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  • Faith That Works Series

    Contributed by Brett Adams on Oct 10, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Sorting through the idea of faith versus works

    WWJBD Part 2 – “Faith That Works” James 2:14-26 I could tell you countless stories of growing up with 2 brothers. But the one that sticks out in my mind as most traumatic was the time we were living in a small rental house while my dad was building the house they live in now. I had just gotten more

  • The God Of Comfort Series

    Contributed by Paul Wallace on Sep 4, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    God offers comfort in all of our troubles not just at funerals.

    The God of Comfort 2 Corinthians 1:3-6 Isaiah 40:1-3 As I listened to Dr Ron Hawkins on the Counseling Ministry DVD’s he said his dad who was a pastor told him after he had retired, “If I had it to do over I would preach more messages of comfort. People have so much pain in their lives.” more

  • Faith Should Be Spelled R-I-S-K

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Jul 29, 2015
    based on 46 ratings

    For the Christian, Faith is not spelled "F-A-I-T-H" it is spelled "R-I-S-K." If something is not a risk, then it really does not require Faith. Updated March 2021.

    A single traveler... had hiked for many miles ... across the desert ... His water supply was gone, ...and he knew .... if he did not find water soon... he would surely die. In the distance ... he saw what looked like... an abandoned cabin, ....and when he arrived......he discovered an old rusty more

  • Hear With Your Heart Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Jun 17, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    "Can you hear me now?" is a much asked question. God wants us to listen not just for the facts or simply to know He’s talking. He desires for us to listen with understanding. This message calls us to listen with our hearts.

    The Unveiling Hear With Your Heart Revelation 1:4-8 * (TEXT) One of the funniest & truest of all slogans is the Verizon ad which says, “Can you hear me now?” Obviously, the issue is cell phone connectivity for millions. When WE PAY FOR A CELL PHONE, WE WANT TO MAKE SURE that we can be heard. * more

  • Through All Generations Series

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Dec 5, 2022

    Based on Matt. 1:1-17 - Sermon encourages hearers to know that God has always been with us, is with us now, & will be with us in all generations to come.

    “…THROUGH ALL GENERATIONS” Matt. 1:1-17 FBCF – 12/4/22 Jon Daniels INTRO – K & K missionary video – Only way they can stay where they are & do what they are doing is b/c they KNOW that God is w/ them! And that’s the subject of this sermon series for the next month: “GOD IS WITH more

  • Follow The Leader Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jan 19, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    In selecting additional shepherds (elders) for our congregation, we need to be aware of the way in which the Lord leads his people. Psalm 23 gives us insight into the compassionate leadership of Jesus.

    1. Knowing the Shepherd A famous actor was once the guest of honor at a social gathering where he received many requests to recite favorite excerpts from various literary works. An old preacher who happened to be there asked the actor to recite the twenty-third Psalm. The actor agreed on the more

  • Psalm 23 Part Iv "He Restores My Soul" Series

    Contributed by Brad Henry on Aug 4, 2011

    We all desire rest for our souls but we always try to find that rest in the wrong place.

    Psalm 23:3 “he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” Everyone in this world has a soul but not everyone has the Holy Spirit of God living inside of them. Restore - to bring back to a state of health, soundness, or vigor. more

  • Who’s Got The Power?

    Contributed by Dr. David Hallum on Jul 10, 2017

    God has the power to save us from the guttermost to the uttermost!

    Introduction: The light switch in the main bathroom in our house has been sketchy and in need of replacement for some time. Last Friday night it finally gave up the ghost. Do you think it broke in the “on” position or the “off” position? Of course it broke in the off position. If you drop more

  • Surely This Was The Son Of God (Whose Line Is It?) Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 27, 2003
    based on 114 ratings

    Something happened the day Jesus was crucified that turned a callous Roman Centurion into a worshipper at the cross. It was something he "saw" and something he "heard." But what?

    OPEN: Years ago when I was in Bible college, a movie premiered in the movie theatres that some friends of mine and I wanted to attend. What struck me as I watched, were the powerful images of Christianity in the movie. The movie? It was called "The Poseidon Adventure." How many of you have seen more

  • This Jesus Light Of Mine Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Mar 8, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    What did Jesus mean when he declared "I am the light of the world?"

    Back in the Old Testament, we read that the Israelites had been in Egypt for 400 years, much of that time as slaves. Finally, when the time was right, God sent Moses to lead the people out of their slavery… into freedom. And for the next 40 years, the Israelites wandered in the desert, being led more

  • Tweets From God (Part 5: Jude) Series

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Aug 29, 2021

    If God had a Twitter account, what would he tweet? The Bible contains five short, one-chapter books. In the last one, Jude, God speaks to us about defending, developing, and distributing our faith.

    Tweets from God: Jude Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 6/12/2016 A few weeks ago I began a series I’m calling Tweets from God. What we’re doing is going through the five shortest books of the Bible. Each of these books is a single chapter and can be read in less than three more

  • Christmas: Gifts Of The Magi (Frankincense) Series

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Feb 29, 2024

    In Matthew 2, the wise men bring the newborn Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Share the meaning and significance of these precious gifts with your congregation this Christmas! Part two: Frankincense.

    The Gifts of the Magi (Frankincense) Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 12/17/2017 If you’re just joining us, we’re using the three Sundays leading up to Christmas to talk about Christmas presents. No, we’re not taking turns reading our Christmas wish-lists. Rather, we’re taking more

  • Avoiding The Worship Of Fools Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jul 26, 2015
    based on 16 ratings

    Solomon warns us not to "offer the sacrifice of fools who do not know they do wrong? How and why would fools worship wrong to begin with? And how do I avoid that trap in my own life?

    OPEN: A Missouri couple decided to build a luxury home in Florida. But they accidentally constructed a $650,000 house on the lot next door to the one they owned… on property land belonging to someone else. The initial survey of the property was wrong. In a similar story, a Rhode Island more

  • Walk The Talk Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Sep 4, 2011
    based on 9 ratings

    Christianity is fact, not fiction.

    Walk the Talk 1 John 1:1-4 Rev. Brian Bill 9/4/11 We’ve had this scale in our bathroom for as long I can remember. You can tell it looks old but what you don’t know is that the readings aren’t very reliable. No really, they’re not. Sometimes when I step on it I feel extremely svelte and other more

  • To Whom Will You Liken God? Series

    Contributed by Reuben Bredenhof on Jul 11, 2022

    To whom shall the LORD be compared? Who is his equal? There really is none like him! When we really see that truth, and we accept it, then we’ll be comforted in all our trouble, our sin and brokenness.

    There’s a lot of power in a good question. Because sometimes a question is so pointed that it leaves no possible answer but absolute truth—there’s no wiggle room, there can be no hesitation, just plain truth. In the Bible there’s lots of questions like this. Think of the powerful questions in more

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