
Summary: Islam is the second-largest religion in the world after Christianity. It claims to be a monotheistic belief system that worships one god, Allah.

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The word ‘Islam’ means ‘submission’ or ‘surrender,’ as its followers are to surrender to Allah's will continuously. It is because the name ‘Allah’ translates as ‘god,' that many Christians who live in the Middle East incorrectly use the word “Allah” when referencing the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. However, it is important to note that the terms “God” or “Allah” actually mean different things when spoken by various people. The God of the Bible and the god of Islam have absolutely nothing in common, and Jews and Christians do not worship the god of Islam.

Muhammad bin Abdullah

In AD 570, a man named Muhammad bin Abdullah was born. He worked for a rich widow named Khadija and married her. In AD 610, he came to her and said, "The angel Gabriel has appeared unto me," and then he described it "with a silken scroll." He then told her, "The angel Gabriel came and holding the scroll said,' Read in the name of the Lord God who made man from a drop, read.'" At that moment, the religion of Islam was born in Mecca, which is in modern-day Saudi Arabia

Mohammad began telling his family and fellow polytheistic tribesmen who lived in Mecca about his experience and that he was called to become Allah's chosen messenger and proclaim the message of submission. Whoever obeyed the message became a Muslim (one who submits). After 12 years of preaching that message, he had only about 100 converts, who were mostly relatives. The Mecca tribesmen let him preach his message until AD 622 when they forced him to leave. He settled in Medina, and from there, he began to launch warring raids everywhere to proclaim his message.


According to the Hadith, lying is allowed to win converts:

- in battle, reconciliation, and to your spouse (Hadith #6303)

- if it makes peace between people (Sahih Bukhari, Book #49, Hadith #857)


According to the Qur’an:

- Allah is the best of l-makirina – the root word "maakir" means deception or guile (Surah 3:54).

- Lying/deceit is allowed (Surah 3:28), under compulsion (Surah 16:106), and to break a Treaty (Surah 9:3)

A Muslim cannot become friends with a Jew or a Christian (Surah 5:51), but they can ask Christians and Jews when they are in doubt (Surah 10:94) and speak nicely to people of the Book (Surah 29:46).

They can fight the people of the Book until they submit to Islam (Surah 9:29), and those who resist must be punished by death, crucifixion, or the cutting off of the hands and feet (Surah 5:33) because Allah loves those who fight in His cause in battle array as if they were a solid cemented structure (Surah 61:4; 2:190-193; 9:38-39) and are to "Fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)....." (Surah 9:5)


The central idea in Islam is ‘jihad,’ which means ‘struggle’ and refers to internal and external efforts to defend their faith. Jihad is regarded as a noble and holy endeavor to annihilate and destroy those who refuse to recite the Shahada.

Mohammad came up with a new strategy to gain converts and told his followers to fight non-Muslims until they recited the Shahada, which became Islam's first pillar of faith. To live, all a person has to do is say, "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah," and if they did not, "then their blood (lives) and possessions are denied” them. Those who have yet to recite the Shahada are considered infidels.

In the Qur'an, Allah demands war against unbelievers, especially against Jews and Christians (Surah 2:216; 5:34; 9:5, 29, 73, 47:4; 123-124, 191). Many passages in the Qur'an exhort Muslims to hate or kill or terrorize infidels (non-Muslims) wherever they find them (See Sura 2:190-193, 2:216, 2:244, 3:56, 3:142, 3:151, 4:56, 4:74 (beheading), 4:76, 4:84, 4:89, 4:91, 4:95, 4:104, 5:51, 5:32-38, 7:96-99, 8:12-15 (beheading), 8:39, 8:57-60, 8:65-67, 9:5, 9:14, 9:20-30, 9:38-41, 9:73, 9:88, 9:111, 9:123, 17:16, 18:65-81, 21:44, 22:18-22, 25:52, 33:60-62, 47:3-4 (beheading), 47:35, 48:16-17, 48:29, 61:4, and 66:8-12.

English translators of the Qur'an have tried to soften the true Arabic meaning of some of the passages. For example, the word "fight" actually means to kill in Arabic. Many believe that Islam remains the greatest threat to the world today.

Muhammad said to those willing to "battle in the path of Allah," that they are guaranteed the spoils of war, plunder, and slaves (including concubines). If they die during Jihad, their rewards will be even greater, including being forgiven of any sin committed in their life and guaranteed entry into Paradise (aka Heaven), as well as 72 "Houris" who are supernatural, sultry, and voluptuous celestial virgin women that Allah created for the express purpose of the sexual gratification of his warriors throughout all of eternity, and would miraculously return to being a virgin after each sexual encounter (See Surah 78:31).

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