  • Sam Baker

    Contributing sermons since Mar 18, 2012
Sam's church

Ministries Outreach
Jasper, Alabama 35501
205 435 2167

About Sam
  • Education: I am a High School graduate, as well as a MFA Ministries School Graduate. I have both a Theology Degree as well as a Seminary Degree. My instructors always loved to hear me speak, for they said I had "that special gift" that preachers need to reach the people.
  • Experience: My experience includes being a Youth Pastor at two different churches, and an Assc. Pastor at one church. The Senior Pastor of this church always spent time with me in helping me learn more and more about being effective. Today, even though not a part of his church (due to getting married and moving), him and I keep a constant communication going.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Be prepared to hear the Word in a "no holds barred" fashion. I dont like to :candy coat" nor will I "tickel your ears" with what you "want to hear". Rather, I will preach to you the Word of God, as it is suppose to be, truthful and impactful.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: The one sermon that made a difference in my life, is when a preacher made comment: "You will never know how you are, until you know who you are. Are you of Christ? Or of your father, the devil?"
  • One of my favorite illustrations: Denomstratng to a Youth Group, how when we tell Jesus to wait, we are technically nailing Him to the cross to keep Him from following us.
  • Family: My wife Mandi and I have been married several years. We have a son Micah, whom loves to get involved with the works of the church. Mandi is my right arm where the works of minisyty are concerned. Had it not been for her, Ministries Outreach would not be in the position we are today.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My parents were against me becoming a preacher, for they felt as if I would not be committed enough. Through the years, they saw the changes in me and in my life, as I studied and answered God's call to my life. Before my father died, he told me he was really proud of my accomplishments through ministry.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: My wife is my biggest supporter and loves to hear me preach. In her own words; "I love it when you strike it head on."
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: "Never be afraid to say those things the Lord places on your heart, because someone out there needs to hear it."
  • Books that have had an impact: "Intercessory Prayer" by Dutch Sheets "Are we Living in the End Times?" Lahaye/ Jenkins
  • Hobbies: I love to collect those things of Star Trek. I have been "fascinated" with this show ever since it came out. Through the years, I have collected many of things in regards to this show, and have them on display in my home.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: That which the Lord puts on my heart.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: I made a comment about how all of us are but vapor, and our lives are over in an instant on this planet. A little girl (7 - 8 years old) up front, said out loud, "I'm not a butt vapor! And I am surely not a poot!"
  • What I want on my tombstone: My name, my birthdate, and my ending date.
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  • Following Jesus Without Denominationalism

    Contributed on Mar 26, 2012

    This was to let us be sure that we have answered the call of the gospel, by which HE adds us to HIS church and not some sort of denomination begun by a man.

    Following Jesus without Denominationalism Part 3: ‘Accepting the Call of the Gospel’ Three messages in, and the series is just now starting to really heat up; and getting really good if I should say so myself, as the LORD has actually been teaching me a thing or two here as more

  • Following Jesus Without Denominationalism

    Contributed on Mar 26, 2012

    But is it possible for people today to simply be Christians, without being a member of any man – made denomination?

    Following Jesus without Denominationalism Part 2: ‘The Way Out of Religious Division’ Let me first start off by saying THANK YOU to all of you that made such wonderful replies to the first message of this series. I was well impressed with some of the knowledge you guys more

  • The Faith Factor

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2012

    Thus far, we have already gone over so many aspects of faith and it’s dynamics. But what have we said about faith’s beginning? I am going to use a lot of scripture in this message, to make the needed points . . .so be ready . . .

    The Faith Factor Part 7 : Faith Unto Salvation This message was put on my heart, as I was driving my way through East Alabama. Thus far, we have already gone over so many aspects of faith and it’s dynamics. But what have we said about faith’s beginning? I am more

  • The Faith Factor

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    As I prayed and studied to get ready for this message, the LORD taught me so much in regards to the title in itself. HE pointed out to me how such little things can grow into something much larger.

    The Faith Factor Part 6 : Power of the Blood to Overcome As I prayed and studied to get ready for this message, the LORD taught me so much in regards to the title in itself. HE pointed out to me how such little things can grow into something much larger. How some things in more

  • The Faith Factor

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2012

    It has always been at this point in people’s lives where faith seems to "fail" for them. For some unknown reason, they feel as if faith has "let them down" and not "done what it was suppose to do" for them.

    The Faith Factor Part 5 : Having Authority in Faith It has always been at this point in people’s lives where faith seems to "fail" for them. For some unknown reason, they feel as if faith has "let them down" and not "done what it was suppose to do" for them. In this next more

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