Brett's church

Covington Christian Church
Covington, Georgia 30014

About Brett
  • Education: Johnson Bible College 1992-1996
  • Experience: 1 Year as a Preaching Associate 5 Years as Lead Minister
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Know that I don’t take myself too seriously and most Friday’s ask God "what makes you think I am the guy for this?"
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Anything that Jon Courson has taught
  • One of my favorite illustrations: I remember several years ago when Montgomery was like 6 and Emerson was 4, Emo came into the bedroom and flipped his mom off. Yea, that’s right! He walked in and stuck up his middle finger. After his mom sent him to his room to await punishment, she told me what had happened and as we were discussing punishment, Montgomery came in and told us that he had taught Emerson how to flip the bird. We asked him if he knew what it meant and he said no. I told him that Emerson was in trouble for it and he said “Dad, can I take Emerson’s spanking for him?” Substitutionary Atonement.
  • Family: Wife (Nikki 13 years) Children (Montgomery 10, Emerson 8, Briley 6)
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: She says I am clear - no guesswork needed.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Be who you are - copy no one except maybe Jesus.
  • Books that have had an impact: Ragamuffin Gospel
  • Hobbies: Reading, Running and Music
  • What I want on my tombstone: He never reached his potential....but you can.
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Newest Sermons

  • Do What?

    Contributed on Oct 10, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    A look at Confessing our Sins to One Another

    WWJBD Part 5 – Do What? James 5:16 [Skit – Silent Friends] James 5:16 says, “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.” GULP. Do what? I don’t know about you but there are times I find it a bit intimidating to confess my more

  • Friend Of God

    Contributed on Oct 10, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    God doesn’t want you to enjoy the things of the world...but the things of God in the world.

    WWJBD Part 4 – Friend of God James 4:1-10 I left my truck at Andy’s house while I was in Chicago week before last. I came home and on Sunday night Nikki and I ran over to get it. I was going to take it home, but she convinced me to bring it over here to the parking lot and set it out more

  • Bite Your Tongue

    Contributed on Oct 10, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    The realities of the significance of your words

    WWJBD? Part 3 – “Bite Your Tongue” James 3:1-12 It’s hard to put toothpaste back into the tube isn’t it? As I read through James chapter 3 over and over this last week looking and listening for where we were supposed to camp today, I really felt after several passes that God made it clear more

  • Faith That Works

    Contributed on Oct 10, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Sorting through the idea of faith versus works

    WWJBD Part 2 – “Faith That Works” James 2:14-26 I could tell you countless stories of growing up with 2 brothers. But the one that sticks out in my mind as most traumatic was the time we were living in a small rental house while my dad was building the house they live in now. I had just more

  • How To Get Wisdom

    Contributed on Oct 10, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    Wisdom is practical application of knowledge...and this is how God gives it to us.

    WWJBD? Part 1 How To Get Wisdom James 1:5-8 We all lived through the era of WWJD. What Would Jesus Do was imprinted on just about everything that can possibly hold a print. I refuse to be negative about it. It seems I’m in the minority with that as I searched WWJD on Google this week, 98% more

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