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  • Heaviness As A Choice...

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Aug 9, 2023

    We are in a constant battle with depression and a spirit of heaviness. Learn to thrive in the seasons of testing.

    HEAVINESS AS A CHOICE… FACING THE STRONG MEN… By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (YouTube: Wade Hughes) We must acknowledge there is a clinical medical reason for extreme heaviness. Our discussion here will not address this problem. Matthew 12:29 Or else how can one enter more

  • Peace Of God--The God Of Peace Himself Series

    Contributed by Rob Watts on Mar 19, 2024

    Rejoice in the Lord Always...Why?

    • Philippians 4:4-7 o Always be joyful in the Lord! I’ll say it again: be joyful! o Let everyone know how considerate you are. The Lord is near. o Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks. o Then God’s peace, which more

  • Strength Of The Weak Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Nov 15, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    This is the 4th Sermon in the Series from the Book of Judges, "Spiritual Decay".

    Series: Spiritual Decay [#4] STRENGTH OF THE WEAK Judges 6:1-32 Introduction: My health has been a real challenge lately. I feel physically weak, which makes me feel emotionally weak, which makes me feel spiritually weak. The great news is- When I am weak, God is made strong in me. We serve a more

  • A Letter About Forgiveness- Finish Strong Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jun 18, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 154th sermon in the series Action". This is the 3rd sermon from Philemon.

    Series: Action [#154] A LETTER ABOUT FORGIVENESS- FINISH STRONG Philemon 1:17-25 Introduction: I saw a video with a Little League Baseball Coach talking to his team and I loved what he had to say. He said, “We are winners. We are going to practice hard and play hard because we want to win. If more

  • How To Develop A Strong Prayer Habit

    Contributed by Tom Feola on Oct 24, 2012

    How to develop a strong Prayer Habit is a teaching on making prayer a priority in our lives.

    How to develop a strong Prayer Habit There seems to be two kinds of Christians when it comes to prayer. 1st. Those who love list and formula's to prayer. I am finding out that we don't need more heavy loads but we need to bring our loads to Jesus. Matthew 11:28-30 (NKJV) 28 “Come to more

  • 2 Timothy 3 And 4 (Nasb)

    Contributed by Steven W. Satterfield on Jan 15, 2021

    Be strong

    2 Timothy 3: 1 But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. 2 For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of more

  • Be Strong And Courageous! Your God Comes!

    Contributed by Christopher Goelzer on Jan 21, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    Encourage and empower believers to be strong because God has given them life and a highway to heaven.

    NIV Isaiah 35:1 The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, 2 it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of the more

  • Be Strong - Obey! - Ephesians Pt 5 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on May 1, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    The Body of Christ is to be strong in the Lord and to obey God so that they may enjoy a long life on the earth.

    Be Strong – Obey! Thesis: The Body of Christ is to be strong in the Lord and to obey God and those in authority so that they may enjoy a long life on the earth. On the lighter side: There is a story about a student at Cambridge University who entered the classroom on exam day and asked the more

  • Be Strong & Courageous (Joshua 1)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Feb 2, 2025

    Do God's words to Joshua also apply to us? Let's begin in Joshua 1.

    Do the words, “be strong and of good courage” epitomize Joshua? Do they also encourage us? Does God's promise to Joshua, “I will not fail you, nor forsake you,” also apply in principle to us? Let’s look at Joshua 1. After the death of Moses, what did God speak to Joshua about? Now after the more

  • Building A Strong Family Through Sacrifice Series

    Contributed by Rakesh Sharma on Nov 23, 2024

    In a world focused on self-interest, building strong families requires a return to Christ-like sacrifice. This sermon explores how prioritizing time, comfort, and humility can strengthen family bonds and reflect God's love in our homes.

    Title: Building a Strong Family Through Sacrifice Theme: Family, Sacrificial Love, Christian Living Key Scripture: Ephesians 5:25-33 Introduction: The Lost Art of Sacrifice When I was young, vendors exchanged goods for essentials—bartering was common. Life revolved around community, sharing, and more

  • Be Strong In The Lord And In His Mighty Power Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 67 ratings

    never take for granted the victory over sin that Christ has won for us. Never underestimate the devil. He’ll oppose us at every opportunity. Never give up in the fight against sin and evil. But always remember the power of God and the armour with which he

    We come today to the end of our series of sermons on the book of Ephesians. One of the things I hope you’ve noticed as we’ve gone through this book is the breadth of Paul’s horizons. He began by pointing us back to before the beginning of time, when God established his plan to create a single new more

  • The Holy Spirit Is The Strong, Silent Type Series

    Contributed by Peter Schmidt on Apr 4, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    On Pentecost Sunday, we learn that the Holy Spirit is the Strong, Silent Type. He is sent by Jesus and God the Father, he is sent here to teach us, and he is sent to proclaim the Lord’s peace.

    Pentecost Sunday John 14:25-27 One of the summer jobs that I had as I was going to school was being a stadium usher at the Metrodome in Minneapolis, MN. I’d work some concerts, and at the end of the summer I might work a preseason football game or two, but for the most part I was there during more

  • When We Are Weak We Are Strong

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on Apr 19, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    God’s remedy for toward weak members in the body and weakness in the individual.

    When We Are Weak We Are Strong I Cor. 12:22, 23 & II Cor. 12:9, 10 INTRO.: Optometrists have always told me my right eye is considerably weaker than my left. It wouldn’t be so bad, except my right eye, they say, is my "dominant" eye. I don’t understand but maybe it has something to do with being more

  • What Strong Families Have In Common Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on May 12, 2004
    based on 153 ratings

    Is Your Family a Fortress or a Facade? Strong families have these 5 things in common... [COMMITMENT, COMMUNICATION, COMMUNION, COPING SKILLS, CONSECRATION]

    Is Your Family a Fortress or a Façade? Josh. 24:15 Powerpoint for this and hundreds more free sermons at our website: Here’s some things strong families have in common: 1. Strong sense of commitment Seems obvious, right? But over the last decade, I’ve more

  • Strong Men (And Women Too)

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jan 31, 2004
    based on 79 ratings

    For Black History Month; using the poetry of Sterling A. Brown, "Strong Men", to illuminate the African-American experience and to connect with Paul’s analysis of the source of strength.

    Bill Cosby has a routine about little old ladies who stand around looking cool. He says that if you mess with one of these harmless-looking, gray-haired little old ladies, don’t imagine that you can take them on and win. Says Cosby, you ought never to mess with a little old lady standing around more

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