New Israel's Shepherd-King, Part 2 Series
Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: After the visitation of The Cornerstone, The Tent Peg, The Battle Bow, The Ruler of them all an amazing change takes place in His flock. God will restore & strengthen His people who turn to Jesus Christ for their deliverance.
ZECHARIAH 10: 5-12
After the visitation of The Cornerstone, The Tent Peg, The Battle Bow, The Ruler of them all an amazing change takes place in His flock. Instead of being defeated by the adversary they will be as mighty men in battle for the Lord will be with them.
"The last section of Zechariah 10 tells how the Great Shepherd of Israel will restore the people by regathering them from the distant reaches of earth." [James M. Boice, The Minor Prophets, 198]. The theme is found in verses 6 and 12. God will restore and strengthen His people who turn to Jesus Christ for their deliverance (CIT).
The people who are transformed under this heaven–sent leadership will unite to defeat their enemies. "And they will be as mighty men, treading down (the enemy) in the mire of the streets in battle; And they will fight, for the LORD (will be) with them; And the riders on horses will be put to shame."
Again the prophet looks to the future and sees a glorious victory of God's people over their foes. God's chosen will be as the mighty men of David were, both strong in body and spirit, men of vigor and valor, effective men, kingdom men. Men who have a knowledge of the times and know what God's people should do. Those previously called sheep of the flock who were arrayed for battle like a majestic horse (10:3d) are now depicted as invincible warriors. The Lord's foes will be powerless against His mighty men. Treading down or subjugating the enemy is a picture of God's army trampling upon the enemy as reciprocal retribution for what they had become; just as worthless and foul as mire of the streets. So as dirt that is thrown out of houses is trodden with other dirt so will they be trodden in the mire of the streets.
Notice that it is not their own strength which causes them to fight bravely and prevail but because "the LORD is with them." If God be for us who can be against us? God's presence will enable them to be victorious.
‘Overthrow' is literally ‘make to be ashamed'. So mighty does God make His own that even with the advantage of superior equipment (horses), the enemy will still "be put to shame." His mighty ones will be able to frustrate the tactics of even the most formidable troops.
God promises to strengthen His people is for us today also. By the same fact that God is with us, we can be victorious over our enemies, that would either draw us from our duty to God or from our comfort in God. If we abide in Him, if we stay closely connected to Him, His Spirit will enable us to do His will no matter the obstacles that stand in our way. Yet as when God is with them they fight, so when God is with us we should engage the spiritual forces of wickedness in high places, knowing that we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.
In verse 6 God promises to strengthen, save, and reunite His covenant people. "And I shall strengthen the house of Judah, and I shall save the house of Joseph, and I shall bring them back, because I have had compassion on them. And they will be as though I had not rejected them, for I am the Lord their God, and I will answer them."
God here promises that divine empowering will be the means by which the fortunes of His people will be restored. The "house of Judah" is the southern kingdom and the "house of Joseph" refers to the northern kingdom. So the thought is that the entire people of God (Jer. 31:10) will share in the strength God will impart for their walk and work as well as their warfare (Ezek. 37:15-28). And whosoever of God's old covenant people will call upon the Lord for salvation will surely be saved (Rom.10- 11). O, the divine grace of God.
God "will bring them back" and reinstate them, first in fellowship and then back to Palestine. [The verb form ‘I will restore them' conveys both ‘I will bring them back' (NKJV, NRSV, NASB), and ‘I will make them dwell' or return and residence. Macay, Focus on The Bible, Zechariah] Why will God do this, because they are worthy or deserve it? No, but because God has compassion on them (Hos. 1:1). The goodness and loving-kindness of a covenant keeping God is the first and principle cause and not any merit of their own. God will no longer reject (lit. loathed) them. God's mercy and loving-kindness will blot out all the past sin and sorrow and a new communion will open up for them with the Lord God.