Sermon Series
  • 1. Knowing And Experiencing God

    Contributed on Apr 10, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Part 1. God invites us into a personal relationship where we know him and experience his presence.

    For those who weren’t with us on Christmas Eve, we were lookin g at the birth of Jesus, of course, and God’s purpose for sending Jesus into the world. According to 1 Jo. 4:9, God sent his Son out of love for us so that we might have life, eternal life forever in heaven with God, and also life more

  • 2. Growing Closer To God Through Experiences

    Contributed on Apr 10, 2008
    based on 12 ratings

    Part 2. Using Henry Blackaby’s "Experiencing God." We come to know God in a deeper way through experience as we step out in faith and follow his will.

    What if the quality of your life is directly related to the quality of your relationship with God? Your satisfaction with life, your happiness, the quality of your relationships with other people, the ability to live a “good life,” a righteous or God honoring life, as well as intangible things more

  • 3. Hearing God's Voice

    Contributed on Apr 10, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Part 3. When we are in relationship with God we should expect to hear God speaking to us.

    If we are not experiencing God’s abundant life we need to ask ourselves why? I think we can boil the problem down to one of three issues: 1) We might have a relationship problem with God. Over the last couple of weeks we have looked at the importance of knowing God, having a personal relationship more

  • 4. Hearing God's Voice - Prayer & The Bible

    Contributed on Apr 10, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Part 4. How God speaks to us through prayer and the Bible.

    If you haven’t been with us, let me catch you up to speed. We are in a sermon series looking at how we know God better and experience God working in our life. If we are not experiencing God’s abundant life right now we need to ask ourselves why? We are looking at three issues: 1) We might have more

  • 5. Hearing God's Voice - Circumstances & Other Christians

    Contributed on Apr 10, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Part 5. Hearing God’s voice through circumstances and other Christians.

    Does God speak to people today? Indeed God does speak to us. Perhaps speak isn’t the term we should use, perhaps communicate is a better one. God communicates to us because God wants us to know him better, he wants us to follow him where he leads so he can bless us and we can experience him more

  • 6. God's Invitation Leads To A Crisis Of Belief

    Contributed on Apr 10, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Part 6. When we hear from God we are at a crisis of belief where we will have to choose whether we will step out in faith or not.

    We have been in a series titled “Knowing and Experiencing God” because, truth be told, many times in our Christian life we are just going through the motions. Perhaps we go to church on Sunday, maybe we do our daily devotions (reading the Bible & praying), generally we try to be a good person, do more

  • 7. Obedience - Adjusting My Life To God's

    Contributed on Apr 10, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Part 7. We must be willing to make major adjustments in our life to follow God, obeying him 100% if we want to be faithful and experience God.

    We have been in a series titled “Knowing and Experiencing God” because, truth be told, many times in our Christian life we are just going through the motions. Perhaps we go to church on Sunday, maybe we do our daily devotions (reading the Bible & praying), generally we try to be a good person, do more

  • 8. Loving God Is Obeying God

    Contributed on Apr 10, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    Part 8. The test for our love of God is our obedience.

    As we conclude our series “Knowing and Experiencing God,” it has been my prayer that each and every one of us would experience God and the work of his Holy Spirit in our life in a very real, personal, and powerful way. We would move into a closer relationship with our loving heavenly Father. A more