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  • Who Am I? Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Oct 16, 2021
    based on 5 ratings

    Moses didn't want to do what God asked. He didn't think he was worthy or capable... and he was right. So what made the difference in his life?

    Years ago there was a comedian named Milton Berle who wrote this poem: “I'd rather be a could-be if I cannot be an are; because a could-be is a maybe who is reaching for a star. I'd rather be a has-been than a might-have-been, by far; for a might have-been has never been, but a has was once more

  • Which Will It Be?

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Jan 24, 2001
    based on 75 ratings

    Everyone of us has the capability of displaying a spirit of generosity & kindness & goodness. There are other moments when we are hateful & hostile & greedy. And in each of us are those 2 diverse natures.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK (REVISED: 2015) Years ago, when our children were small, I learned a lot about being a parent. But then, as they got older, I began to forget what it was like to have young children around the house. But now, with more

  • Parable Of The Unmerciful Servant

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Feb 28, 2007
    based on 60 ratings

    The key to forgiving others is found in our own forgiveness. And the Bible also indicates a level of ’forgetting’ Christ can make us capable of. Link included to formatted text, audio, and PowerPoint Template.

    Parable of the Unmerciful Servant Matthew 18:21-35 1. "The Parables Of Jesus" we have considered so far have centered around the kingdom of heaven itself... 2. The next parable we shall consider is one that describes "the character of the more

  • A Ministry For All

    Contributed by Matthew Stidham on Jan 23, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Many Christians struggle with the idea that they aren’t talented, or aren’t capable of serving the Lord through ministry. Here I try to show that every does have a place and a way to serve in the kingdom of God.

    A Ministry for All Sunday June 10, 2007 AM Rudy Meoli was an average baseball player at best. With a measly career batting average of just over .200, Rudy was definitely not known for his ability at the plate, and with 27 fielding errors during the 1973 season, he certainly was not someone you more

  • #12-Atonement~ Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Sep 29, 2012

    No mortals death is capable of atoneing for sin, only the sinless and perfect Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ is, if people will receive Him as their Substitute in paying their sin debt then but only then will their sins truely be atoned for.

    #12-ATONEMENT~ BIBLE DOCTRINE 9-29-12 Today we'll continue with our study on Bible Doctrine, and say a few things about "ATONEMENT". A good and easy way to remember what "atonement" means is to break the word down into three parts, such more

  • Envious Christians Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 1, 2021

    This sin of envy is capable of any evil, even to the point of killing the Son of God to eliminate Him from the competition. We live in a dangerous world because of the potential of this sin. Paul lists it with the worst sins of depravity

    We seldom get the whole story on anything. No doubt, most of us are aware of how the rocks brought back from the moon were kept in isolation for some time less the contain some organism that could spread disease for which we have no defense. That made a lot of sense, and made everyone feel more more

  • Four Cracked Pots

    Contributed by John Gaston on Apr 29, 2018

    In Heb. 11:32 God honored 4 deeply flawed men as Heroes of Faith. If they can be esteemed by God in spite of their weaknesses, this gives us hope that we too are capable of great feats in the sight of God!

    FOUR CRACKED POTS Hebrews 11:32 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. A visiting minister was very long-winded. Worse, every time he would make a good point during his sermon and a member of the congregation responded with "Amen" or "That's right, preacher" he would get wound up even more and launch into more

  • Putting Your Trust In God

    Contributed by Tony Lewis on Aug 8, 2002
    based on 288 ratings

    This sermon is about the necessity of trusting in God and 4 reason’s why you should. 1.He’s Conscious 2.He’s Concerned 3.He’s Consistent 4.He’s Capable

    Intro: One of the most difficult things to do in this present dispensation is to relinquish our control to someone else and depend totally on that person to lead and guide us. The Word of God let’s us know that we need to learn to wait on Him and to trust Him. But at times it isn’t the more

  • Philadelphia: Que Sera Or Carpe Diem? Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jan 5, 2003
    based on 55 ratings

    It’s hard to go forward if we continually look back. God puts before us an open door of opportunity, but we must know that we are capable of good, and we must know our identities.

    Well, let’s get this over with. New Year’s resolutions: how many of you made New Year’s resolutions? Now how many of us have already broken at least one resolution? Come on, hands up, confession is good for the soul. How many have already, five days into the new year, broken at least more

  • Mourning The End Of Summer

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Feb 26, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    We find that we have dallied or been irresponsible, and the things we said we want to accomplish are impossible at this late date. But God is capable of redeeming even that element of irresponsibility if we renew our commitment to Him.

    Takoma Park Baptist Church, Washington, DC, August 28, 1988 Here we are at the end of summer, or nearly so. It's the end of August, which is at least psychologically the end of summer. It's the end of the summer feeling, for now it's back to reality, now it’s back to business and a more

  • The Art Of Preaching (Full) Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Mar 31, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    To establish that preaching is an art, that this skill can be taught, learned, developed and perfected. This lesson reviews the need for the church: to identify sound, capable, and, faithful men; to be trained in the "art of preaching:" preparation, presentation and persuasion.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. The Art of Preparation 2. The Art of Presentation 3. The Art of Persuasion Introductory Remarks. 1. Our lesson will discuss "The Art of Preaching." This lesson will review the need for the church of Christ to identify sound, capable, and faithful men to be more

  • Mariology Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 10, 2022

    Therefore, all the members of the Church are capable of sharing in spiritual goods and graces. The fact of physical death is no barrier to this; just as Christ overcame death by His perfect love, so in Christ, death is no longer a barrier for the believer.

    Mariology As a protestant, I must say that I have never seen this word before - Mariology - and I am struggling with beginning the study of Mariology – How to start? Will my comments be relative? How can I help others and myself gain knowledge and understanding of Mariology? On this website, we more

  • Be A Man Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Mar 12, 2022

    A man has an essential relation to the earth (Adama), that he belongs to the earthly sphere below. The word ‘Human’ is derived from ‘Humus’. Man is capable of auto-determination. He is free, has free will to decide the course of life.

    Test: Roman 16:13 “Be on guard; stand firm in your faith [in God, respecting His precepts and keeping your doctrine sound]. Act like [mature] men and be courageous; be strong.” Theme: Be a Man Introduction: The Lord is good and his love endures forever. I greet you all in the name of our Lord and more

  • Not Because Of Me...but Because Of You

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on May 12, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    We must quit cheating ourselves and realize asking in faith removes all our self imposed limits and releases Gods limitless capabilities to work all things together for good, for those who Love Him!

    Not because me, but because of You Lord! Illus. From Guideposts, “Miracles of Healing” There was a woman and her son Mark that went shopping in a large department store one day. On their way down to the main floor her son hopped on the escalator. She then followed. Suddenly her son Mark screamed more

  • The Art Of Presentation (Lesson 2) Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Mar 31, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    To establish that preaching is an art, that this skill can be taught, learned, developed and perfected. This lesson reviews the need for the church: to identify sound, capable, and, faithful men; to be trained in the "art of preaching." This lesson stresses the art of presentation.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 2. The Art of Presentation Remarks. 1. This is lesson two, in the sermon-series: "The Art of Preaching." This lesson reviews the need for the church of Christ, to identify sound; capable, and faithful men, to be taught the "art of preaching" of the word of more

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