Deep Dive Into Scripture.
Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Jan 19, 2024 (message contributor)
1. New Beginnings: A Deep Dive Into Scripture 2024.
Contributed on Jan 19, 2024
In 2024 we have decided that a greater knowledge of scripture in a necessity, so here we go with an introduction to our congregation/Corps.
New Beginnings Psalm 119:105: “Your word is a lamp?for my feet, ????a light?on my path.” We have a wee verse on our office wall that states, “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you start where you are and change the ending.” In life I am sure that there are many times ...read more
2. Why The Bible?
Contributed on Feb 3, 2024
A look into the fall and the need for the redemption of humanity. Why we have God's word.
So why the Bible? Series Deep Dive. The purpose of the Bible is to encourage all of humanity to have a right relationship with God and one another. The writing of Bible was inspired by God to inform us of the need for repentance and redemption. God wants us to be justified to be in close ...read more
3. Why The Patriarchs?
Contributed on Feb 12, 2024
We have a greater understanding of the New Testament if we understand the Old Testament. Addressing Abraham and Sarah's part in God's rescue plan for humanity. God was completely faithful and blessed them and all of humanity through them.
The Journey of the Patriarchs: Abraham and Sarah. So why focus on the Patriarchs, well these people are key to the Bible, and as a result our Christian journey. if you open your Bibles to the first book of the New Testament it starts with a genealogy of Jesus, the son of David, the son of ...read more
4. A Deep Dive Into Sin........., Judgement And Grace.
Contributed on Feb 17, 2024
There is a pattern established by God. That of Sin, judgement and grace. We look at how this is depicted in Genesis chapters 1-20.
A deep dive into Sin, Judgment and Grace. We started last week's message with a review of the events from creation, up until the birth of Abram who would go onto have his name changed to Abraham, which means The Father of Many. Rochelle and I got home and discussed the message and the amount ...read more
5. Abraham A Journey Of Faith, And Ours As Heirs Of The Promise.
Contributed on Mar 15, 2024
Abraham was promised land, that he would be a great nation, from him all the people of the Earth would be blessed. At the end of his life he owned a burial cave, a field and the trees in that field. A heads up the promise is fulfilled. God's promises always are.
Abraham a journey of faith, and ours as heirs of the promise. The thing with Abraham and his journey of faith was that it was just that. A journey of faith. God had told Abraham when he was still Abram, yip before the name change this: Check out Genesis 12 verses 2-3. “I will make you into ...read more
6. Jacobs Dream At Bethal/Pentecost
Contributed on May 19, 2024
We look at Jacobs dream at Bethal and because it is Pentecost Sunday the similarities that his spiritual awakening has with our own spiritual journeys, and how The Holy Spirit abides with us.
Jacob’s dream at Bethel. We continue today with the deep dive into scripture, and we will be referring to a couple of things, well more than a couple. In the Christian calendar today is? That is right, Pentecost. The other thing is that we have been following the journey of the patriarchs ...read more
7. Jacob Wrestles With God, A Salvation Story.
Contributed on Jun 6, 2024
Jacob had been at odds with pretty much everyone his entire life, He wrestles with God and surrenders. There is a new beginning. Why do we wrestle with God and not just surrender to him?
Read Genesis 32:22-32 Who here likes a bit of alone time, the family have gone off on a trip and here’s an opportunity, there’s that novel that you would like to finish reading, that project that you’ve been wanting to finish or in my case get started, the hobby that it would be good to lose ...read more
8. Mighty Is The God Of The One Who Struggles With God.
Contributed on Jun 16, 2024
Jacob and Esau had been at odds their whole lives. Jacob was living in fear of the brother he had deceived out of his inheritance. He didn't have a deep relationship with the God of is father and grandfather. That was all to change.
Mighty is the God of the one who struggles with God. Last week we looked at Jacob and an encounter that he had with God where he wrestled all night, he received a blessing, a new name and an injured hip. He realised that he had been wrestling with God, had survived and as such named the place ...read more
9. Leading Like A Warrior Chief Or A Shephard, A Sermonette On Balance
Contributed on Jun 19, 2024
How hard do you push your team? What are they up for, what can they cope with, what are their requirements and what are yours?
The time I spent praying about this short message brought this to mind. In the weekend I had the opportunity to preach on Genesis 33, which is about when Jacob and Esau catch up after a good time apart, the main theme of that sermon was about reconciliation and that “Mighty is the God of the one ...read more
10. Joseph Genesis 37 Topical/Narrative Sermon.
Contributed on Jul 5, 2024
Parallels between Joseph and Jesus, the start of Joseph's journey as a redeemer.
If you read Genesis 37 you will be aware of the start of the journey of Joseph. Jacobs favored son born from his favored wife. This message is a wee bit different as it is a topical message, from the position of Joseph. I have tried to represent him from Genesis 37. When the hat goes on I am ...read more
11. Genesis 35, The Journey Continues, Jacob. Burying Idols And Sin.
Contributed on Jul 8, 2024
A journey through Jacob's return to Bethal and all that involved.
A reminder of where we were before Cafe church last week, Jacob had finally in his middle years be reconciled with his older twin Esau who we read he had swindled out of his inheritance in Genesis 33. He then realised where he stood with God and set up an alter to his God. The theme or key point of ...read more
12. Genesis 48, Counter Cultural Living In Unity.
Contributed on Aug 17, 2024
Joseph's journey was an interesting one, now Jacob aka Israel adopts his sons and blesses them but backwards. There are reasons for this.
Genesis 48: Counter Cultural Living; In Unity. Well, here we are nearly at the end of Genesis, we have travelled all the way from creation, the fall, the existing garden of Eden. Through to The Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and to Joseph in Egypt. His brothers turning up in need due to the ...read more
13. Leaving Well.
Contributed on Aug 23, 2024
Leaving well, we journey with God or take our own path. Only one leads to life. His thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways.
So today we have looked at the “Art of Leaving” ...... is back from YWAM and ewill be leaving us again. Why talk about leaving? Because we will be addressing the Exodus of the Hebrew people, the people of Israel from Egypt for a while on coming Sundays. Leaving for you might be a case of ...read more
14. Corporate Worship, Eyes Off Self, Genuine Worship Involves Sacrifice.
Contributed on Sep 14, 2024
Moses commands the people to build the Tent of Meeting. The peoples hearts are moved and the job is done. We like them are to be a contributing, vibrant community. Yes, us the Church.
Corporate worship, eyes off self, genuine worship involves sacrifice. Last week Elana spoke on the ten commandments. The majority six of ten commandments relate to living well together as family and community. Today I’m going to talk about the tabernacle, Holy place and the Holy of Holies were ...read more
15. A Warning About Deceivers, Would Your Thoughts Or Actions Cause A Donkey To Stop.
Contributed on Oct 11, 2024
The story of Balaam and his donkey, a bit of further explanation from Jesus. Sexual sin is destructive, are we the Church addressing it? True salvation and sanctification is a result of repentance.
A warning about Deceivers, would your thoughts and actions cause a donkey to stop. Numbers 22 is an interesting chapter of scripture, in fact it’s a bit obscure and leaves us with a few questions, an important one gets answered by Jesus on the Island of Patmos, hold onto that thought. It also ...read more
16. Joshua, The Fulfillment Of God's Promises.
Contributed on Feb 7, 2025
The people of Israel were slack in taking up their inheritance in The Promised Land, are we slackers also, not taking up the freedom we can have, the abundant life we can have in Christ Jesus?
Back into the deep dive into scripture; Joshua. Joshua 14:1-6 and Joshua18:1-8. We had previously, last year, looked at Joshua and the defeat of Jericho, we had journeyed that far in the Old Testament, my first few sermons of 2025 were about living victoriously in Christ. But back to Joshua the ...read more
17. Them Bones, Them Bones, Them Old Bones And What They Mean To Us.
Contributed on Feb 14, 2025
They had received their inheritance in the Promised Land, our eternal inheritance are we ready for it?
Them bones, them bones, them old bones and what they mean to us. Joshua 24:28-33. Last week I addressed promises that God had made to the people of Israel when they entered the promised land a land that they had been given some 400 years earlier in a covenant that God had made with Abram, who ...read more
18. Othniel Nails Leadership By The Power Of The Holy Spirit. May We Be Purged And Reformed.
Contributed on Feb 28, 2025
What a mess the world is in, no seriously. We are under the judgment of God, are we going to cry out to him and be saved.
Entering into Judges. May we be purged and reformed. A couple of weeks ago when I last spoke on the last few verses of Joshua, and the inheritance of three people and their descendants. Joshua, Joseph and Eleazer. However, there is this great summery of the journey into the promised land that ...read more