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  • Systems Of Belief Series

    Contributed by Vince Miller on Aug 28, 2018

    No one wants to live in a lie, however, as a believing being, many men live with corrupt beliefs that influence their thoughts and actions.

    So I’d like to begin with a quote today. From A.W. Tozer. He says, “What comes into our minds when we think about God, is the most important thing about us. What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” I love this quote because I think it gets after the more

  • Your Beliefs: Burden Or Blessing?

    Contributed by Gerald Steffy on Oct 28, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    “Your belief system needs to be a blessing rather than a burden for others in following Jesus.”

    YOUR BELIEFS: BURDEN OR BLESSING? Luke 6:1-11 Proposition: “Your belief system needs to be a blessing rather than a burden for others in following Jesus.” Objective: My purpose is to challenge each child of God to make sure that their belief system is a blessing, not a burden for more

  • Crisis In The Real World Series

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Aug 8, 2002
    based on 6 ratings

    Does our belief system relate to the crisis of the real world?

    The Crisis in the real World; Message preached at Midway Community Church Oct 31st Two weeks ago; Christianity for the real World; a belief system that features “life in the Spirit”, and offers: a. Permanent Freedom and no Probation; b. solutions for the Problems we face; c. a Power that never more

  • Christianity Centers In Christ Series

    Contributed by Donald Minshew on Jul 17, 2007

    Describes how Christ is the central point to our belief system

    Christianity centers in Christ! Colossians 2:16-23 1. Christians follow Christ, not men’s rules. Contexually: Jewish legal system. Not under law…and we’ve never been under it. Make our own rules: Great ones for making rules. Not so good at making them. Florida: The state constitution allows more

  • Hinduism Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Jul 22, 2008

    A study of Hinduism’s origins, belief system, and difference to Christianity.

    Hinduism “We are All Divine” Intro To the typical Western way of thinking, Hinduism and other Asian views of life appear strange. That’s because we who live in the Western world have a religious and cultural heritage much different from that of the people of the East. Things developed much more

  • Faith And Law -/- Faith Or Law

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on Feb 28, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    The law is external. Faith is internal. We all have an external and an internal component to our belief system.

    Mid-week Message/Devotion February 28, 2018 Reading: Romans 4:13-25 Faith and Law –/– Faith or Law “For the promise that he would be heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.” (Verse 13) This one verse sets the tone for more

  • Hope For The Doubter Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus is not afraid of our doubts and meets us where we are. He invites us to seek evidence and find hope in Him.

    Today, we're going to be talking about how even if you're tired, broken, feeling like an underdog, or even if you're doubting, there's hope for you. You know, doubt is like this balloon I have here. It starts small, but as we feed it with our fears and uncertainties, it gets bigger and bigger until more

  • The Journey Of Faith Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Nov 13, 2024
    based on 4 ratings

    Faith is a journey into the unknown, guided by the trust and belief in God's plan for us. It's about leaving the comfort of the familiar for the promise of the unknown, and finding hope in God's promised future.

    Hey guys! Ever been on a road trip with no idea where you're headed? That's what our faith journey is like. It's like being on an epic adventure where the destination isn't always clear, and the path can be full of surprises. But we trust that God is our GPS, guiding us even when we're not sure more

  • Empty Or Full, It Does Make A Difference

    Contributed by R. Wayne Hagerman on Apr 1, 2008

    The Resurrection of Jesus and His empty tomb are the hingepoints of our Christian belief system. Without them, it is all for nothing!

    John 20; 1 Corinthians 15 Empty or Full? It Does make a difference! There are four major Religions and thousands of smaller ones in this world today. The four largest are Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, & Hinduism. Of these and all the others, only one claims a living God, a living Savior, a more

  • Beyond Belief

    Contributed by Philip Myers on Nov 15, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    I can fully believe, but unless I act on my belief, I am of no benefit to my community. This is 1 of 9 in a series.

    In a country founded upon god’s truth; it seems strange to say that America today is in a post-church era. The country is not only changing but has changed. Americans look everywhere but to the church for spiritual and moral guidance. But I believe that the sun of the Gospel is far from setting more

  • Beyond Belief

    Contributed by Philip Myers on Nov 15, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    I can fully believe, but unless I act on my belief, I am of no benefit to my community. This is number 2 of 9 in a series.

    BEYOND BELIEF PART 1 Daniel 11:32 “ … shall be strong and do exploits (KJV)” “ … will display strength and take action (NASB)” In today’s society – our kids encounter - More ethical and moral temptations … - Greater spiritual battles … - More emotional and relational struggles … … more than more

  • Crisis Of Belief

    Contributed by Tiger Gullett on Feb 26, 2002
    based on 31 ratings

    When the rubber meets the road, we are at a Crisis of Belief. Will we trust God or Grumble?

    CRISIS OF BELIEF Coming to a place where you have to make a decision about your faith. Israel’s 8 Crisis’ of Belief Exodus 14-18, Numbers 14:1-4, 20-23 INTRODUCTION: The Israelites have been living in Egypt ever since Joseph’s brothers came back to him during the famine. Pharoe loved the more

  • Shooting Arrows & Striking Ground

    Contributed by Jonathan Meade on Oct 21, 2024

    There is no stronger power available to fuel your life than faith. You may have heard the phrase, “The sky is the limit “ but the truth is, the sky is not your limit; your belief system is.

    “Shooting Arrows & Striking Ground” 2 Kings 13:14-19 There is no stronger power available to fuel your life than faith. You may have heard the phrase, “The sky is the limit “. But the truth is, “The sky is not your limit; your belief system is.” Passage set up: Joash was a frightened more

  • When Staying Awake Is In Vain Series

    Contributed by Senior Pastor Ndayiragije-Misigaro Joel on Feb 14, 2023

    What is it that you believe in—your core belief system—that gives your life meaning and purpose and drives you to see it through?

    WHEN STAYING AWAKE IS IN VAIN Written by Senior Pastor Ndayiragije-Misigaro Joel, February 14, 2023 “They who build the home labor in vain; he who keeps the city awake at night does it in vain unless the Lord builds it.” (Psalm 127:1) INTRODUCTION. There is no way to wait on God and not notice more

  • The Resurrection: The King Is Alive Series

    Contributed by Russ Barksdale on Apr 10, 2019

    You ask me what is the most important feature or belief of the Christian faith, and I will say without a doubt, it is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Disprove it, and the entire belief system disintegrates.

    The Resurrection Mark 16:1-7 The King is Alive John 3:16: “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever will believe in Him will not perish, but have everlasting and eternal life.” 1 Peter 3:18: “For Christ also suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the more

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