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  • Alcohol-Vs-You: Who Will Win The Battle?

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Jan 1, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    What are the long term ramifications of the recreational, pleasure use of alcohol as a beverage. What will that first drink mean for you in your future and the future of others?

    Today is the last Sunday of 2012. How has the year flown past so quickly? If you can remember way back to November we started taking a look at the Covenant of Christian Conduct which a person agrees to honor when they join the Church of The Nazarene and become members. Initially we took a look more

  • Un Hombre Virtuoso Fête Des Pères

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Jun 13, 2024

    Este es un mensaje del Día del Padre dirigido a los hombres animándolos a ser hombres virtuosos mirando a los demás como Dios los ve, especialmente a las mujeres. Booz es el ejemplo que se utiliza en términos de su relación con Rut y sus trabajadores.

    Un hombre virtuoso Fête des pères Día del Padre Rut 2:1-10 1 Juan 4:19-20 Hoy celebramos el día del padre. Recibí un mensaje de texto de mi hija, la jueza Samantha, cuatro días antes del Día del Padre preguntándome sobre un posible regalo para mí en el more

  • Who’s Got Your Back? Series

    Contributed by Richard Mc Quinn on Mar 15, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Who picks you up when the going gets rough. When you have been through hell and you do not know where to find your strength. The dealth of a loved one, divorse, bankruptsy, drugs, booze, sex halls----Who comes to help you stand back up. Failure is NOT

    Who’s Got Your Back? 3-13-11 New Liberty Christian Church, Veedersburg, IN Rich McQuinn, Minister TEXT: MATTHEW 28:16-20 INTRODUCTION: A little boy was waiting for his mother to come out of the grocery store. As he waited, he was approached by a man who asked, "Son, Can you tell me where more

  • Buscando Tus Anhelos

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Nov 17, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    Qué hacer cuando estemos buscando lograr nuestros anhelos

    Buscando tu Anhelo Rut 3 Intro: Conocí a un joven que tenía el anhelo de destacar en el ámbito académico pero sin dejar de estar involucrado en la Iglesia. Quería sacar calificaciones excelentes y ser un joven muy activo en la Iglesia (dos cosas muy buenas y que deberían los anhelar los more

  • The Big Jackpot

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Mar 6, 2006
    based on 159 ratings

    People are looking for the big jackpot in life when in reality, there is only one real jackpot.

    INTRO.- The big jackpot. What does that sound like? You guessed it. ILL.- $365 Million Powerball Jackpot Beckoned, Saturday, February 18, 2006. The chances of winning the jackpot by matching all six numbers were 1 in 146 million. Powerball is played in 28 states plus the District of Columbia more

  • Mothers Of Messiah-The Known And Unknown Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Jun 1, 2021

    The names of several women in the line or ancestry of Jesus, the Messiah, are listed in Scripture. Many other such mothers are not. No matter if they're mentioned by name or no, each of these ladies can someday rejoice that they were among the mothers of the Messiah!

    Introduction: some of the women who are in the line of Jesus, the Messiah, are well-known. Some are mentioned only by name and others aren’t mentioned at all. Regardless, the Lord knows each one of them—by name—and allowed each one to be part of His plan to bring salvation to a lost and dying more

  • Tenth Commandment 12 Of 12

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 14, 2022

    Now we come to the last of the ten commandments. Perhaps God saved this tenth commandment until last for a special purpose.

    The Lord, in the previous nine commandments, has told us, "Thou shalt not...”. The tenth commandment deals with the thing what will CAUSE US TO VIOLATE ALMOST EVERY ONE OF THE OTHER COMMANDMENTS, THE SIN OF COVETING. Illus: Joseph Exell said, "The history of the world is stained and more

  • Amor De Amigas, Amor De Dios Series

    Contributed by Major Gerardo Balmori on Feb 24, 2008
    based on 29 ratings

    Lo que la Biblia enseña acerca de una de las relaciones mas hermosas, la de Ruth con Noemí.

    Amor de amigas, Amor de Dios Estudio Bíblico del Libro de Ruth El Ejército de Salvación The Salvation Army Iglesia Cristiana Evangélica, División de Nueva Jersey Enseñanza por: la Mayora Mónica Balmori Campamento de las Damas 2004 Marco Histórico A.Capítulo 1:1-5 Decisiones erradas de more

  • Here Comes The Bride

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Sep 1, 2013

    The last sermon in the Ruth series examines Boaz as a type of Jesus as our kinsman-redeemer and the rewards to Ruth for her faithfulness to God.

    Here Comes the Bride Ruth Series Chuck Sligh September 1, 2013 TEXT: Read the whole chapter: Ruth 4:1-22 INTRODUCTION Everyone likes a story with a happy ending, and the Book of Ruth is that kind of story. The book began with 3 funerals and 3 weeping widows; it ends with a wedding and, more

  • "Finding Grace"

    Contributed by Jerry Depoy on Sep 10, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Ruth asked Boaz in verse 10, "How is it that I have found grace in thy sight?" Here is a message with a great four point answer, enjoy!

    Title: "Finding Grace" Introduction: Both Ruth and Naomi were saying these words, "Why me?" Naomi was saying these words in bitterness. She wanted to be called Mara. Bitterness leads to depression and depression stays home. Note that Naomi had enough strength to walk from Moab to the land of more

  • Lent 2021

    Contributed by Michael Hopkins on Feb 17, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon for the start of Lent 2021

    I think this is the point where I am supposed to talk about Lent being a penitential time, and time for giving things up, but that seems patent nonsense in 2021. In the last eleven months we have given up more than we ever wished for longer than we would have wished. And we have lost some people more

  • Nuestras Madres: Instrumentos De La Gracia De Dios

    Contributed by Andrew Schroer on May 15, 2001
    based on 106 ratings

    Por la historia de Rut y Noemí vemos un muy buen ejemplo de la relación que Dios quiere que exista entre madre e hijos.

    Hoy es el día de las madres, un día en que dejamos por un momento la rutina y los quehaceres diarios para agradecer a nuestras mamás por criarnos, por amarnos... por aguantarnos. La “madre” del día de las madres se llama Anna Jarvis. Dos años después de la muerte de su mamá, ella convenció a su more

  • A Godly Father's Reward

    Contributed by Dan Cale on Jun 18, 2004
    based on 154 ratings

    This sermon explores the 128 psalm as a model for changing life, family, and nation from the father up.

    A Godly Father’s Reward Psalm 128:1-6 This morning I want to break with a long standing church tradition. Somehow it has become a tradition to praise mothers for their wonderful and inspiring work on Mothers Day – and berate Dad’s for their shortcomings on Fathers Day. We often make the more

  • "You've Been Made Righteous” Series

    Contributed by Jerry Gatson on Jan 16, 2008

    This sermon looks into the life of an unlikely candidate to be used by God to show that God is not ashamed to identify with you or me.

    Rachab: The Prototype of Salvation “You’ve Been Made Righteous” TEXT - Matthew 1:1-6 1 The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. 2 Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren; 3 And Judas begat Phares and Zara of more

  • The Reward For A Christian Father

    Contributed by Major Gerardo Balmori on Apr 2, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    Today’s world don’t make it easy to be a Godly Dad. We often make the assumption that Dads really need to be thrashed about the head and neck for failing to live up to God’s standards – and then wonder why they don’t come to church. Men I have the inspi

    Mayor Gerardo Balmori The Salvation Army Introduction: Today’s world don’t make it easy to be a Godly Dad. We often make the assumption that Dads really need to be thrashed about the head and neck for failing to live up to God’s standards – and then wonder why they don’t come to church. Men I more