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  • Broadcasting The Seeds

    Contributed by John Delly on Jul 12, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    We are God’s sower. We know that we can’t just store or hide the seed. We know that it must be broadcast and planted to do God’s work.

    "Broadcasting the Seeds" Matthew 13:1-9 July 13, 2008 For the last three weeks Nick and Sam Love’s mission trip has been in my thoughts and prayers. Last week I told you that this week’s sermon would be Romans chapter 8 The Romans text has a rich message, but my thoughts kept turning to Nick more

  • Broadcasting Faith

    Contributed by Jason Bonnicksen on Aug 8, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    A message to spark in our hearts the inspiration to broadcast our faith, so others can hear the good news of Jesus Christ.

    INTRO Allow me to start our time by reading you a nifty story. It is called, “The First Radio Broadcast.” For their entire careers, wireless operators onboard US Navy and merchant ships had only heard Morse code coming through their headphones. However, a few days before Christmas in more

  • Sowing Seeds

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Jul 13, 2023

    Casting the seed of the gospel is essential for modern followers of Christ Jesus.

    Sowing Seeds – Matthew 13: 1 - 9 Intro: One evening during a reception Franklin Roosevelt decided he would conduct an experiment to see if anyone really paid attention to what he said. As each person passed down the receiving line shaking his hand Roosevelt more

  • Effective Broadcasting – Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Nov 2, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The Body of Christ that God will use to evangelize the next generation has members who are specialized in different methods of broadcasting the seed of God’s Word in the fields of the world.

    Turn Your Bibles to Acts 6:4 and then verse 7 Title: Effective Broadcasting – Part 1 Theme: Planting the Word of God Series: Essentials for Church Growth Listen as I read Acts 6:4 and then verse 7, “But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to ministry of the word.” “And the word of God more

  • Effective Broadcasting – Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Nov 2, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    In this battle of broadcasting that life changing Word of God which points lost souls to Christ, the Bible holds truths to cling to and direction that assures a harvest for the Lord.

    Turn Your Bibles to Acts 6:4 and then verse 7 Title: Effective Broadcasting – Part 2 Theme: Planting the Word of God Series: Essentials for Church Growth Listen as I read Acts 6:4 and then verse 7, “But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to ministry of the word.” “And the word of God more

  • Tune In - Pt. 2 - Broadcast Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Feb 21, 2018

    Dead air. Static. Interference. All keep us from tuning in and being able to hear. However, hearing is essential. Lean in and tune in this year!

    Tune In Pt. 2 - Broadcast I. Introduction ?The last time I was with you was the last Sunday of 2017. I started this series because, like for many of you, 2017 was a quite year. Scripture makes it clear that God is speaking. We are told that we are to live on every word that is proceeding out of more

  • A Great Bible Secret (It’s All About God, Not About Us!) 1 Of 2

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Dec 27, 2021

    Paul Harvey is known for his unique broadcasting skills as he broadcasts the news each day.

    • He deals with the issues of life that relate to us • He is also known for some of the unusual stories he tells Illus: One day Paul Harvey announced on his news program that some days things never go right for some people. He then went on to tell about a man that had many things go wrong more

  • A Great Bible Secret 1 Of 2

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 25, 2022

    Paul Harvey is known for his unique broadcasting skills as he broadcasts the news each day.

    He is known for several things in his broadcasting. • He deals with the issues of life that relate to us • He is also known for some of the unusual stories he tells Illus: One day Paul Harvey announced on his news program that some days things never go right for some people. He then went on more

  • Arrival Of The Christ-2

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 3, 2011

    Luke records for us the revelatory/telling circumstances/events surrounding the arrival/birth of Christ the Lord. What are these revelatory events? A revelatory event surrounding the 1st arrival of Christ the Lord is His...

    ARRIVAL Of The CHRIST-II—Luke 2:1-20 Attention: Need: How do I know that Jesus is indeed Lord as you Christians say He is? What makes Him so special? He was evidently an intelligent & gifted man, no doubt, but what makes Him any different than any other recognizable personality from more

  • "the Rest Of The Story" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Mar 25, 2022

    The great radio broadcaster, Paul Harvey died in 2009…. He was known for his writings and radio broadcasts that reached up to 24 million people a week.

    “The Rest of the Story” John 4:27-42 The great radio broadcaster, Paul Harvey died in 2009…. He was known for his writings and radio broadcasts that reached up to 24 million people a week. Such a dynamic voice -– and one of the things that made him so popular was the way he could craft story to more

  • You Are Somebody Important - Genesis 1:20-31 Series

    Contributed by Scott Turansky on Jul 23, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    In the second statement that’s being broadcast is this broadcast statement that God makes that says I can hold it all together and I want to hold you together.

    As we look at the book of Genesis, we start Genesis, we see that we have three different statements that are coming out of creation. I just want to remind you because we’ve looked at these over the last three weeks. The first statement that we have when we see creation is “worship me.” Now whenever more

  • The Miracle Of Sharing

    Contributed by Malcolm Chester on Sep 24, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    A short sermon for a Harvest Festival Service broadcast on BBC Radio

    Since moving to Rhos on Sea as minister of the Methodist Church two years ago one of the things that Janet and myself keep saying is that we’ll go out on one of the fishing trips that leave from the small harbour where we began our service. The fact that we get sea sick on a mill pond doesn’t more

  • No Halfway Measures

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Sep 23, 2023

    The Persian Broadcasting System interviews King Nebuchadnezzar after his seven-year absence.

    Good morning. This is Ashbazar with the Persian Broadcasting System, bringing you a morning edition of the Newshour, with a breaking story live from Babylon. We have been told to stand by for a story of national importance direct from the king’s palace. As soon as they are ready, we will go direct more

  • The Believers Highest Honor

    Contributed by David Thompson on Aug 24, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    This sermon illustrates the importance of servanthood (Taken from Dr.Charles Stanly’s radio broadcast)

    THE BELIEVERS HIGHEST HONOR Imagine for a moment that a highly respected corporate executive has called you and ask you to be his personal assistant. He has decided you would be the best choice to handle his business, you would probably feel honored by such a privileged offer. Wouldn’t more

  • The City Of God Series

    Contributed by Dan Campbell on Jan 12, 2006
    based on 21 ratings

    Most of us are too young to remember this, but years ago, before World War II, there was a radio news broadcaster by the name of H.V. Kaltenborn. He always began his news broadcast with the words, Well, we’ve got good news today!

    THE CITY OF GOD Revelation 21:1-27 Most of us are too young to remember this, but years ago, before World War II, there was a radio news broadcaster by the name of H.V. Kaltenborn. He always began his news broadcast with the words, Well, we’ve got good news today! That is the way I would more

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