
Summary: This is the 154th sermon in the series Action". This is the 3rd sermon from Philemon.

Series: Action [#154]


Philemon 1:17-25


I saw a video with a Little League Baseball Coach talking to his team and I loved what he had to say. He said, “We are winners. We are going to practice hard and play hard because we want to win. If your dad is 1 of those people that say it doesn’t matter if you win, just have fun- Your dad is a loser”. I love this because we are to live our lives to win. We are told by God to run the race of life to win.

From this short letter written by Paul to Philemon; we have seen that we can be different. As Christians, we are called to be different than the world we live in. On this Father’s Day, I want to ask you an interesting question: “When you die, what do you want said about you at your funeral? How do you want to be remembered?”

Maybe on this day, the story of your life wouldn’t sound too good; but remember that it’s not all about how you start the race, but how you finish. Maybe you haven’t been doing so well; but you can change that.

Paul wrote this letter to Philemon about how he should deal with Onesimus. Onesimus was Philemon’s slave who had run away. While Onesimus was trying to start a new life, he had encountered Paul who showed him where true freedom could be found- Through Jesus Christ. This letter is not just about a changed man; but is also a letter about a changed history. Your past does not have to define your future.

Philemon 1:17-21

How do you finish strong?

You finish strong by…

1. Giving others a chance to change.

Paul knew that Onesimus had changed, but that was going to be up to Philemon whether he chose to believe it or not. How many times has someone changed and you have said, “People never change. I don’t believe it.” How we look at others and how we treat them does affect us. When we realize that people can change, then we can change also. It’s interesting to me how Church people will testify about how God has changed them but then treat someone else like they are a liar when they testify about how God has changed them.

Philemon 1:17-19

We finish strong by…

2. Taking a risk on others.

Paul is telling Philemon to take a risk on Onesimus and if it doesn’t work out; that Paul will pay. We must learn to be willing to pay the price for others.

Philemon 1:22-25

We finish strong by…

3. Focusing on the finish line.

We can never forget the purpose of our Christian walk. It’s not about us, it’s about Jesus; and if we live our lives like Him, others’ lives will be changed.


1 Corinthians 9:24-27

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