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  • Bring Back Stability Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Dec 7, 2011

    I. A Conscious Need. II. A Great Discovery. III. A Comforting Message IV. A Willing Reception V. An Immediate Result

    - Steadicam on a Sagway - No matter what the action the camera is always steady I. A Conscious Need. Their condition was most painful. v. 17 - "It was now dark”, v.17 - Alone v. 18 – Storm “A great wind that blew” Darkness, Desertion, Danger. - With Jesus darkness will more

  • Bring Back Joy

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Jan 4, 2015

    1.) We Were Created To Be Joyful 2.) Joy Comes From The Lord . 3.) Joy Comes Through Faith 4.) Sin A Joy Robber 5.) Pain Does Not Have To Stop Your Joy 6.) Have Unlimited Joy

    - Statement just before Christmas "I just don't feel Christmasy!' - Another statement "We're not going to have much of Christmas this year" - We have come through the most joyous time of the year - Where is the joy? - When was the last time you really laughed? - Not just a chuckle - A real belly more

  • Bring Back The Cross

    Contributed by James Ledbetter on Mar 7, 2015

    Why are churches taking down their crosses?

    BRING BACK THE CROSS! So many churches today have taken the teaching of the cross from there doctrines and taken their crosses down because they offend the world. Compromising with the world is a sin beloved. Here is why:- Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall more

  • Bringing Back The Ark

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 4, 2015
    based on 1 rating


    2ND SAMUEL 6:1-11 BRINGING BACK THE ARK #1- The Testimony of God's Witness GOD WILL ALWAYS FIND PEOPLE WILLING TO DO THE RIGHT THING. 6:1-2 Again, David gathered together all the chosen men of Israel, thirty thousand. more

  • Bringing Back The King

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 4, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Bringing Back the King

    2 Sam. 19:9-20:1 Bringing Back the King I. THE RIGHTFUL KING OF ISRAEL - 9 And all the people were at strife throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, The king saved us out of the hand of our enemies, and he delivered us out of the hand of the Philistines; and now he is fled out of the more

  • Bring Back The Wanderer! Series

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Nov 21, 2022

    Based on James 5:19-20 - Encourages the hearers to intentionally reach out to those who have wandered from the faith.

    “BRING BACK THE WANDERER” James 5:19-20 FBCF – 11/20/22 Jon Daniels INTRO – Search & rescue – Hear of child missing. Our hearts sink. Fearful of outcome. - Back in June in a Montana town, 3 y/o child named Ryker – missing for 2 days – Found 2 miles from his home. Had been playing w/ more

  • Bringing Back God's Glory

    Contributed by James O. Davis on Dec 6, 2001
    based on 114 ratings

    How to reveal God’s Glory to people today.

    James O. Davis is the founder and president of Second Billion (TM). You are invited to learn more about Second Billion by visiting TEXT: 1 Samuel 4:1-11; 2 Samuel 6 TOPIC: Bring Back God’s Glory Theme: How to reveal God’s Glory to people today. BRINGING BACK GOD’S more

  • Bringing Back God's Glory Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Aug 6, 2002
    based on 95 ratings

    The capture of the ark and its removal to the land of the Philistines only symbolizes what is already true, what has been true for a long time, the glory of God has departed from Israel.

    A Study of the Life of Samuel Sermon # 4 “Bringing Back God’s Glory!” 1 Samuel 4:1 – 6:17 We have seen how Samuel dominates the first three chapters of 1 Samuel and now he fades into the background while the spiritual condition and more

  • Bring Back That Loving Feeling

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Sep 10, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    From 1 Peter 1:22, let's talk about the kind of love we are to have for each other, who we are to love, and then how this ties in with the emotions of love (Material adapted from Mark Copeland and David Riggs, So What? from John Piper of Desiring God)

    HoHum: “When he had said this, he knelt down with all of them and prayed. They all wept as they embraced him and kissed him. What grieved them most was his statement that they would never see his face again. Then they accompanied him to the ship. After we had torn ourselves away from more

  • "Bringing Back Bell Bottoms”

    Contributed by Sean Dees on Feb 7, 2020

    The church through every changing trend still better be bringing back bell bottoms! Let me explain. My opening text described to you the outer ware of the Priest.

    I. We live in a time of advancements and growth. Everything around us now is constantly moving forward and changing. Man has been on this earth some 6000 years but it has been the last 150 years that has seen the greatest advancements. A. Electricity was once a mere curiosity but now is the more

  • Bring Back The Glory - America Descending

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Apr 23, 2010
    based on 124 ratings

    "As the home goes, so goes the church, and as the church goes, so goes the nation." We need a revival! Link inc. to formatted text, audio/video, PowerPoint.

    Bring Back the Glory Judges 17-21 Judges 17:6 6 In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes. Judges 21:25 25 In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right more

  • Bringing The King Back

    Contributed by David Johnston on Jul 25, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    We need to bring the King back to HIS house in our 1. Commitment 2. Prayer 3. Praise 4. Worship

    Bringing the King Back 2 Sam. 19 Just to bring a little light of history to this passage… Absalom, David’s son had done his best to destroy his father, securing the Kingdom and killing all those who were on David’s side. And so David had to fight against his own flesh and blood, his very own more

  • Bringing The Glory Back

    Contributed by James May on Nov 9, 2005
    based on 48 ratings

    I’m ready for Old Time Religion Pentecostal Revival where the hot wind of the Holy Spirit burns away the sin from God’s People.

    BRINGING THE GLORY BACK By Pastor Jim May I have a number of old movies in my collection. I’m not a big movie buff, but I do like to watch movies that based upon history. The War Between the States, World War I & II, and of course Vietnam to a lesser degree, are my favorite time periods to more

  • New Israel's Shepherd-King, Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Dec 9, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    After the visitation of The Cornerstone, The Tent Peg, The Battle Bow, The Ruler of them all an amazing change takes place in His flock. God will restore & strengthen His people who turn to Jesus Christ for their deliverance.

    ZECHARIAH 10: 5-12 NEW ISRAEL'S SHEPHERD-KING, Part II After the visitation of The Cornerstone, The Tent Peg, The Battle Bow, The Ruler of them all an amazing change takes place in His flock. Instead of being defeated by the adversary they will be as mighty men in battle for the Lord will be with more

  • The Raiders Of The Lost Ark

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on Jul 20, 2001
    based on 186 ratings

    This message uses the experiences of David bringing back the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem in comparison to the Church bringing back the Power of God into Action today.

    Scripture: 2 Samuel 6: 1 - 23 Title: “The Raiders of the Lost Ark” Introduction: For 100 long years the Ark of the Covenant had been separated from the tabernacle and other places of worship. After its capture by the Philistines at Aphek (1 Sam. 4:11) it remained in Philistia for seven months, more