dec 27, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    the importance of a good work ethic

    how can you eat an egg without cracking the shell?" "Have someone else crack it for you." Ex 20:9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work 1 Cor 4:12 We work hard with our own hands. 2 thes 3:10 more

  • "Don't Put Off What You Should Be Putting On”

    Contributed by Bruce Ferris on Aug 19, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    The Bible has a lot to say to the Christian about “putting off” and “putting on.”

    “Don’t Put Off What You Should Be Putting On” The Bible has a lot to say to the Christian about “putting off” and “putting on.” The abundant life in Christ (John 10:10) is an exchanged life of “putting off” the old and “putting on” the new (Colossians 3:1-17). For example, you are to put off more

  • Lord Please Free Us From The Machine That Turns Itself Off Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 26, 2020

    In ways we do not understand, Our Lord will help us and bring to naught the plans of the murder coalition.

    Feast of the Holy Innocents 2020 I first saw one of these toys back in the late 1950s when my uncle brought it to Christmas dinner. It’s been re-invented in the last decade and it’s a robot parallel to modern Western society. In its present incarnation, it’s a black plastic box with a switch on more

  • You've Been Hiding So Take Off The Mask

    Contributed by Dr. Jwt Spies on Nov 20, 2021

    Allowing God to see who we are from the heart

    We live in a culture, a society and a time when people are impress with how each other look or what we know. We have gotten so far into this fad that we are afraid to allow people see who we are and what we really look like. And that’s why many men are afraid to allow people to see them cry; now I more

  • A Prayer For When God Stands Far Off (Psalm 9-10) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Feb 3, 2022

    Or, a prayer for when God doesn't answer, the first time you pray.

    Today, we will work through Psalms 9 and 10. Originally, these two psalms were probably one single song, and they are treated as a single song in the Greek OT (LXX). So we are going to try to work through both, in one sitting. I have total confidence that this will work out. This song divides more

  • Take The Shackles Off My Feet So I Can Dance

    Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Jan 26, 2016
    based on 5 ratings

    Most of the Lord's prayer is in the plural. Forgive us as we forgive others. This is a message about forgiving people who sinned against others, but we let it bother us. Taking up an offense becomes a spiritual weight that robs joy and peace.

    Take the Shackles off my Feet So I Can Dance PPT 1 Series Title PPT 2 Message Title This is our 3rd week on Mt. 6:12. In week 1 we talked about the notebooks we have on others. Love does not keep a record of wrongs done, but we often do. The Lord's prayer teaches us that if we want God to take more

  • Corporate Worship, Eyes Off Self, Genuine Worship Involves Sacrifice. Series

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Sep 14, 2024

    Moses commands the people to build the Tent of Meeting. The peoples hearts are moved and the job is done. We like them are to be a contributing, vibrant community. Yes, us the Church.

    Corporate worship, eyes off self, genuine worship involves sacrifice. Last week Elana spoke on the ten commandments. The majority six of ten commandments relate to living well together as family and community. Today I’m going to talk about the tabernacle, Holy place and the Holy of Holies were more

  • Please God, Stop Asking Me Difficult Questions

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Sep 29, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Are we putting anyone off God?

    “Father Mund, If someone didn’t know you were a vicar and didn’t know you went to church, how would they know you were a Christian?” “Father Mund - have you ever said or done something that would have put someone off becoming a Christian?” “Father Mund, have you ever stopped someone from doing more

  • Moses The Vision Caster Series

    Contributed by Brent Baker on Oct 18, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    I believe leaders sometime have a hard time casting a vision to their congregation. We are not alone in this. Moses did as well, but he teaches us some important lessons in vision casting.

    Moses the Prince of Leadership The Vision Caster! Exodus 3-6 Helen Keller was once asked the question: “Is there anything worse than being blind?” “Yes," she replied, having eyesight but no vision.” Vision is the ability to see what others can’t. Vision is able to see beyond the norms of each more

  • Asleep In The Light

    Contributed by Thomas Dibble on May 16, 2003
    based on 76 ratings

    This is the call to every believer - to awake out of sleep and shake the slumber off and reach out your hand to pull someone to safety. The world is lost in darkness but we the church must not be asleep in the light.

    You deserve a break today is the familiar slogan of Macdonald’s. It has a certain ring to it, doesn’t it! It has a certain allure that catches our attention. I do deserve a break today. With the pressures of our school, work and family, with our hectic busy schedules sometimes we feel like “Yes more

  • Go And Do What?

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Jan 14, 2003
    based on 74 ratings

    A great commission sermon casting a vision of discipleship: go, baptize, and teach.

    Becoming A Greenhouse pt. 1: Go and Do What? Jan. 11/12, 2003 Intro: Frog and Toad: “The Garden” by Arnold Lobel. Vision: I want to spend the rest of January talking about what it means for our church to become a greenhouse. Our church vision is encapsulated by three pictures: 1. Becoming a more

  • What Are We Made Of? Part 1: The Source Of Our Strength Series

    Contributed by Stephen Collins on Aug 10, 2009

    A vision-casting 4 part series on our core values as a church.

    What Are We Made Of? The DNA of Millville Avenue † Key Thought † Key Scripture: Colossians 1:15-29 Icebreaker: Today, I want to lay a foundation for what we’re going to talk about for the next 3 weeks. Intro: The desire of God’s heart is that in everything Jesus Christ might have the more

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