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  • Basic Training: The Bible Is God's Word Series

    Contributed by Timothy Smith on Jan 1, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    This is the first of a 5 part series on basic bible doctrines for our new congregation. (New Church Plant as of 4-6-03)

    BASIC TRAINING: THE BIBLE IS GOD’S WORD PSALMS 119:9-16 & 2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17 NOTE: The drama used in this sermon can be obtained from INTRODUCTION OF THE SERIES: Vince Lombardi, who was the head football coach of the Green Bay Packers for many years, produced one NFL more

  • Teaching The Bible. Matthew Part 2. Series

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on Jan 16, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    Lesson and study series for the Bible. All Ages from 18-50+. Lesson 2. Starting slowly to get students used to comparing scripture with scripture & have the ability to break each chapter down into sections.

    Teaching the Bible. Lesson 1 part 2. Teaching the Bible is an intrical part in the growth of any Christian. We must keep it simple and easy to understand. In lesson 1, we reviewed Matthew, chapters 1 thru 7. Lets look more

  • Teaching The Bible. Matthew Part 3. Series

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on Jan 18, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Continuance of the Lessons on the Book of Matthew. Breaking it down to its simplest form to help others understand. All Ages from 18-50+.

    Teaching the Bible. Part 3 of Matthew. We will start part 3 with the 10th Chapter of Matthew. Read verses 10:1 thru 4. Here we more

  • Teaching The Bible Part 4 Of Matthew Series

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on Jan 22, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Continuing Series.References or refereeing from one scripture to another is an important part in learning exactly what a verse means. Once you are used to looking up references, it will be easy for you to understand.For ages 19 to 50+

    Teaching the Bible. Part 4, of Matthew. By Rev. A.R.Smith References or refereeing from one scripture to more

  • When The Chips Are Down-Gambling & The Bible

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Feb 17, 2005
    based on 50 ratings

    Biblical principles and scriptures which contradict the concept of gambling. Powerpoint at website.

    When the Chips are Down—Gambling & the Bible Acts 19:21-29; 1 Timothy 6:9-6:18 ; Col. 3:2 Powerpoint and formatted sermon at The Governor’s budget speech this week left some unanswered questions about gambling expansion. Dozens of bills are more

  • Why Do We Need The Bible

    Contributed by Naveen Balakrishnan on May 11, 2004
    based on 28 ratings

    We need the Bible so that we can know that we have sinned and need a Savior.

    “Why Do We Need The Bible” 2 Timothy 3:14-17 1. We Need the Bible because it is our Only STANDARD. (v. 14) 1 Timothy 4:16; 2 Timothy 1:13; 2:2; 1 Thessalonians 1:5; 2:13; Proverbs 22:6; John 8:30-31; Acts 2:42; 1 Timothy 6:20; Genesis 18:19; Deuteronomy 6:4-9 2. We Need the Bible because it more

  • The Bible - God's Word, And God's Power

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Jun 16, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    The Bible is highly underrated. Today we will see just how powerful it really is.

    Galatians 1:11-24: The Bible – God’s Word, and God’s Power Last week I could see that Father’s Day was coming. All the advertisements in the paper told me that it was time for me to go out and buy a manly gift for my father. All week long, that’s what the newspapers have been telling you to more

  • What's Wrong With Skipping Bible Class?

    Contributed by Jim Dillinger on Jun 3, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    We need to teach the next generation or we’ll pay a great spiritual price. Bible class is one way to do that.

    What’s Wrong With Skipping Bible Class? Judges 2:10-15 ( have a couple kids stand up with me as a visual for the lesson) There is an interesting phenomenon that happened on any given Sunday in any given church. More people show up for worship services than for Bible classes. We average about more

  • What The Bible Says About The Harvest.

    Contributed by Jason Callihan on Aug 24, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    The BIBLICAL interpretation of Rev 14 and Matthew 13

    The latter part of Chapter 14 reminds us of the harvest. When I read 14-20, I can’t help but think of Matthew 13. There are some similarities in the two. Look at Matthew 13:24-20. Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed more

  • #19~seventeen~ Bible Number Meanings Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Feb 23, 2012

    Seventeen is found in our KJ Bible TEN times, seventeenth SIX times, all through God’s Word, both the Old and New Testaments, SEVENTEEN is revealed as bearing the meaning of "vanquishing the enemy" and complete victory in Christ."

    #19~SEVENTEEN~ BIBLE NUMBER MEANINGS 2-25-12 The numbers SEVENTEEN signifies "vanquishing the enemy" and complete victory in Christ. Seventeen is found in our KJ Bible TEN times, seventeenth SIX times, all through God’s Word, both the Old and New more

  • Bible Study Of John 3:16

    Contributed by Matthew Cox on Jan 27, 2014

    This bible study will look at what we received from the actions taken in John 3:16

    What did we receive from the actions taken in John 3:16 1. We received a savior from death eternal. 2. We received a postion in heaven. 3. We received a role model to encourage us when we get weak. more

  • # 5~ Angels -- 1 Bible Doctrine Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Aug 31, 2012

    Angels are spiritual beings created by God to serve Him, though created higher than man. Some, the good angels, have remained obedient to Him and carry out His will, while others, fallen angels, disobeyed, fell from their holy position, and now stand in

    # 5~ ANGELS -- 1 BIBLE DOCTRINE 8-4-12 Today Lord willing we'll talk and think on "ANGELS". Let me say first of all that the angels are innumerable, there are so many that we would never be able to count them. Hebrews 12:22 more

  • # 6-Angels- 2~ Bible Doctrine Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Aug 31, 2012

    Lucifer and the angels that believed his lies were cast out of heaven down to the earth, they were on the earth before God ever created man or any other creature. > Jesus said in Luke 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from he

    # 6-ANGELS- 2~ BIBLE DOCTRINE 8-11-12 Today we'll continue with our study of Bible doctrine, last time we begin talking about "angels" we read that Lucifer was the most beautiful and wisest creature that God had created, he was an angel, more

  • # 7~ Angels~ 3~ Bible Doctrine Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Aug 31, 2012

    Angels were created and with God before He created any thing else, at that time all the angels were holy and without sin, but as I have already pointed out that Lucifer lied to the angels and said that he was going to over throw God, he was Lucifer at

    # 7~ ANGELS~ 3~ BIBLE DOCTRINE 8-25-12 Today we'll get back to our study of Bible Doctrine, we've already said a few things about angels, and so today we'll think on angels once again. Angels were created and with God before He created more

  • What The Bible Says About Homosexuality

    Contributed by John Gaston on Oct 1, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    God's timeless revelation -- His Word -- does not change. We live in a day of situational ethics and relative truth. The world is hearing a false message about what God thinks about homosexuality. We must tell them "the whole counsel of God."

    WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY I. THE CLEAR BIBLICAL PATTERN FOR SEXUALITY Homosexuality is being here addressed because it is the subject of a lot of false teaching and mistruth about what the Bible has to say. You and I can't be pleasing to God if we're practicing sexual sin, that is, more

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