Sermon Series
  • 1. Nature Of Prayer Lesson 1

    Contributed on Jan 21, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Prayer is relationship. Essence of Christianity is our relationship with God. Prayer was a defining necessity of Jesus. He prayed at all times, in all places, with all methods, about all topics, for all reasons.

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. Prayer is commanded, “Men ought always to pray, and not to faint” (Luke 18:1). 2. Jesus’ example of prayer. “Christ . . . is your example, you must follow in His steps” (1 Peter 2:21, NLT). 3. Disciples wanted to learn prayer from Him. “Once Jesus was in a certain place more

  • 2. The Principles Of Prayer Lesson 2

    Contributed on Jan 21, 2019

    “Methods are many, principles are few, methods may change, but prayer principles never do.”

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. The nature of prayer tells what it is (description), the principles of prayer guides in prayer (description). 2. The guards answered. “No man ever spoke like this Man!” (John 7:46). We could say, “No man ever prayed like Jesus prayed.” 3. Principles are rules. “Methods are more

  • 3. Jesus' Practice Of Prayer Lesson 3

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2019

    Your prayer methods don’t get answers, your heart passion does. Your rules don’t get answers, your heart attitude does.

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. With Jesus in the school of prayer. First, learn the nature of prayer (what it is); second, learn prayer principles, the rule to guide you. Third, practice Jesus’ method of prayer. 2. Your prayer methods don’t get answers, your heart passion does. Your rules don’t get more

  • 4. Asking According To Jesus' Direction Lesson 4

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2019

    Prayer acknowledges our limitations to help ourselves.

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. Prayer acknowledges our limitations to help ourselves. 2. Our many needs motivate us to pray. 3. We don’t need to be told to pray, Jesus directed us to proper prayer by His example and directions. 4. The Greek word used of Jesus’ prayer is proseuchomai (pros toward, more

  • 5. Following Jesus' Pattern In The Lord's Prayer Lesson 5

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2019

    Jesus is equal with the Father and Holy Spirit in nature, separated in person, and submissive in duties.

    A. THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). 1. The greatest verse: For God The greatest Being So more

  • 6. Jesus' High Priestly Prayers The Night Before The Cross Lesson 6

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2019

    b. Gethsemane, Jesus prays out of suffering and agony. Jesus prays out of suffering and agony. Gethsemane shows exhaustion and weakness as He surrenders to the Father’s will.

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. Two different prayers. a. John 17, Jesus prays out of His strength. b. Gethsemane, Jesus prays out of suffering and agony. 2. John 17 has a triumphant theme; Gethsemane shows exhaustion and weakness as He surrenders to the Father’s will. 3. First prayer not in Upper Room more

  • 7. Praying From The Cross Lesson 7

    Contributed on Feb 6, 2019

    Seven sayings from the cross.

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. The seven sayings from the cross. a. “Father forgive.” A forgiveness prayer to connect people to God. b. “With Me in paradise.” A prayer of salvation. c. “Woman, behold your son.” A prayer of relationship d. “My God, why have you forsaken me?” A prayer of deliverance. e. “I more

  • 8. Beautiful Scars Lesson 8

    Contributed on Feb 6, 2019

    Scars remind us of healing and wholeness

    A. BEAUTIFUL SCARS “He was wounded for our transgressions” (Is. 53:5). “He showed them His wounds on His hands and His side” (John 20:20, NLT). “What are those wounds in thine hands” (Zech. 13:6, KJV). 1. Our scars remind us of our pain, agony, etc. We try to hide them with clothing, cosmetics, more