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  • Let's Make A Deal

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Oct 3, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    In the conversation Abraham had with the Lord before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, we see the compassion that both Abraham and God had for people.

    Let’s Make A Deal Genesis 18:16-33 (NLT) For a video of this sermon and others, go to Intro: A man fell into a pit and couldn’t get himself out. A subjective person came along and said, "I feel for you down there." An objective person walked by and said, more

  • Believe Week 11 - Worship Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Jan 16, 2015

    Believe week 12 moves to looking at how we should Act. We are looking at the action of Worship!

    Believe 11 - Worship November 30, 2014 Today, we move into the second part of our BELIEVE series. We’re moving from asking “What do we believe?” to “What should we do?” Our first answer is to Worship and give honor to God. Why should we worship and honor God? more

  • The Faith Factor Series

    Contributed by Sam Baker on Mar 25, 2012
    based on 1 rating


    THE FAITH FACTOR Part 2 : "Faith Knows Jesus is Alive!" There is so much on my heart that I want to share with you, that I just couldn’t wait for later to send this next message out. With Easter just around the corner, it is most important to know, that for faith to work in JESUS, you more

  • Fire Of God

    Contributed by Jon Lipka on Apr 22, 2012

    If the fire of judgment is early kindled in us, we, as Christ, die to sin but live to God.

    Fire is full of symbolic meaning in Scripture. Fire is used as a sign of God’s presence and as a sign of judgment, both of acceptance and rejection. Fire is a sign of theophany, which is just a fancy way of saying a revelation of God, God’s presence. When God made His covenant with more

  • The Sermon Of Seven Woes Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on May 5, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Sermon #9 of 13 sermons on the Preaching of Jesus dealing with the sermon of 7 woes found in Matthew 23:1-39

    The Sermon of Seven Woes Matthew 23:1-39 CHCC: March 25, 2012 INTRODUCTION: Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Jesus himself stepped up to this pulpit to preach? Suppose Jesus watched the way you lived your life this past week, and then came to preach in this pulpit today. What more

  • 2nd Peter 3: 1-8 Where Is The Promise Of His Coming?

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Feb 23, 2013

    Today I want to talk for a few minutes on "the promise of His coming". We're told in our text today that the skeptics would be asking that question, and we're reminded that this would be in the last days, so this is one way that you and I can know that w

    2nd Peter 3: 1-8 WHERE IS THE PROMISE OF HIS COMING? 2-23-13 Today I want to talk for a few minutes on "the promise of His coming". We're told in our text today that the skeptics would be asking that question, and we're reminded that this would be in the last days, so more

  • Get Connected

    Contributed by Bret Bone on Mar 4, 2013

    During the past several weeks it has become very clear to me… that even though man thinks that he is in control of his destiny… he is not. For thousands of years…man has held on to the foolish presumption that everything that happens in this world is b

    SLIDE #1 Prayer Welcome… During the past several weeks it has become very clear to me… that even though man thinks that he is in control of his destiny… he is not. For thousands of years…man has held on to the foolish presumption that everything that happens in this more

  • Proverbs 4:18-19~ The Path Of The Just-- The Way Of The Wicked~

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Oct 18, 2013

    There are many different nationality's of people, but out of all the different nationalities of people there are really only two types, saved and unsaved.

    Proverbs 4:18-19~ THE PATH OF THE JUST-- THE WAY OF THE WICKED~ 10-19-13 Today Lord willing we're going to talk for a few minutes on the two types of people that are in the world, there are many different nationality's of people, but out of all the different nationalities of people there are more

  • Don’t Try To Save What God Is Trying To Drown Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Dec 13, 2016

    There was about 2,000 years of time that had passed since God created Adam & Eve and the first drops of rain falling of the Flood. The world was full of sin. God had to destroy/get rid of the old in order to establish the new.

    “I Am Bringing the Flood” Series Part 1 10/02/2016 Don’t Try to Save What God is Trying to Drown A There was about 2,000 years of time that had passed since God created Adam & Eve and the first drops of rain falling of the Flood. 1 In this dispensation of time we are still talking about world more

  • Work Worth Doing

    Contributed by Hiram Withers on Nov 12, 2018

    God calls us to join him where he is working . When we attempt to work on our own we do so in vain.

    The philosopher Jacques Ellue said, “The first a great fact which emerges from our civilization is that today everything has become “means” no longer in “end”; we do not know where we are going. We have forgotten our collective ends, and you possess great machines; we set huge machines in motion in more

  • The Easter Story Part 1: Up Calvary's Mountain Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Mar 17, 2019

    An exposition of the events leading up to the resurrection. Part 1 covers the journey from the soldier's barracks to tje arrival on Calvary

    THE EASTER STORY PART ONE: UP CALARY’S MOUNTAiN 1. Mocked by the Soldiers Matthew 27:27-30; Mark 15:16-19 1) The Suffering Jesus, having already been scourged earlier (?), was mocked once more by the soldiers. After this came more suffering. Crucifixion was the most horrible execution more

  • Pass The Salt Please Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Sep 6, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A study of the Gospel of Mark 9: 42 – 50

    Mark 9: 42 – 50 Pass The Salt Please 42 “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea. 43 If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you more

  • Our Inheritance Series

    Contributed by Troy Campbell on Mar 23, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    All power in heaven and earth is found in the wonderful name of Jesus! Learn what we have access to through the Name of Jesus

    Title: The Name of Jesus – 1 “The Inheritance” Text: Hebrews 1:4-5 E.W. Kenyon gives this personal account: One afternoon, while giving an address on “The Name of Jesus” a lawyer interrupted me, asking: “Do you mean to say that Jesus gave us the more

  • Who Wants Seconds On Bread?

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Mar 7, 2013
    based on 21 ratings

    From the loaves and fishes to our text today where He offers Himself as the very bread of life. Jesus begins by meeting the needs of the physically hungry and ends with meeting the needs of the spiritually hungry. Link inc. to formatted text, audio, Powe

    Who Wants Seconds on Bread? John 6:26-35 Food is one of the strongest desires we have. "Is that really what you're preaching about today, Pastor?" People will do almost anything for food if they get hungry enough. Rob, steal, kill, rent out their more

  • Eternal Values Series

    Contributed by Robert Fa’atoia-Collins on May 14, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    What treasure are you collecting, is it the wealth of this world or heaven

    In this world of sin it is easy to get our values distorted. The things that appeal to our carnal natures seem worth striving for, but they are in fact like a mirage in the desert. Property, money, material possessions, or a large bank account seem to give us security, but it is all a bubble dream. more

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