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  • Are You Seasoned

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Jun 12, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    Spiritually mature is being properly seasoned

    Are You Seasoned Leviticus 2:13-13 “Are You Seasoned?” Seasoned: The Etymology of the word seasoned is from the French “assaisoner” meaning to ripen, to give food more flavor or zest by adding seasoning or savory ingredients, to give a distinctive quality to, to treat as wood or a more

  • Anointing By Mary At Simon’s Feast Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 24, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    What would your plans be if you knew you had only six days to live? Jesus took time to visit dear friends and fellowship with them. Their home was in the city of Bethany, and there Mary, Martha and their brother Lazarus were included in a feast given in honor of Jesus.

    HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS November 7, 2007 DATE: TUESDAY OF CHRIST’S LAST WEEK ON EARTH LOCATION: BETHANY Title: Anointing By Mary at Simon’s Feast SCRIPTURE: Matthew 26:6-13 (FOCAL PASSAGE); Mark 14.39; INTRODUCTION What would your plans be if you knew you had only six days to live? more

  • Call Waiting

    Contributed by Nicholas Connolly on Jan 18, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    There is a "call waiting" for you at the depths of your being from God.

    Thirty years ago this past summer, full-time ministry began for me as a hospital chaplain at Kenmore Mercy Hospital outside Buffalo, NY. One of the most striking memories of that summer was being called on a Code Red—cardiac arrest for a patient. I found myself being swept along the corridor as more

  • Faith That Can Move Mountains

    Contributed by Levi Wright on Jan 13, 2001
    based on 225 ratings

    A message about how faith can move mountains of doubt, confusion, sickness, misundestanding, proverty and etc...

    Evangelist Cry Ministry Dr. Levi Howard Wright "Faith Can Move Mountains" Matthew 17:20-21 [20] And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily more

  • And They Said Nothing To Anyone

    Contributed by Alvin Hathaway, Sr. on Mar 22, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    Your past, your problem or perception should never hinder you from telling the story of God loves and Jesus’ saving power.

    “You Tell the Story” Mark 16:1-8 “…And they said nothing to anyone…” I call the Markian version of the gospel the realist version. Mark appears to recognize the frailty of the human spirit. You may remember when we preached when you need a second touch from Mark 8; Jesus needed to touch the man more

  • The Finer Points Of Love (Part 3)

    Contributed by Tim Patrick on Feb 16, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This study examines characteristics 8-11 of the fifteeen qualities of love found in I Corinthians 13.

    The past two weeks we have been studying the fifteen characteristics of love that are listed in I Cor. 13. We have covered the first seven. These are challenging! Love requires hard work and God’s enabling. Maybe you heard about the guy who fell in love with an opera singer. He fell in love more

  • Games People Play: "Sorry!" Series

    Contributed by David Ward on Sep 21, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    From a "Games People Play" series on the Sermon on the Mount, this is a message about forgiveness.

    Games People Play: “Sorry!” Matthew 6:9-15 INTRODUCTION: "Sorry!" is a board game based on the ancient Indian game Pachisi. Players try to travel around the board with their pieces faster than any other player. The game title comes from the many ways in which a player can negate the more

  • Words Of Integrity Series

    Contributed by James May on Jan 20, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    #20 in the Book of James Series. Integrity must be the mark of every true Christian. We must watch the words we speak lest we ruin that integrity.

    20 Words of Integrity The Book of James By Pastor Jim May James 5:12 Several years ago, a man in Long Beach, California went into a fried chicken place and bought a couple of chicken dinners for himself and his date late one afternoon. The young cashier at the counter inadvertently gave him more

  • Close The Loophole! Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Oct 1, 2012

    We should live such lives of integrity that we do not need to take oaths. Our speech should be real, true, and genuine.

    1. In a Reader’s Digest survey of 2,624 readers in January 2004: • Switched price tags to get a lower price: 12% • Cheated on their tax return: 17% • Misstated facts on a resume/job application: 18% • Lied to their spouse about their relationship with another person: more

  • "stop Digging Holes"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Nov 10, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about sharing God's love with others.

    “Stop Digging Holes” Matthew 25:14-30 A wealthy man who goes away on a long journey. Before he leaves, he entrusts his property to his servants. The first servant takes the money to the market, to a wealth management firm, we might say and invests in high-risk ventures. The second servant more

  • The Beat Of Our Heart

    Contributed by Je Layugan on Aug 3, 2023

    Our heart matters to God. And our heart will either lead us towards God, or away from God. When you listen to your heart now, and every heartbeat is translated into words, what words would you hear?

    A heart beats about 115,000 times each day. A heart pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood every day. A woman’s heart beats slightly faster than a man’s heart. Most heart attacks happen on a Monday. A heart is a symbol of love, life, or anything that is at the center of utmost more

  • Why Should Christians Go To Church

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Nov 17, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Why go Christians go to church? In short because we are family. There we 1. To learn more about Jesus, 2. Can be generous to each other and 3. Praise God Because we are family, to praise God

    What is Church all about? I think that when you have a new minister, it is a good time to take stock and ask yourself – why do we come to church. Conjuring trick Switch bag – the Church Handkerchiefs – the people In the same way that the individual handkerchiefs that went into the bag and then more

  • Treasures

    Contributed by David Moore on Jan 16, 2007

    What type of christian are you. Common or valuable.

    Treasures • My Treasure o I have here a very valued treasure. Many men have died for this treasure. It is usually buried deep in the earth. It is… • Coal (Hold up a Bag of Charcoal) o About coal  Coal remains an enormously important fuel and is the largest single source of electricity more

  • Jesus Sat Opposite The Treasury And Saw! Series

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jun 2, 2013

    During the first week of this month, I feel it is my duty to turn your eyes to God who has rocked you, comforted you and taken care of you thus far.

    Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw! Mark 12:44”for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood." I have seen well educated people argue with vendors over silly things; during my train travel, I watched a middle aged more

  • Complete But Maybe Not Flawless? Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Feb 14, 2024

    Ordinarily we think of anything “perfect” as being totally flawless.

    First Sunday of Lent 2024 When we begin a project, it’s always helpful, even critical, to look forward to the end, to the moment when the project is complete. In the Latin, the word we want is perfectus. Ordinarily we think of anything “perfect” as being totally flawless. That is a more

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