Sermon Series
  • 1. Mormonism

    Contributed on Jul 7, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    A glance at Mormonism and comparison to Christianity.

    Mormonism The fastest growing and most successful cult in the history of the United States, and perhaps the world, is the Mormons. Which are officially known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS). They have been increasing at an average rate of 300,000 converts a year (as more

  • 2. Jehovah's Witnesses

    Contributed on Jul 8, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    A look at the differences between the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Christianity and how we can witness to them.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses There Is No Hell….Hard Work Earns “Paradise” Intro Knock on any door in the United States, as well as in many countries around the world, and the odds are excellent that Jehovah’s Witnesses have been there ahead of you. They are a serious challenge to Christians for more

  • 3. Islam

    Contributed on Jul 15, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    The Islam religion and there differences to Christianity

    Islam “Allah is One, and Christ was just a Prophet” Intro The Islam religion is the fastest growing cult in the world. It has claimed nearly 1 billion followers in countries throughout the world. It originated in Saudi Arabia, and from there it expanded along trade routes to Africa and more

  • 4. Hinduism

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2008

    A study of Hinduism’s origins, belief system, and difference to Christianity.

    Hinduism “We are All Divine” Intro To the typical Western way of thinking, Hinduism and other Asian views of life appear strange. That’s because we who live in the Western world have a religious and cultural heritage much different from that of the people of the East. Things developed much more

  • 5. New Age Movement

    Contributed on Jul 28, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    The New Age movement is huge pull on the world today, but it is nothing new at all. This is a study of its misleadings and contradiction to the Bible.

    New Age Movement The Serpent’s Old Lie in an Updated Package Intro Among the myriad of new religions and cults today, nothing is more far-reaching or hard to define than the New Age Movement (NAM). Russell Chandler, a former writer for the Los Angeles Times, observed that “New Age is not a more

  • 6. Buddhism

    Contributed on Jul 30, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The comparison of Buddhism and Christianity.

    Buddhism You Yourself Must Make the Effort Intro Unlike the Hindu religion, Buddhism can point to an individual founder and can look back to a date for its beginnings. Sidhartha Gautama was born a Hindu about 560 B.C., near the border of India in what is now Nepal. Tradition says that when more

  • 7. Scientology

    Contributed on Aug 4, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    A look at the false teachings of Scientology

    Scientology Intro The most popular cult today, which has been brought to the fore front by Hollywood celebrities is the “Church of Scientology.” Scientology claims to deal with the human spirit and its relationship to the universe and its Creator. It teaches that the fundamental laws of more