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  • Covering God With Our Love Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Feb 11, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    I can worship God anywhere... but Psalm 100 talks about "going someplace" to worship. Where should I "go" to worship, and how and why should I worship?

    I read the story about a couple named Mary and Jim and their dog 'Lucky.' Lucky was an unusual dog. Whenever company come for a weekend visit Mary and Jim had to warn their friends to not leave their luggage open because Lucky would help himself to whatever struck his fancy. Inevitably, more

  • Joining God’s Heart For Racial Justice Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Mar 29, 2022

    Joining God’s Heart for Racial Justice Series: Cracks – Navigating Our Divided Times
 Brad Bailey – March 6, 2022

    Joining God’s Heart for Racial Justice Series: Cracks – Navigating Our Divided Times? Brad Bailey – March 6, 2022 Note: The following notes are more extensive that time allowed to be fully stated. However, they do provide the full set of points and additional footnotes that were made which I hope more

  • Understanding The Root Problem

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Sep 13, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    This past week we learned what people are capable of…and we know why. The ultimate enemy is sin. As we try to recover from the shock of the most horrific terrorist attack in history, there’s a crying, desperate need to make some sense of what’s happened

    This past week we learned what people are capable of…and we know why. The ultimate enemy is sin. As we try to recover from the shock of the most horrific terrorist attack in history, there’s a crying, desperate need to make some sense of what’s happened. I want to emphasize that, while more

  • Why Do We Sing? Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Nov 18, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    Sermon 3 of 5 on Why we do the things we do. This message was delivered by Esther Hetrick, Worship Minister. History reminds us that musical styles have been changing all along. At one time every song was a new song, and we can find positive contributi

    Why do we sing? By Esther Hetrick Meridian Christian Church For early Christians, the book of Psalms was their songbook. And what a variety we find—joyful praise and adoration, confession and remorse, the pouring out of struggles and conflict, some quiet and reflective, others exuberant; some of more

  • So What Love? Don't Throw Away Hard To Love People!

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jun 1, 2016

    Seems I often find myself FEELING A SERMON I COULD NEVER TEACH OR PREACH...I look into people's faces an read a history of WOE, pain, grief, SIN SCARS... And I know there is GOOD NEWS --- I FEEL A SERMON I CAN NEVER PREACH OF AMAZING GRACE.

    SO WHAT LOVE? WILL WE THROW AWAY THE HARD TO LOVE PEOPLE? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Seems I often find myself FEELING A SERMON I COULD NEVER TEACH OR PREACH... I look into people's faces an read a history of WOE, pain, grief, SIN SCARS... And I know there is GOOD NEWS --- more

  • Even If God Does Not Deliver Us, We Will Not Bow - An Introduction Series

    Contributed by Jeremiah Menyongai on Mar 14, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    We must take a stand for God. Just like the Hebrew Boys, we too will be tempted for what we believe. Our God whom we serve can deliver. History and the Bible prove that He can. Therefore He will again. Our problem is that we forget so easily.

    EVEN IF OUR GOD DOES NOT DELIVER US, WE STILL WILL NOT BOW DANIEL 3: 1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof six cubits: he set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon. 2 Then Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to gather more

  • The Gospel - The Power Of God Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on May 1, 2011
    based on 46 ratings

    The letter to the Romans has been one of the books of the Bible that God has used throughout history to transform the lives of people He has used greatly. From Martin Luther to John Wesley, God has used Paul’s letter to inform us how the gospel can truly

    Series - Summer in Rome Sermon 1 - The Gospel – The Power of God Romans 1:1-17 Written by Paul, a Servant of Christ Jesus, set apart for the Gospel Written to Romans, those Loved by God, called to be Saints The Gospel is the power of God to live life eternally The Gospel is the power of God to more

  • Choose The End Is Near Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Aug 9, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    God has his hand firmly on history. Prophecy calls us to choose what we trust in. Do we trust the God of money, such as retirement, investment. Do we trust the God of comfort etc. We are called by the still small voice of God to trust and obey Him.

    Intro: Bob Deffinbaugh tells a funny memory about chapter 11. He opened up an old Bible he had from Bible college and was reading notes in chapter 10 and finally got to 11 and one of his daughters had scribbled all over the pages of chapter 11. He wondered when the Lord returned if all of the more

  • Joseph...he Da Man ! Series

    Contributed by Bret Bone on Jun 19, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Since today is father’s day I would like to talk to you about a father from the bible…who is often overlooked because of the story that took place around his life. In my opinion this father was one of the most important role models in the history of ma

    Slide #1 Video… Welcome…guest cards. Happy FATHERS’ DAY. I begin today with a quick story that I found while studying for my message… Father’s Day Humor…A Story about David… After David’s first year of college…he returned home during his more

  • Palm Sunday - God's Love Is The Message!

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Apr 7, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    I suppose the most infamous "almoster" in history would be Pilate who almost released Jesus. He wore the signet ring that proclaimed hIs right to do it. All he had to do was speak decisively, & Jesus would have been free.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK TEXT: Luke 23:13-24; John 12:12-29 ILL. On the southern border of the Persian empire of Cyrus the Great, who had already conquered the Babylonians, more

  • The Last Days Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 7, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Paul is simply telling them that if they think evil is powerful now, just wait. It will be a great deal worse before history is ended. The last days have already begun, and the lawless one does have some power, but in the latter days of the last days he shall be revealed in great power.

    In the magazine called the New Yorker there was a cartoon of two ministers conversing in a luxurious library. The older man says to the younger: “Drawing upon my not inconsiderable experience, Andrews, my advice to a young man ambitious of preferment in our calling is to steer clear of two more

  • Jesus Begins His Final Week Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 3, 2021

    I want invite you to take a three month journey with me on the greatest week in history. This series is devoted to the most important person who’s ever lived on His most important week. This is the week of Christ’s final entry into Jerusalem as well as His death, burial, and resurrection.

    Today, I want invite you to take a three month journey with me on the greatest week in history. This series is devoted to the most important person who’s ever lived on His most important week. This is the week of Christ’s final entry into Jerusalem as well as His death, burial, and resurrection. more

  • A Baby Maker Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 20, 2021

    It has been a major issue all through history-how can we get a baby? And this has to be a major issue in the realm of the spirit as well. We need to want to have babies for Jesus as desperately as Paul. He gave his life and suffered greatly in order to have babies for Jesus.

    Men are trying to have babies. Some are experimenting with the idea of surgically implanting an embryo into the male and then surgically removing the child when it is grown enough to love on its own. But there are things even more bizarre. In 1978 science writer David Rorvik wrote In His Image. more

  • King Jesus Christ The Lord Of The Sabbath Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 27, 2023

    People take notice and the growth of the Jesus movement blows up. People in Israel begin to realize Jesus is something special in the history of the universe. And they want to know more. We should still want to know more today. Who was this Jesus? Why did he do what he did?

    My girlfriend and I went to the dog groomer yesterday, we took her dog Sam in. He was not at all happy when he realized where we were taking him. Sam does not like the groomer, because of the loud noises, and the strange environment. So Sam was shaking as the groomer worked. Sam was uncertain, more

  • The Palestinian Covenant Of God With Israel

    Contributed by Raymond Petzholt on Mar 12, 2024

    God’s Covenants with Israel permanently & irreversibly set God’s plan for Israel & the Middle East. The Unconditional Palestinian Covenant (Deut. 28 - 30) enables us to understand Israel's relationship with the Promised Land throughout her History. It is a faith inspiring study.

    The Palestinian Covenant (Deuteronomy 28-30; Ezek. 16) We must understand the Certainty of God’s ‘Promise’ & His ‘Oath.’ Hebrews 6:16-19 says “Men verily swear [the promise] by the greater: & an oath [of the covenant] for confirmation is to them an end of all strife. (17) God, willing more

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